Principles of Human Resource Management - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-15
Principles of Human Resource Management - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Employment
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1020 words
9 min read

Human resource's role in employee retention is one of the essential assets of any company. One of the areas of employee retention is the set pathway. A pathway can be defined as the sense of an employee having room for personal growth or development and still concentrate on their job (Cooper et al., 2019 p.88). This should be ensured by human resources in any given company; in our case, we're interested in the ACME company. This is achieved by organizing internal employee training programs that can help them advance and develop their professionalism (Achim et al., 2019 p.42). The human resource department can ensure this is achieved by paying them or facilitating their conferences and related industrial events.

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Looking into an employee's needs is essential; that is, what does the employee gain after the day's work. This is because a good number of employees leave their job or find alternatives for better benefits. Employee benefits include retirement benefits, financial incentives, and good saving plans. Another primary employee retention method that could be adopted by ACME is that of appreciation (Achim et al., 2019 p.42). Everyone wants their work and achievements to be acknowledged as this goes a long way to encourage and motivate persons to contribute. Recognition, achieved by recognizing your employees in social gatherings and passing then handwritten congratulatory notes. A company's productivity also depends on the workload that employees could tackle within the smallest timeframe possible. But then huge workloads can lead to work stress on the employees; however, this can be avoided by encouraging players in work teams to share the workload and thus take time off to relieve work stress (Cooper et al., 2019 p.89).

ACME can also adopt a strategy where employees can balance their work and outside work life. This helps employees find time to grow their family and social life by spending time outside their normal workplaces. Overburdening or heavy workloads can be associated with the imbalance in work and life (Achim et al., 2019 p.42). To achieve the work and life balance, take the employees' pressure by encouraging and practicing workload sharing, allowing your employees to work from home as a change of scenery.

Employees need to live up to some self-set standards of expectations. Helping your employees to live up to their expectations is one of the many steps towards achieving human resource principles. Once an employee starts to feel that something is missing in their work-life, like in Andy's case in terms of expectation, they're one step away from quitting (Cooper et al., 2019 p.90). Employees need to live up to their work expectations, which can be achieved by the employer by developing challenging tasks to keep them engaged innovatively.

In the quest to retain its employees, the ACME organization can also give appraisals to its employees who are deserving in a just way. Salary hikes can also be effective in retaining top performers in the organization. Salary hikes could help employees save an extra penny for a rainy day. The management can also apply gamification to encourage its employees. This may include rewarding your employees for good performance, non-absenteeism, and early reporting (Achim et al., 2019 p.42).

An employee may need to track their career to understand if they have made a careerwise step. ACME could facilitate this by initiating a feedback culture to enable employees to track and easily understand their personal goals and performance. The feedback culture will enable employees to work on their weaknesses and achieve their desired career level in reference to their performance; this would have helped them grow both in life and careerwise (Martinez, 2017).

Every organization must understand that one or more of the employees might opt to exit the organization despite their working conditions. Therefore, in one of the human resource principles to help employees grow and advance in life and career-wise, the organization may need to organize exit interviews to exit employees successfully (Cooper et al., 2019 p.90). Exit interviews may help employers commit to correcting their shortcomings that might lead another employee to opt to leave the organization and even write recommendations for the existing members to help them in their next employment.

ACME will as well be needed to look into the issue of health and employee wellness. A company policy that includes a comprehensive health plan and overall takes care of the employees' wellness. Health plans may include fitness and diet tracking as well as having health insurance. This enables employees to concentrate on other issues that add to their excellence and organization (Martinez, 2017).

Providing leadership opportunities for employees might help them realize growth, as some may not contribute much in their current job positions. ACME could assign new roles, opportunities, and responsibilities to employees to enable them to realize their true potential. The company could also offer priority to its employees in case of new office vacancies in the organization. This will help them have a sense of growth and development career-wise while still in the same organization. As a result, the company retains its employee, avoiding the hustle of getting new employees, which is more hectic and expensive. ACME helping its employees grow will be two-way traffic (Boyd, 2020). Once the employees are comfortable working in the organisation, it will mean the organization will benefit by retaining its experience and top-performing employees.


Achim, N., Badrolhisam, N. I., & Zulkipli, N. (2019). Employee career decision making: the influence of salary and benefits, work environment and job security. Journal of Academia, 7(1), 41-50.

Boyd, V. (2020). Work-Based Learning for Enabling Social Responsibility: The Benefits of University-to-Business Partnerships–A Case Study. In Civil Society and Social Responsibility in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Curriculum and Teaching Development. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Cooper, B., Wang, J., Bartram, T., & Cooke, F. L. (2019). Wellbeingoriented human resource management practices and employee performance in the Chinese banking sector: The role of social climate and resilience. Human Resource Management, 58(1), 85-97.

Martinez, N. (2017). A Program Evaluation of a Worksite Wellness Initiative for Weight Loss.

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