Paper Example on Productivity Boundaries Appear Fuzzy in Entertainment and Social Interaction

Published: 2023-11-24
Paper Example on Productivity Boundaries Appear Fuzzy in Entertainment and Social Interaction
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Productivity
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 596 words
5 min read

It is recognized that productivity boundaries appear to be fuzzy, especially when the activity types are entertainment and social interaction. If the activity type is entertainment, people hesitate to make a specific boundary. In this case, the productivity boundary is fuzzy as participants demonstrated that entertainment and social interaction are parts of their lives and give them a mental break from work. Few participants indicated that if the activity type is entertainment, the process may be unproductive even if they engage in it during their leisure period. Most participants illustrated that they engage in entertainment and social interaction because it is fun. This illustration was associated with two different perspectives. First, the process was productive as it makes their mood happier. Secondly, the process is not as productive as it has no purpose. When the activity type is social interaction, people have the authority to select between linkage and doing work. At the moment, it is easier for the participant to indicate that the process is productive or unproductive.

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Participants directly experienced the dual nature of social media, and they illustrated that it is both good and bad. Even though there are many distracting contents in entertainment platforms, people have the intention to use it for a long time because it is still helpful, especially in acquiring information, saving money, improving wellbeing, or connecting with people. One of the participants mentioned that social media is unproductive, but she could get so much valuable information to support the idea. As such, social media is a productive aspect that provides valuable information to people.

Graduate students tend to value professional networking and social media as it helps them to build connections, which is a critical aspect, especially when searching for a job. A few participants noted that they use social media as networking tools. In this case, it is easy to find people who have similar interests in academia, thus learning essential aspects from their experience and goals. Additionally, participants can easier access social media platforms, and this assists them in seeing how others are working on, and this helps in connecting to them. For example, Twitter was one of the highest used tools to be connected with other people. Two graduate students said Twitter is productive because they could see how other faculties or peers are doing. Therefore, they use a social media platform as a connection tool.

The study has found that social media has both good and bad effects. However, Instagram is seen as particularly negative, though for reasons, the study does not fully understand. Participants noted that the difference between Instagram and other social media includes, there is nothing to gain, it is unconscious, addiction, keep deleting but end up redownloading due to fear of missing out from peers. As such, Instagram has nothing to gain on, and thus, it does not help in any way as compared to other social media.

One participant said that most of the photos shown on Instagram seem to be glamorous, which is very different from reality. Therefore, it is not very good for mental health. For this reason, he deleted and downloaded Instagram. Many of his friends did the same way; hence, they ended up using the platform. Several other participants also said that they repeatedly deleted and downloaded Instagram, while this action does not happen to other social media. There are more visual elements than other social media, making it easier to become addicted and more unconscious. As such, participants often use Instagram unconsciously, which becomes a waste of time.

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Paper Example on Productivity Boundaries Appear Fuzzy in Entertainment and Social Interaction. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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