Protecting Skin from Sun Damage: Stats and Tips - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-27
Protecting Skin from Sun Damage: Stats and Tips - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 641 words
6 min read

Skin is one of the important parts of the human body that needs the protection of a higher level. Many factors can destroy the skin, and sunrays are one of the factors that can significantly harm the skin if not being careful about the exposure. Limiting one's normal everyday life implies that someone cannot avoid exposing the skin to the sun. Continuous sun exposure usually adds up with time and can put an individual to the risks of getting skin cancer. In addition, the statistics reveal that too much exposure to sun rays can give individual sunspots and wrinkles that make your skin appear older (Lynn et al., 14). Thus, it is necessary to protect our skin from the sun daily, even during the cloudy season.

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How does wearing sunscreen or sunblock protect you from the harmful effects of UV light? Explain the chemistry of BOTH types of sun protection.

There are thus several ways that can help to protect our skin from the ultraviolet rays from the sun that can damage our important skin organ. Putting on sunscreen is one of the important ways that has been proven to work best. The sunscreen usually has the ingredients, which protect the skin from the rays of the sun. The sunscreen has a lotion that you apply to your skin before getting exposure to the sunrays. The sunscreen is rated by the sun protection factor (SPF) in it and the higher the SPF, the greater the protection you receive when applied and the loner period it lasts. Thus, when purchasing sunscreen, it is necessary to consider the SPF rate.

After reading the SDS for oxybenzone and the article about oxybenzone, which is easier for you to understand? Which is more useful for deciding if you should use oxybenzone sunscreens? Which is more reliable?

The article about oxybenzone is easier for me to understand, and it is easier to decide whether I should use it. The article is more reliable because it also explains the side effects of the chemicals in the sunscreen and the amounts that can harm the skin.

Do sunscreen chemicals absorb into your skin? Are there any known negative consequences of wearing sunscreen? Which sunscreen chemicals are known to be harmful? In what amounts?

Yes, the sunscreen chemicals are absorbed into our skin. The study by FDA revealed that the body can absorb some active ingredients which are found in the chemicals sunscreen at the levels that surpass the safety limit (Matta, Murali K., et al., 2083). Oxybenzone chemical is known to be harmful in sunscreen when use excessively.

What other ways can you protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV light than wearing sunscreen? List at least 3.

The other ways that can protect the skin from the effect of sun exposure are by limiting oneself from sun exposure, wearing protective clothes and sunglasses, and avoiding recreational sunbathing.

Use the concept of the "precautionary principle" to come up with a "sunscreen plan" describing when and what type of sunscreen you will use this summer. Include any alternative sun protection measures you will also use. (1-2 paragraphs)

In the coming summer, the kind of sunscreen that I will use is the one with a broader spectrum, which gives enough protection against both UVB and UVA radiation. When using sunscreen, I will ensure that it is water-resistant and contains the sun protection factor of higher than 30. The alternative sun protection measure that I will use is wearing protective clothes and sunglasses.

Works Cited

Matta, Murali K., et al. "Effect of sunscreen application under maximal use conditions on plasma concentration of sunscreen active ingredients: a randomized clinical trial." Jama 321.21 (2019): 2082-2091.

Lynn, Jeff, Joyan Urda, and Patricia Pierce. "SUN EXPOSURE AND EXERCISE: The Good, the Bad, and the Behavior Change." ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal 20.3 (2016): 11-15.

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Protecting Skin from Sun Damage: Stats and Tips - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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