Essay Sample on Process Perspective - Reinforcement Theory

Published: 2023-03-28
Essay Sample on Process Perspective - Reinforcement Theory
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Motivation Organizational behavior
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1005 words
9 min read

After applying performance evaluation tools on low-performing employees, I would now educate employees on the consequences of their actions and behaviors. Positive consequences will be positively reinforced by the organization, making the negative consequences undesirable. Every employee needs to act and behave in a manner that will positively impact the organization as a whole. An employee is supposed to have a stimulus for any actions conducted to influence the responses to be taken by the individual or the organization. I will ensure that employees are aware of both the positive and negative consequences and their rewards. Negative consequences attract punishment by the organization, while reinforcements are used to control the negative behavior.

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I will ensure that employees are aware of the reinforcements that they can apply in controlling their negative behaviors that might affect the organization's productivity. Some of the reinforcements to control the negative actions of employees include getting over the issue by focusing on the training given, the organization should continue recruiting high performers, promoting winners and key performers, management should increase the substance of communication with staff, and ensuring people are in the right place of work (Studer, 2003). The organization should check on employees who are resistant to change and place them under the reinforcement program. The above reinforcements will ensure that the organization is more effective and manageable, contributing to the organization's effectiveness. Achieving the organization's efficiency will result in the attainment of the Hardwiring Excellence theory.

Preview of the Process Perspective

Equity Theory Equity theory is measured through a comparison of the contributions and the benefits of each person in the organization. I would help employees in the organization to realize their potential in contribution. Employees are supposed to give their best and work towards achieving organizational goals. Inequities indeed harm employee motivation in that those employees receiving inequitable treatment are usually motivated to gain equity. I will ensure that employees give their best of knowledge and, in turn, get benefits from the organization. Some of the benefits that employees might be able to get from the organization include an increase in wages/salaries, promotions, medical insurance, retirement plans, and life insurance.

Expectancy Theory

Expectancy theory indicates that employees will individually behave in certain ways since they are motivated so due to what they expect to be the result of the change in behavior. The organization may sometimes motivate employees by asking them to change their behaviors over certain issues and improve their performance. The behaviors can be a change of group members or working hours to reach the maximum production of the organization. I will help workers act in such manners as their employers require to help achieve certain levels of effort. The efforts will, in turn, produce rewards with clear routine evaluations and defined goals. The drivers to such motivation might include the drive to defend, acquire, bond, or comprehend. Submission of ideas and energy into the work is much helpful in achieving rewards/goals.

Reinforcement Theory

The reinforcement theory is involved in rewards and punishments of employees' behaviors and actions. Rewards are achieved from the positively impacted behaviors while the punishments are as a result of negative actions that employees portray in the organization. The reward system, survey, and culture are involved in employee motivation. The reward system is supposed to apply in recognizing the high performers through experience, turnover, and enhancing culture (Studer, 2003). The culture of the organization helps in promoting collaboration, teamwork, friendship, and openness among employees. The survey focuses on action plans, issues, and assigning responsibilities to teammates. I will ensure that employees have knowledge of this theory concerning the rewards and culture achieved through positive behaviors and actions.


Motivation is a reason for acting or behaving in a certain manner. Motivation is based on reinforcements and rewards on employees from the organization. To apply the Hardwiring Excellence theory and make the organization more effective, two motivation types are to be considered, which are intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation refers to behaviors that are brought about by internal rewards. An employee is engaged in the actions simply because they naturally satisfy him/her. After having known about intrinsic motivation, certain factors drive employees or individuals to act in such a manner. An employee might conduct himself/herself in such a manner to attain or avoid a different outcome than the one desired. There might be an internal drive for success or purpose, like providing for the loved ones. Now that the employees are well informed of the motivating factors, I will help them in trying to discover what factors motivate them. Feedback and acknowledgment are what motivate people driven by intrinsic factors.

Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation refers to behaviors or actions that are brought about by external rewards such as fame, power, money, and respect. The actions involve doing something with the main aim of gaining a reward or avoiding punishment. In an organization, employees mainly behave in such manners to get gifts, promotions, bonuses, and praises from the management of their work (Studer, 2003). I will engage employees in enlightening them about such rewards since they might be accompanied by failure or jealousy among other employees. I will help them work to achieve higher goals in their departments without affecting the lives of others, therefore, activating their intrinsic behaviors in them for the benefit of the organization.


The motivation of staff is essential since it entails the level of creativity, commitment, and energy brought into the organization by the employees. Staff motivation is a management concern since employees should be appreciated and cared for, for them to work hard and input more into their respective jobs. A good organization is achieved by defending resource allocation and performance management processes. The above processes are fair, trustworthy, and transparent to both employees and the organization. Employee performance improvement is important in an organization, and the management should employ high performing employees, identify employees with specific behaviors that are in line with the organization's goals, and move from the corrective action to motivation strategies on employees.


Studer, Q. (2003). Hardwiring excellence.

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