Paper Example on Privacy: An Inalienable Right of All People, But Not for All?

Published: 2023-09-14
Paper Example on Privacy: An Inalienable Right of All People, But Not for All?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Human rights
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 985 words
9 min read


Privacy is an inalienable right of every human. However, in modern society, prominent, individual's rights face attrition by a tech-savvy generation that habitually crosses the boundaries of privacy due to their inquisitiveness. Roxane Gay, in her essay, focuses on the issue of one's sexual preference to illuminate how society's curiosity results in a destructive attack of people's privacy, especially the LGBTQ community. Factors of cultural influences, religiosity, traditional roles, and community influences linked to ethnicity and race molds an LGBTQ member's experiences. This concept affects an individual's affirmation of gender-variant expression, the process of coming out, and self-identification, which influences the person's health outcomes. Society thus obsesses over the categorization of various characteristic aspects, including class homosexuality, LGBTQ rights, gender inequality and class variances.

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Even though gays might be more accepted than previously, it is still not seen as a norm, and that could be why individuals usually are all over it. According to Gay, ordinary people, as well as those individuals in the public eye, struggle to conserve their privacy. From this, it could be that the difference arises when society expects individuals to come out expressing their private lives since society probably believes that they do not have private lives, or it is its business to know everything. Whereas Gay stresses that coming out could be valuable for the majority of the people, she holds that coming out is not similarly hard for every individual. Gay believes that the world categorizes specific peculiar individuals as the "right kind of gay" (Gay 165). No heterosexual needs to come out and express their sexuality, although people make it an issue for public figures to speak out their sexuality when they diverge from the norm.


LGBTQ individuals fear to come out because of the prejudice they experience from others. Theories, including symbolic interaction, suggest that negative regard from other people results in negative self-regard (Meyer 675). This disdain, including prejudice and stereotypes directed at sexual minority groups, could result in severe mental issues. LGBTQ individuals tend to hide their sexual orientation with the aim of either protecting themselves from risks of losing their jobs and being attacked or out of guilt and shame. Such concealing of a person's sexuality is a significant source of stress for lesbians and gay men. If gays decide not to come out in public supporting a cause which mainly affects them, then it should not be right asking everyone else to do the same. Again, people tend to stick their noses into such choices and ask them to be transparent concerning their 'unique' sexuality for the rest of society. Nevertheless, this ought to be their personal decisions if they wish to explain to the universe why they have 'different' sexualities and why they are ok with that. "There are injustices great and small, and even if we can only fight the small ones, at least we are fighting" (Gay 82). By being courageous to come out, even as it may disrupt one's privacy, poses as positive changes. Even though it might be prejudicial for marginalized persons to end up bearing personal things, the prospective to realize growth far overshadows any lack of privacy. Every individual, not those in power specifically, ought to be ready to sacrifice something personal and accept their own 'flaws' for every life to have a substantial meaning (Gay 82).

Among the apparent reasons for redistributing resources from the affluent to the low class is that it is a form of improving the impoverished. Singer employs compelling reasons for such a kind for voluntary redistribution. He bases his reason for eradicating inequality on the fact that every life is equally crucial; that is, individuals are morally essential and because of that, there is a noble aim to improve their wellbeing if possible (Singer 200). The chance of improving the poor does not appear to be the primary explanation behind trying to diminish the world's rising degree of financial imbalance. What Singer contends persuasively is deliberate redistribution (Singer 66). An avocation for decreasing imbalance through non-intentional methods, for example, tax collection, needs to clarify why redistribution of this sort is not merely robbery. The United States society appears to accept that its high and rising degree of disparity is frightful in itself. The same appears with gender inequality as widely faced in today’s society. “That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere” (Sojourner 2). If the male gender is more educated than females, then to reduce the gender gap would be increasing female education since when equal education in a society rises, there is bound to be an apparent positive rate on the per capita output. Hence, an economy with both women and men contributing equally to collective production will improve real productivity.


In conclusion, the majority of individuals refuse to come out due to the risks of experiencing discrimination and prejudice. Some decide to privatize their identity while others opt to come out in limited circumstances as others stand out publicly. Coming out is a significant phase for bisexual, gay, and lesbian individuals. Being positive about an individual's sexual orientation and assimilating it into their lives, fosters more excellent mental health and wellbeing. On matters of inequality and altruism, as Singer explains, the chance of improving the part of the poor is an incredible explanation behind redistribution. However, it is crucial to view the equality issue as being influential in a different manner.

Works Cited

Gay, Roxane. "A Tale of Three Coming Out Stories." 2012. The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction. Ed. Melissa A. Goldthwaite et al. 14th Ed. New York: Norton, 2016. 77-82. Print.

Meyer, Ilan H. "Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence." Psychological Bulletin 129.5 (2003): 674. Doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.129.5.674

Singer, Peter. The expanding circle: Ethics, evolution, and moral progress. Princeton University Press, 2011.

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Paper Example on Privacy: An Inalienable Right of All People, But Not for All?. (2023, Sep 14). Retrieved from

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