Prohibited Acts on Meat Industries, Essay Example

Published: 2018-01-26
Prohibited Acts on Meat Industries, Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Government Food
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1255 words
11 min read

It is considered illegal for any firm, person, or cooperation on cattle, mules, sheep, goats, horses, carcasses or parts of the meat to do the following:

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a) Slaughtering of animals or even initiating preparation of articles capable of use as food for humans are some of the prohibited acts

b) Humane methods.

c) Slaughtering animals, which are to be used and exchanged in commerce in using methods that are not by the Act of August 27, 1958, will be conducting prohibited acts

d) Sales and other transaction of these meat products.

e) It is considered illegal to transport, sell or import products in commerce in the following ways, selling adulterated or misbranded products and the time of sale among others.

Devices, Marks, Simulations, Labels, and Certificates

a) All the devices used to be used must be in accordance and made under the authorization of the Secretary

Other misconducts include:

b) Using forged documents in an establishment such as certificates, mark as well as in fake official devices.

c) Destroying any official marks contrary to the provision of the regulations prescribed by the Secretary

d) Possessing any official devices without notifying the secretary of =r his representative or using counterfeit, simulated and forged altered documents or having fake labels, tags, of any carcasses animals or parts of animals forged or with improperly altered official mark.

f) Making false statements knowingly in any shippers certificate

g) Inspection of animals for export.

h) Full inspection of the cattle, sheep, swine, mules, horses and other equines which might be intended or offered for transport to other foreign countries to ensure that then imported animals for slaughtering and selling to the public are fit and safe as well as free from diseases before they export them.

Doing these ensures that a healthy people globally as necessary measures are taken and equally applied to ensure that only safe food is transported for consumption by the general public

Inspectors of animals for exports: certificates of condition

By section 612, the meat industry is expected to allow full inspection of the carcasses or part of the slaughtered animals fresh, corned, salted, cured, packed, or prepared for exports to other countries.

Clearance prohibited to vessel carrying animals for export without a certificate of inspection from the inspectors. The meat industry is informed that it is forbidden to transport animals without clearance as no clearance will be issued to any vessel transporting animals such as cattle, goat, sheep swine for slaughter for export to foreign countries until the owner of the animals to be exported has a certificate from the inspector authorized to be appointed which states that these animals to be shipped are sound and healthy unless a waiver has been given (Tompkin, 1994).

Provisions on Imports

Adulteration or misbranding, building construction standards among other

This states that no misbranded, adulterated, and wrongly marked shall be accepted or imported in the United States unless they comply with all the inspection construction and building standards provided by the articles issued in the Act.

Also, no meat products, carcasses or parts of carcasses will be imported in the USA unless the livestock from which this livestock were produced confirms that they were handled and slaughtered in connection with the Act of August 27, 1958. Upon entering in the USA, these products shall be deemed to have been thoroughly inspected and that they meet all the provision of the Act.

This is done so as to ensure that only food safety and fit for human consumption to be imported from other countries and that it will not harm or affect in any way the health of the public. This way carcass of death and illnesses can be reduced.

Terms and Conditions for Destruction

Products that have not complied with the requirements of the Act will be destroyed upon an issue of a command to do so by the secretary.

Payments, of Storage, Cartage and Labor Charges

Any importation done by any industry contrary to these provisions, of the section article, shall be paid by the owner and a default of such kind of payment shall constitute a lien against the provisions of the article.

Bribery of Gifts, To the Inspectors or Any Officers and Acceptance of Gifts

It is considered illegal for any person, or cooperation’s to give money directly or indirectly to the agents or inspectors of deputy inspector or any other employee of the USA authorized to perform duties prescribed by this chapter shall be fined upon being convicted a fine not less than $ 5,000 nor be more than $ 10,000 as well as face imprisonment of one year or more but less than 3 years.

It is considered illegal to anyone in the red meat industry either employees or the employer to give any bribe to the inspection officers so that they can be pardoned and allowed to continue transporting and trading with meat products that have not met all the requirements of the law as well as distributing them to the general public. Whoever breaks this rule is convicted accordingly and punished either those giving or those taking the bribe. They are considered equally guilty.


Any meat producers were to be deemed to be misbranded as such unless it met the following requirements:

• That the subject that is the meat had been subjected to a safe process as pasteurization in regulation,

• The next step is that only if the meat processed had been subjected to a safe process, which includes the following, reasonably likely to destroy any microorganisms for the sake of public health significant, the right process was followed as per the requirements of the FDA. Also that the food is effective throughout the whole time even if it was stored under a moderate or normal abuse of conditions. And finally, if the food is documented by notification to the Secretary and has not been in any way rejected or disapproved by the Secretary as a result of failing to meet the above provisions

• Discarding or contaminated food

• Any meat packed that will be considered unsafe include the following

• Any food that is presented for public consumption and does not comply with the is not honestly presented to comply with approved procedure of the FDA

• Any food that comes from a source that is not approved as specified by the 3-201.12 will be discarded

• Any food contaminated either by employees of consumers as a result of handling the food with their bare hands or any other body discharges such as oral and nasal discharges should be discarded as unsafe for consumption by the public.


All labels to be put either in the containers or on the meat products themselves needs to be pre-approved by the USDA’S Food Safety Inspection Service, however, his is divided into several categories including

Meat labels and labels claims

As it is well known, meat labels can be confusing especially to the consumers, producers, and processors. However, the official form of labeling and it is then the role of the inspection agency to explain the label approval process, updated requirements, voluntary label claims, and how FSIS interprets the claims by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing service.

Nutritional labeling of meat

Some of the labeling requirements an[s cleared in the year 2012 include statements on the ingredients in the meat, Nutritional facts, the name of the product, an address of the plan of company address, the actual net weight of the product, the safe handling instructions and finally handling instructions.

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Prohibited Acts on Meat Industries, Essay Example. (2018, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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