Creative Writing Example: Presidential Inaugural Speech

Published: 2019-06-10
Creative Writing Example: Presidential Inaugural Speech
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Writing Creative writing Political science
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 577 words
5 min read

To everyone who is present or may be watching this auspicious and ceremonial occasion, I welcome all of you. Today, I stand before you inspired by your commitments and honored by your trust. I am touched by your assurance and obligation since if it were not for you citizens; I would have not been here addressing people as the next president of United State of America. Once again thank you! Thank you!

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With respect and humility let me pay tributes and acknowledge my predecessors and great fathers of United States for having fought for democracy and created an environment that allows every individual to exercise their rights. Indeed, they fought for democracy and prosperity and that is why we are able to vote without any intimidations. Through their efforts, this country became a free country that does not classify people on racial background, culture, wealth status, and color. This is the journey we as the current generation has to continue.

Today you gather here to give me the power to guide the country through your assistance to the next level. As one the countries that is watched by every nation in the world, our core principal is to foster democracy, since through it, every voice of American citizen will be heard. And through that, we will ensure growth through your different ideologies.

My core responsibility is to guard United States of America; its citizens and property. In this regard, your security will be my first priority. I know we have had several issues of security that has been brought by terrorism for a long period. Through the power bestowed on, I will ensure that terrorists do not only have a niche in this country but also all over the world. Therefore, we will settle for a perpetual peace and unity through which democracy is adored rather than diluted.

Fellow citizens, it is also observable that in order to grow our economy, we have to work hard and create a good relationship and environment that will foster trade with other countries. My government is determined to create job opportunities where each citizen can get something to do. I will also foster economic growth through global competitive education where every American child does not only have to go to school but to get quality education that is imperative for the growth of this country.

It is not a lie that a sick country cannot have peace and grow economically. Therefore, my mandate as the president is to ensure that United States is one of the countries with the least mortality rate and highest life expectancy. This will be ensured through an extensive spread of health facilities in every region. Where money is needed to provide good health, we will give, where professionals are needed to take care of the sick, we have the best institutions in the world to provide such individuals. Therefore, as a government, good health is not a choice it is a demand and a mandate that we have to provide.

Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot finish everything that I need to say in this occasion. We have started today and I believe we shall continue since my office is opened to every citizen who has an idea of prosperity and growth. Let us move together through love, peace, and unity.

As we depart for various destinations, let God bless all of you. Thank you and God bless you. God bless United States of America.

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Creative Writing Example: Presidential Inaugural Speech. (2019, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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