Free Essay: PR in Apple's iPhone 5s Advertisement

Published: 2022-07-28
Free Essay: PR in Apple's iPhone 5s Advertisement
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising Public relations
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1823 words
16 min read

PR in Apple's iPhone 5s Advertisement

I identified a magazine advertisement for iPhone 5s which was the first of its kind for this specific phone. By looking at the advert shown in the figure below, a lot can be unveiled about Apple's PR strategies.

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To some extent, the advert by Apple also serves to enhance the company's public relations due to a number of reasons. One of these is the fact that just like the process of public relations of any company; the advertisement also is designed to raise awareness of Apple's new product positively. The raising of public awareness is in line with what is required for good public relations that the process succeeds in influencing the opinion of the public. Effective public relations also entail the communication of specific messages to a particular target group, something that the chosen advert does. Clearly, the advert is targeted at the customers of Apple products and specifically those with a specific interest in iPhone 5s. In the advert; the company tries to demonstrate why iPhone 5 s is a unique product by informing the customers about the additional security features that come with the new product (Golson, 2013). By running the advert on a magazine, the message reaches to a wide range of target audiences from both the PR and marketing section. These include the magazine's audience, stakeholders of the company as well as the targeted customers. Therefore, Apple's advert for iPhone 5s enhances the company's public relations by providing general information. This is one of the clever PR strategies used by Apple which enables the company take advantage of the growing power and influence of media.

This magazine advert can be found here:

Google Ethical Principles a PR Strategy (week 2)

I chose an article covering the set of ethical principles that Google decided to implement in the company's efforts to execute its business activities professionally and in an ethical manner. In the figure below, Google CEO, Sundar Pichai explains the steps that his company has decided to take to avoid criticism for its use of artificial intelligence technology (AI) (Sandoval, 2018). The ethical principles also serve as a PR strategy for Google since they serve to protect the company's reputation in the market. Obviously, an organization that conducts its activities in an ethical manner is highly likely to attract new and existing customers to its products and services. As such, by setting out to work within a given set of ethical principles, Google is able to increase its reputation something that ultimately promotes the company's public relations.

As explained by the CEO, Google released a set of rules that is believed to play a critical role in governing the company's application of AI. As highlighted in the article, Google came up with seven principles which include making sure that AI's use is done to applications that benefit the larger society while ensuring safety and fairness. This is a depiction that the company understands the need for acting with professionalism and providing fair practices that are true and of benefit to all concerned. The true definition of ethics is as expressed by the company's CEO whereby he insists that though AI technology has numerous benefits to businesses and consumers, it came to Google's realization that the technology will significantly impact the future generations and for this reason, the company's management felt a broad responsibility to get everything right. As such, all AI applications would be screened to ensure they are "socially beneficial, won't create unfair bias, are safe, accountable to people, incorporate design principles and consistent with scientific excellence" (Sandoval, 2018). The statements made by Google's CEO imply that professional codes of conduct such as serving the interests of all stakeholders should always be adhered to as a way of achieving professionalism in PR.

This article can be found here:

Nike's New Marketing Strategy Boosting Its PR

I looked at Nike's new marketing mojo which entails a change of approach to marketing from one that used a single-slogan to that which aligns with the digital era. By adopting a new slogan, the company demonstrated its commitment to catering to the demands of its customers. The figure below tries to demonstrate the said change into a more complex marketing strategy that also significantly enhances the company's PR by sharing more information with the customers which serves to promote brand awareness.

Information sharing and effective communication are crucial to successful PR for any company. In this regard, Nike adopted marketing strategies that increase the chances of communication due to their digital nature which plays a vital role in inspiring potential customers towards purchasing products from the given shoe maker. As highlighted in the article, Nike understands the fact that customer service is the front line of public relations. This is illustrated by the company's change of marketing techniques from the use of a star like Tiger Woods to endorse a product to now having the company communicate directly with its consumers (Cendrowski, 2012). Evidently, this proves that Nike is customer-focused, a vital attribute of effective public relations. As stated in the article, Nike allows the brand to interact even more closely with its consumers, which is in agreement with what is expected of excellent public relations. Through the sharing of information, public relations professionals get an opportunity to listen to customers in order to establish the areas that need some improvements.

This article can be found here:

PR research effectiveness in MTN's Bosco Advert

Theme: Analysis of the effect of PR research on the successful advertisement of Uganda's MTN money transfer services.

For the first weekly review, the MTN Uganda MoMo Pay was selected for this particular weekly review. MoMo Pay is a convenient money transfer service in the country of Uganda which enables its users to pay for their services in a faster and more convenient manner. The money transfer service uses this specific advertisement of this man Bosco who walks into the supermarket with his bicycle. He also sees the person in charge of taking payments without cash and is mesmerized by that event. He is then taught how to use the fast and effective payment service in times of emergency especially when he sits on his children's cake.

The advertisement boasts the best audience in Uganda due to the outstanding research that was carried out by the PR department. The company has invested in quantitative study as well as qualitative research. The research done involves music, art, the message, social status, emotion and performance all of which are part of qualitative research. Quantitative investigation is represented by the people and the language which suggests that the advert is mainly for the Ugandan population since the participants are the Ugandan people and the Luganda language. The art and music which is characterized by the color of the clothes of the participants and the singers which tell the story if the advert in song form. The message of using MoMo Pay as faster and easier is represented by Bosco as he plays the different situations where the service could come in handy. The emotion that Bosco shows as he gets to know how to use the money transfer facility represents the technological age in Uganda and is through PR research. Research has enabled the company to come up with the advert that will appeal to the people of Uganda which is an exceptional PR strategy (Theaker, 2017).

The advertisement was retrieved from: and role of PR department in the launch of the iPhone X (week 5).

Theme: the role played by the PR firms and the PR department in the advertising and selling of the iPhone X upon its launch and release.

Following the Apple Company's release of the iPhone X in November, the advertisement was set out to communicate on the new gadget. The Karbo Company was employed by Apple to assist with the marketing and public relations. The role played by the company in the respective PR activity was marketing communication which was done through mass and social media like the example in Figure 2 above. Executive speech training was done to the corresponding video bloggers on social media on the new specs of the device which created a buzz on the internet about the new device. Also, a scientific survey was carried out on iPhone users on the ones who preferred the new device and what they thought of the device (Theaker, 2017).

The company also carried out extensive research about the media, for instance, the current market in the US was highly conversant with the use of social media hence the company sought to create a YouTube channel where it subscribers could be informed on the launch and developments of the new device. Cases of faulty devices that were reported was then recalled by the same PR department for fixing like the chemically hazardous iPhone cases. This was a sign of good reputation by the company which built on the confidence of the customers during the call back hence boosting community relations.

The information was retrieved from: program planning in Google's Logo marketing strategy (week 6).

Google is one of the world's largest company that offers technology as well as cloud storage services together with emailing and social media platforms.

Theme: PR program planning is an effective tool for the success of any PR activity.

During this weekly review, Google's PR planning will be discussed in the article selected. Since the beginning of the year 2017, Google has set out to market itself through a more innovative PR strategy that was achieved through its careful planning. Google advertisements, as well as its logo which changes according to the user's search behavior, is part of Google's well-planned PR. The company has focused its algorithms to concentrate on influence, reputation, and trust. The company decided to involve the user in making breathtaking logos all over the world where the company asked its user to design the company's logo that incorporates different aspects and themes, for example, nature, animals and sometimes gadgets. During this procedure, the company got various designs from creative minds especially children and well-developed artists with a mixture of the theme colours.

The audience was able to communicate with the company during this exercise, and the company was able to display user-friendly logos on its websites and search engines that were in accordance to the customers laid out logos. The plan by Google to undertake this plan of involving the users in creating a user-friendly interface shows how the keywords and creativity that the company demanded was put into practice creatively. The logos created were so many, and each one design communicated a different language to the audience leading to market cover. Planning is essential to any venture that intend...

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