Poor Classroom Management Leads to Poor Academic Performance - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-31
Poor Classroom Management Leads to Poor Academic Performance - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Education
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1581 words
14 min read


Active learning cannot take place in a classroom if the teacher manages the class poorly. Managing the classroom is one of the most crucial responsibilities of a teacher (Carolyn et al. 2006). If the class management is weak, the students will perform poorly academically. Recent research shows that students in a classroom that is appropriately managed score about 52 percentage points in an academic year while those students from a classroom managed poorly score about 14 percentage points in their academic year. An effective teacher deploys various roles that can be categorized into three main functions (Marzano et al., 2001).

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The first role is choosing the best way of giving sufficient instructions to the students. It ensures that students get directions quickly and can expound them without any struggle. The second role is organizing the curriculum in such a way that it focuses on student learning. It is to facilitate the learning process making it easier to deliver content more understandably and will help the teacher finish the syllabus in time. The third and last category is deploying class management skills effectively. It facilitates concentration from the students' side and making a conducive environment for teaching and learning.

There are several techniques for effective management of the classroom. The first one is how the classroom arrangement. A good classroom manager ensures that the students sit in a manner that the teacher can easily see each student. Make sure that the materials in the class are readily available and accessible by ensuring the students' desks are well-positioned facing the teaching area and making sure that each student can see the entire class displays from their desks. The second classroom management technique is room floor space. The table and desk position should take into account small-group discussion areas and computer workstations. Classroom management should also consider access to the classroom library to ensure the availability of study materials.

Another proper classroom management technique is the storage volume and supplies. As an excellent classroom manager, it makes sure that the textbooks, trade books, classwork, portfolio files, teachers' staff, classroom property, student belongings, and staff are well organized, inadequate space to avoid being congested in one area. A teacher who deploys all this is an excellent classroom manager and the students score high because of active learning.

The leading issue in a class isn’t indiscipline, but it does not have procedures and routines. Systems and habits dictate how things occur. Teachers make teaching guidelines and rules to make the class understand the doing of activities in their classrooms happen. The teacher deploys the established procedures and routines to ensure that the students adapt to them and perform them regularly. A teacher explains models and demonstrates these routines for the student during the first few weeks of opening schools and ensures the students practice throughout the year (Wong et al. 1998).

If the teacher does not have routines and procedures, the classroom will be a mess. Students won't know what they are going to learn and follow the instructions practically. The teacher will not know when to teach specific topics, how to teach them, how to illustrate, or how to associate with the students. The procedures are made in advance by the teacher, wand they familiarize themselves with them before putting them into practice by the students. The procedures and routines established should go hand in hand with the school and district policies and guidelines.

There are various tools, resources, and strategies that I was a new teacher can I can employ immediately in managing a classroom. First, I will be using praises and will educate my students on the power of complimenting each other. Giving praise and congratulating students motivates them to continue doing the right things they are doing. Awarding points during group discussions can motivate other students also to make an effort. Secondly, I will employ the teaching of the big five. The big five strategies are rules, routines, praises, misbehavior, and engagement. These five strategies will ensure my students pay attention, participate, and pay attention in my class. It will, in turn, make them yield higher scores in the exam.

Thirdly, I will use the critical experience to target specific areas of the classroom. It will help me observe the students throughout the lesson and make me judge if they have understood what I have taught. I will also make instructions and feedback based on rules, routines, praises, misbehavior, and engagement. It will make sure that I don't give my students a test on what they have not learned. Lastly, I will think strategically about when and how to teach classroom management. I plan a logical sequence for teaching classroom management. This teaching may be in a single course or tackle multiple sessions.

In the process of effective classroom management, I will employ five online management strategies. First, my focus will be on engaging the students. My main aim should be not to make the students get bored. Sitting daily to watch hours of lecture videos can be very tiresome, and some students may not show up for the next session. I will ensure I only engage them for a few minutes, give them instructions, and release them. My second strategy will be based o immediate communication. I will not dominate the entire session; I will provide guidance and give time for discussions. I will give the students the personal connection they need. Thirdly, I will embrace student ownership. I will let them set their routines and have them evaluate their progress in the online learning sessions.

My fourth online management strategy will be engaging my students in the making of rules. I will let them contribute to standards like what they want to wear during our online sessions. It will make them follow the rules passionately since I involved them in the making. The fifth and last strategy will be to begin at a low pace. I will keep the first two weeks of online learning, fun, and brief. It is because it is hard for the students to shift from classroom learning to online writing. It will ensure a smooth transition.

Analysis and Synthesis

These PDFs outline the premise of classroom management, apply the premise in giving new teachers skills and techniques on their first teaching and what they should do to enhance good education. These PDFs provide the teachers with skills to enhance effective teaching, make them understand classroom arrangement, and equip them with online management strategies. According to the PDF, to ensure effective teaching, the teachers and school must provide tools, resources, and strategies that align with the teaching objective. Also, teachers must be the leaders in the classroom to avoid and manage issues of indiscipline as well as affect procedures and guidelines of classroom behavior.

In that regard, the content in PDFs has ensured that students also know what is expected of them inside the classroom. They give guidelines and make sure that the teacher has what it takes to be a good teacher, as stated it the C.R part 154, and offers extensive guidance for effective teaching.

Internal and External Criteria

Since we have already identified this book's thesis, it is fair to say that these PDFs have given clear guidelines and techniques to new teachers. They have given new teachers instructions on how the classroom should be arranged, where the instructional area should be, and how the students' desks and tables should be arranged.

I believe if a new teacher takes the skills of effective management of a classroom, expounds them, understands them, and puts them into action, the students will love them. When it comes to students' concentration in class, and when it comes to scores, they won't have any problem. The skills here ensure that a teacher has what it takes to be a good teacher and effective in content delivery. The online management skills outlined in these PDFs ensure a smooth transition and adaptation from a classroom environment to an online learning environment. My point of view is that they have made me understand that the leading issue in a class isn’t indiscipline, but it does not have guidelines and rules which should be made to abide by the schools and district policy.


Overall, all the skills and techniques outlined in these PDFs equips new teachers with necessary and crucial skills they should have to manage a classroom effectively. When put to practice, active learning will take place, and the teacher won't have any problem with the students making the content being taught easily understood and boast the scores of the students.


A 4-Part System for Getting to Know Your Students. (2017, July 23). Retrieved from https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/relationship-building/

Carolyn, M. Evertson. Edmund, T., Murray, E. Worsham., (2006). Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers. Pearson Education, Boston.

Commissioner’s Regulation part 154 [PDF file]. Retrieved June 18,2020, from https://www.uft.org/files/attachments/ell-powerpoint-2015.pdf

Online Classroom Management: Five Tips for Teachers in Transition. (2020, June 13). Retrieved June 21, 2020, from https://roomtodiscover.com/online-classroom-management/

Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J.& Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria.

MiddleWeb. (2020). A New Teacher's Big List of All the Little Things. Retrieved from https://www.middleweb.com/31341/a-new-teachers-big-list-of-all-the-little-things/

Says, L., & Says, A. (2020). Helping students give effective compliments. Retrieved June 21, 2020, from https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/helping-students-give-effective-compliments/

Wong, H. &Wong, R. (1998). How to be an effective teacher: The first days of school. Harry K. Wong publishers. Mountain View, CA.

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