Essay Example: Problem with the Techniques

Published: 2019-07-08
Essay Example: Problem with the Techniques
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Engineering Technology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1044 words
9 min read

Since the activities involved extensive data collection, time management was a great concern. The sand dunes were located at a distance, and we had to walk since the only way to get closer was by foot. The techniques were tiresome as it involved tying the dunes with a rope to get a good view and measure the angles. Although the data was collected, time was a significant issue, and it influenced the comprehensive data analysis. The activities involved analyzing the data that was collected and due to physically pulling the dunes with ropes to make them appear in their right angles, the information could mislead if care is not taken.

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Some limitations posed as challenges when the activity was being carried out. The limitations include weather dimensions whereby in the sand dunes there are strong winds that blow the soil away and exposing to that means risking. The issue of time as a limiting factor also played a great role, since the activity mainly involved observation and experiments errors in getting the correct data was rampant. The entire process was risky too due to accidents of being covered by the soil or injuring parts of the body while trying to tie the dunes.

What went well?

The field work went well as the setup goals and achievement were reached. The aim of the activity was to identify the sand dunes and the effects of the wind on them. The effectiveness of the activity that was guided by the hypothesis that stated that the sand dunes are bigger on the leeward side was a success. It was noted that the wind will tend to move the light materials and leave the heavy ones on the windward side. With the availability of instruments that were used to measure the angles of the dunes and their length was effective and efficient. There was the employment of the set methods so that the conclusion could be made.

Different approaches in future

Some adjustments, however, need to be done in future so that the activity could yield more outcomes. More sites should be considered so that there would be a comparison of different futures under study. The time that the activities are taking place should be put into consideration to find out how the wind behaves and the effect of the wind on those sand dunes. The sand dunes should be able to show the different impacts on when the wind is calm or when the wind is stronger.Employment of advanced measuring techniques that should enable the activity to provide quality and satisfactory data. It should be able to differentiate the types of sand dunes. There should be involvement of more personnel and skilled expertise who will give guidance throughout the activity, methods of collecting data should be improved in future so as to perfect the results.


How coursework could be extended in the future

The testing of the second hypothesis which stated that The sand particles that are found on the windward side are larger than the ones found on the leeward side cannot be reliable. Even though the findings were in line with what was expected and they proved the hypothesis correct, the size of particles on the windward side could have been affected by human activities thus the figures obtained may not reflect the natural state of the dune. To improve this course work in future, it is important to have access to peer-reviewed journals that contains fieldwork data from other areas with similar features, especially where no human activities are interfering. Having such materials before conducting the course work will give the researchers a clue of what to expect, and they will be able to recognize unexpected deviations. The researchers will also be able to relate certain factors to such deviations.

Successfulness of methods of data collection and sampling

The techniques employed in this coursework were successful as they did not pose hindrances during the fieldwork. For instance, random sampling technique was very crucial during this fieldwork as it allowed the researchers to pick some portions of the dune randomly while testing the second hypothesis The sand particles that are found on the windward side are larger than the ones found on the leeward side. The researchers identified randomly some parts of the dune, 1 meter by 1 meter from where they obtained the sand sample using a small shovel and plastic bags. The randomly selected sites of the dune were done on both leeward and windward sides of the dune. From the fieldwork, I learned that it is important to conduct a reconnaissance before conducting the actual field study in the intended of research. The reconnaissance helped in identification of the tools to carry and it also contributed to saving on put time as the researchers were well prepared and had familiarized with the site. Also, reconnaissance provides a clue of the kind of data collection techniques that are suitable for a given location of study.

Strengths and weakness of research methods used


In this field work, the first-hand research methods were adapted. Observations and experimentations were used, and they provided the researcher with first-hand information that had not interfered with through translation and transcribing.

Random sampling technique that was employed in the identification of the substantial portions of the dune to collect samples is very efficient as it minimizes biases while enhancing the credibility of the data obtained in the field.

Taking photographs on the site was another data collection technique that is quite effective on time-saving as the researchers can interpret the data later.


Some of these methods employed in the field work such as experimentation are very expensive as the researchers have to buy some instruments and apparatus such as cameras, video recorders, and tape measures.


The field work was conducted to assess the effects of the wind on the structures and the characteristics of the dunes in the Wadi Urana. During the fieldwork, the researchers used direct observation method, experimentation and the data was collected using random sampling and photo taking. The field study found out that the wind has impacts on the size of the particles that are found on the dune as it carries the lighter particulate matter and leaves the heavier ones.

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Essay Example: Problem with the Techniques. (2019, Jul 08). Retrieved from

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