Free Essay Sample on Propositional Debate

Published: 2017-12-11
Free Essay Sample on Propositional Debate
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Intelligence Human
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 561 words
5 min read

The propositional debate refers to the framework of analyzing the mental representations and illustrations. The human mind, that is, the memory component of the human being enables one to conceive illustrations and what they think about a given concept or ideology. The mental makeup of a person can construct an image based on the verbal descriptions that they know. My personal stance on the propositional debate provides that an image is an epiphenomenon. The conceptualization of an image mainly takes place when one is under highly constrained scenario and generates the image based on the experience that he or she has undergone.

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The propositional debate asserts that the minds save in the subconscious a set of experiences that it can recall when the mind is constrained to think. Therefore, the propositional debate enables one to understand the functioning of the human mind. For example, the analog sense equips one with the map of the institution in which one studies. However, the propositional aspect of the human mind provides one to relate the directions that he might take when he or she needs to move from one geographical point to the other within the institution. The propositional debate is, therefore, a discussion about the mental imagery. The mental imagery is created through three main forms, that is, dreaming, hallucinations and daydreaming. Therefore, one can verbally describe what him or her views in mind. Therefore, propositional debate leads one to understand the concept of memory. There has to be a relationship between the previous stimulus that one has encountered and the relational environment that one conceives in his or her mind.

Depictive language has, in addition, the propositional mode in which information can be represented. In applying depiction ,the use of pictorial representations ,graphs and images prove to be effective in promoting the transfer of information as well as the interpretation. For example, the use of images and pictures proves to be very essential. Notable is the realization that a picture has the ability to say more than a thousand words at a glance. Information that is represented in pictorial form has various avenues of intriguing varied perspectives of human thoughts. The use of images is an art. Hence, due to the sublime nature of arts, information before its mastery undergoes scrutiny through critical thinking.

The combination of depictive or propositional imagery combines effectively and sufficiently enables the transfer of information. Transfer of information through images as a language is symbolic as a language of communication regardless of the content. It is not disputable that humankind depends on imagery as a language to enhance communication. Typically, depictive and propositional representations convey the intended information contents by displaying gestures that express verbal statements. Certainly, the form of the imagery can foster information transfer, storage, and memory .Therefore, it is plausible to take into account that information transfer, storage, and interpretation made via employment of varied formats.

Concisely, the combination of the effects of both depictive and propositional ideologies accounts for the human nature to conceptualize information. The information, thus, can be on multiple platforms. Henceforth, the ideologies prove to be flexible in the working memory of the human beings as well as the significance of mental imagery. Moreover, the two methods of information representation bridge the gap between different styles of information representation upon which specific cognition should make relevant.

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