Post Stress Traumatic Disorder and Chronic Illnesses Management Program - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-27
Post Stress Traumatic Disorder and Chronic Illnesses Management Program - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Post traumatic stress disorder Disorder
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 749 words
7 min read


The H.R.6074 - Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, which was earlier this year, provides emergency funding - $8.3 billion-for government agencies respond to the COVID-19 pandemic (Congress.Gov, 2020). This initiative by the federal government will thus ensure funding and resources allocated for PSTD and Diabetes management are not shifted to COVID-19 cases.

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PSTD program is part of the VA North Health Care that was integrated to the Dallas North Texas Health care center chronic management programs under the federal mental health initiative under "Position State 14 policy." (Mental Health America, 2016). The program was introduced in Dallas and North Texas Health care to provide extended mental health care services to the Dallas population and reduce the congestion that was being experienced at the VA North Health Care. Before the program, the VA North Health Care facility's busy schedule, it has become challenging to follow- up to the due process of recovery from the time of diagnosis primarily because of the enormous numbers streaming to the hospital every day. The facility has recently been reporting discontinued programs, programs that are over-crowded, undedicated professionals, eligibility criteria that is very complicated, as well as high turnovers by the departmental staff, which have greatly affected PTSD management programs in the facility.

The outcome expected from this initiative in provision of both clinical and rehabilitative support to the Dallas community are:

  • Provide improved care by bringing counseling and rehabilitation opportunities to the military communities - veterans and their families, the active in duty, national guards, through peer mentoring and counseling at individual and group levels, especially during this pandemic period.
  • Reduce hospital readmissions for veterans with severe mental disorders by Provide supportive means in the treatment and rehabilitation of PTS and PTSD.

Increase public awareness of PTS and PTSD.

The diabetes management program is part of the VA North Health Care that was integrated into the Dallas North Texas Health care center chronic management programs American population (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Unfortunately, the increasing cases of stress, depression, and unhealthy lifestyles during this COVID-19 pandemic period have resulted in increased cases of diabetes. Moreover, associated studies proving that people with diabetes are at a greater risk of dying from COVID-19 infections. The high cost of medical services and limited knowledge on signs and symptoms of diabetes has significantly contributed to the increased risk of diabetes. This program was thus integrated as a federal directive measure to curb the increasing medical threat and to educate the population.

The outcome expected from this initiative in provision of both clinical and rehabilitative support to the Dallas community are:

  • Provide improved care to patients with diabetes.
  • Reduce hospital readmissions
  • Reduce mortality rates resulting from diabetes
  • Increase public literacy on diabetes.

The current resources allocated to both programs are sufficient to implement and smoothly operate all required operations and technical services required to achieve the outcomes mentioned above(Hodges & Videto, 2010). However, there is still a great need for the center to invest in certified and more qualified skills, especially during this pandemic period, as it is focusing on COVID-19 cases and somewhat neglecting or instead of giving little attention to chronic patients.

For both programs, the various stakeholders, including the organization management, nursing, and federal policy agents, play a critical role in the successful implementation, allocation, and distribution of the necessary resources (Hodges & Videto, 2010). Healthcare providers, especially the nursing and physicians' role, contribute to the in-depth assessment of the care planning and provide direct services to the patients. Their involvement and services are not only vital to successfully achieving the outcomes but also in determine the inputs and resources required in implementing the programs. The management and the federal agencies also play a critical role in policy formulation, implementation, compliance, and assessment, as well as make necessary amendments to facilitate the effectiveness and efficiency of the programs.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, July 18). Press Release. Retrieved from CDC Newsroom: Implementing a Diabetic public health program

Congress.Gov. (2020, June 03). H.R.6074 - Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020. Congress.Gov:"search"%3A%5B"H.R.6074+-+Coronavirus+Preparedness+and+Response+Supplemental+Appropriations+Act%2C+2020"%5D%7D&s=8&r=1

Hodges,B.C., Videto, D.M. (2010). Assessment and planning in health programs. Sudbury, MA. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Mental Health America. (2016, September 9). Position Statement 14: The Federal Government's Responsibilities For Mental Health Services. Mental Health America:

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Post Stress Traumatic Disorder and Chronic Illnesses Management Program - Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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