Quality, Safety, & Informatics: My Future in Nursing - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Quality, Safety, & Informatics: My Future in Nursing - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Nursing
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 508 words
5 min read

The QSEN institute defined six quality and safety competencies that would help in achieving the needed knowledge, skills, and attitudes in nursing. The competencies discussed in this paper are evidence-based practice, safety, and informatics. This paper seeks to explore how evidence-based practice (EBP), safety, and informatics will affect my future in nursing.

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Evidence-based practice is the act of improving clinical practice through collecting, processing, and implementing research findings. EBP helps the nursing fraternity to provide the highest quality services at a practical cost to the patients (QSEN Competencies n.d). Therefore, EBP assimilates the available evidence and patient preferences with career expertise to deliver quality health care. The second preference is safety. In nursing, safety is defined as the practice of minimizing the hazard that may face the patients and nurses by improving the system and individual effectiveness. The third competency discussed in this paper is informatics. It is the integration and use of technology and information in communication, error reduction, and decision making in nursing (QSEN Competencies n.d).

In achieving the EBP, the nurses need to develop specific KSAs. For example, the nurse needs to demonstrate a clear understanding of scientific research methods and processes. The nurse should also possess skills necessary for data collection and analysis. The nurses should also develop an attitude that enables them to appreciate the merits and demerits of science as a base of practice. Concerning safety, the knowledge for human factors and other safety design principles and the commonly used unsafe practices is beneficial for a nurse. It is also very essential necessary for appropriate use of technology and other approved strategies that improve safety for the nurses and patients. (Cronenwett, 2007). The nurses should also be very conversant with the use of informatics competence when carrying out their duty, as this is very vital in error mitigation and decision making. For example, the nurse should know why technological skills are essential for safe patient care. The nurse should also possess expertise in managing information in the healthcare setting before providing care (Cronenwett, 2007). Therefore, KSAs deliver precious contributions to ensuring quality care, and thus it is very crucial for new graduates. These competencies in patient-centered care advocate for nursing education to embrace change.

Adequate training, orientation, and continued education are of significant importance in my future career as a nurse. Besides, KRAs have helped .me gain a lot of confidence in my skills and desire to receive more mentorship to improve on my unit-specific skills. Moreover, this discussion will help me learn more courage to seek help from other nurses concerning professional issues and also personal matters like safety and health. This discussion also will provide me with an initial realistic view of what my nursing career will look like while in the hospitals.


Cronenwett, L., Sherwood, G., Barnsteiner, J., Disch, J., Johnson, J., Mitchell, P., Sullivan, D.T. & Warren, J. (2007). Quality and safety education for nurses. Nursing Outlook, 55(3), 122-131. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2007.02.006

QSEN Competencies (n.d). Qsen.org. Retrieved 18 August 2020, from http://qsen.org/competencies/pre-licensure-ksas/#patient-centered_care.

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