US History Essay Sample: Focus Women in the American Revolution

Published: 2019-08-29
US History Essay Sample: Focus Women in the American Revolution
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Women American revolution
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 696 words
6 min read

The American Revolution is not truly revolutionary. Prove this is a major problem in American historical records. Abigail and John Adams Debate Women's Rights 1776 and Judith Sargent Murray Argue for the Equality of the Sexes 1790.

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Focus women in the American Revolution.

Both Judith Sargent Murray and Abigail Adams had the same vision for women to prosper and have rights during the American Revolution but their views were not just welcomed. Murray was more enlightened than any average woman at the time, thus felt her opinions more valuable through spreading political messages as her patriotic duty. She felt that the American culture needed a strong central government that would fight for equality of both genders especially the role of women in the society. Coming from a relatively exposed background especially to political issues and philosophies, more than most women in her era, this resulted to her spirited debate on matters of equality. Murray considered women rights crucial in establishing an American society worthy of a reasoned and enlightened people.

Abigails thoughts were also aligned in the same way as Murray. This is revealed through her letters to her husband John Adams when she requested him to remember the ladies when drafting new sets of laws during the liberation of America from Great Britain. By being more favorable to them, by not limiting their powers. She further goes ahead and explains that should the ladies continue being pressed down by the laid down laws, a rebellion would break out as a result of not having a voice or representation. She states that men are tyrannical by nature and should humble themselves and view women as friends and partners and not as their servants or slaves to serve men as masters. This is a clear indication that women were not satisfied with whatever was given to them and thus longed for a chance to partake in other roles that pertained their lives other than domestic cares.

John Adams response to Abigails letter wasnt all that positive as he viewed her requests as near impossible following complaints at the time of loosened bonds regarding disobedience from servants. He put into consideration that women are more in numbers and thus referred to them as another tribe that is discontented. Although he does not rule out the likelihood of change on the masculine systems.

Using religious philosophy, Murray drew inspiration from her liberal interpretation of the Bible to criticize the premise of male superiority. This led to her logical development of women intellectual equality from her religious and philosophical beliefs. Abigail Adams and Murray concurred that women were shortchanged in the education realm, they both blamed the larger society for denying formal educational opportunities to women focused on the injustices to women in such policies. Abigail sincerely wished for a more liberal plan for the benefit of the future generations through a new constitution. She wanted for women to be learned and enlightened through which there would rise a new group of heroines, statesmen, and philosophers.

Murray, on the other hand, questioned why women are viewed inferior to mens acumen, and yet society discriminates in the faculty of education or soul proceeds. She further views herself, and all other women denied proper education as unpolished gems. During the emergence of Republican motherhood movement whose idea was women to teach, exemplify and guard the spirit of the republic with the family. This movement dictated a more conservative approach to the ties between marriage and education. Murray advocated for womens equal chance in education and employment opportunities as opposed to the restricted domestic arena.

John Adams debated on the right of women to vote and that they were not cut out for such and are unfit for practice and experience especially in the business of life, war and cares of the state, thus they are only cut out for domestic cares and chores and that their attention engaged with the nurture of children. John further says that the debate about womens rights would be endless as others too will demand other rights, this would further lead to new claims not well attended to thus demanding an equal voice with other acts of state.

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