Paper Example. Project Management Best Practices Annotated Bibliography

Published: 2023-09-28
Paper Example. Project Management Best Practices Annotated Bibliography
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Literature review
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 856 words
8 min read

Tereso, A., Ribeiro, P., Fernandes, G., Loureiro, I., & Ferreira, M. (2018). Project management practices in private organizations. Project Management Journal, 50(1), 6-22. Retrieved from

In this article, Tereso et al. (2018) explore what it means to practice project management by examining a series of tasks and activities that encompass what is termed project management practices. To this end, the discussion leads to the assumption that kick-off meetings, activity lists, and Gantt charts characterize project management practices. After determining this, the authors add that the success of project management practice depends on characteristic differences among practitioners in executing them. In other words, project management practices require individuals who are well-placed to complete them either skillfully or knowledgeably to successfully execute them. This source is quite central to shaping the definition of project management practice alongside what is needed to effectively achieve it.

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Owusu, E. K., Chan, A. P., Owusu-Manu, D., Ameyaw, E. E., & Osei-Kyei, R. (2018). Contemporary review of anti-corruption measures in construction project management. Project Management Journal, 50(1), 40-56. Retrieved from

Owusu et al. (2018) investigated the best practices associated with project management projects in the construction industry. To this end, the authors’ focus was on avoiding corruption during the duration that the project ran. The authors found that the list of best practices associated with anti-corruption efforts during the management of a construction project included ethical codes, transparency mechanisms, training, and development initiatives. Such anti-corruption measures (ACMs), as depicted in the article, were critical to sustaining the perverse – free execution of construction projects ensuring that corruption did not impact the processes of the project. This article is key to presenting examples of project management practices associated with best practices.

Sonta-Draczkowska, E., & Mrozewski, M. (2019). Exploring the role of project management in product development of new technology-based firms. Project Management Journal, 51(3), 294-311. Retrieved from

The author explored start-ups in the technological field of entrepreneurship to determine which project management practices prove to be the best in safeguarding the interests of young businesses. According to Sonta-Draczkowska and Mrozewski (2019), entrepreneurs in start-up tech companies manage their projects through lean practices as it is important to keep costs low while facilitating high-quality production. Further, agile approaches such as eXtreme Programming (XP), and Scrum were found to be central in NTBF (New Tech-Based Firms) best practices in the management of projects for a sustainable incremental and iterative lifecycle in the development of tech products, especially software development. The implications of this source, therefore, indicate that lean practices are central in attaining best practice in the project management process.

Martinsuo, M. (2020). The management of value in project business: Adjusting beliefs to transform project practices and outcomes. Project Management Journal, 0(00), 1-11. Retrieved from

Martinsuo’s (2020) take on best practice in the project management process is hinged on the premise that it is the value that managers place on the project that determines the best practices to implement. Therefore, the author denotes that the greatest challenge that project managers face is in evaluating value in the wake of subjectivity, dynamics, and tensions arising from a multitasked and stakeholders involved in the project’s life cycle. In other words, the project management process requires decision making based on value creation to ensure that best practices are maintained throughout. Hence, the determination of what is valuable or creates value for the project supersedes. This source is critical as it introduces the concept of value considered as a determinant of what constitutes the best project management practice.

Safapour, E., Kermanshachi, S., & Jafari, A. (2020). Effective project management principles and strategies in transportation infrastructure projects. Journal of Construction, Engineering, and Management, 135(9), 900-910. Retrieved from

Safapour et al. (2020) focused on the transport infrastructure development projects to determine what best practices impart in the process of managing the projects. The researchers established that three main factors inform best practices in project management associated with transportation infrastructure projects in terms of hierarchy namely team qualification, environmental planning, and quality management. To this end, best practices in project management require a qualified team, proper planning, and quality management. The source is quite resourceful as it offers a perspective of project management on transportation that aligns with sentiments from other sources presented in the review of the literature discussed herein.


Martinsuo, M. (2020). The management of value in project business: Adjusting beliefs to transform project practices and outcomes. Project Management Journal, 0(00), 1-11. Retrieved from

Owusu, E. K., Chan, A. P., Owusu-Manu, D., Ameyaw, E. E., & Osei-Kyei, R. (2018). Contemporary review of anti-corruption measures in construction project management. Project Management Journal, 50(1), 40-56. Retrieved from

Safapour, E., Kermanshachi, S., & Jafari, A. (2020). Effective project management principles and strategies in transportation infrastructure projects. Journal of Construction, Engineering, and Management, 135(9), 900-910. Retrieved from

Sonta-Draczkowska, E., & Mrozewski, M. (2019). Exploring the role of project management in product development of new technology-based firms. Project Management Journal, 51(3), 294-311. Retrieved from

Tereso, A., Ribeiro, P., Fernandes, G., Loureiro, I., & Ferreira, M. (2018). Project management practices in private organizations. Project Management Journal, 50(1), 6-22. Retrieved from

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Paper Example. Project Management Best Practices Annotated Bibliography. (2023, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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