Free Paper with Q&As on Sociological Issues

Published: 2019-10-16
Free Paper with Q&As on Sociological Issues
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Immigration
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1814 words
16 min read


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According to Kelly's article, the asylum process does not adequately consider gendered forms of harm in the procedures and policies for establishing "well-founded fear".



Answer: True


Multiculturalism Day at the Silicon Valley high schools provided an opportunity for students to share their cultural heritages and all the students felt these events were entirely inclusive of the school's diverse minority groups.



Answer: True


Economic liberalism refers to policies promoted by democratic politicians to increase national governments' control of trade and restrict dependence on the global market.



Answer: True


In Chavez' chapter from Covering Immigration, he argues that illustrations carry underlying meanings and photographs are the only truly unbiased means of representing immigration.



Answer: False


Sassen's article argues that, while immigration is often seen as the result of individual action, it may be better understood as the product of increasing global economic integration.



Answer: True


The national origins quota system used census data to design immigration policies that maintained existing population demographics of the United States, and it was a means of justifying discrimination against immigrants outside of Western and Southern Europe.



Answer: False


In her ethnography, Gomberg-Munoz argues that legal entry to the United States was accessible to most undocumented migrants, but they are unfortunately not educated on the application process.



Answer: True



Remittance are personal flows of money from migrants to their family and friends in their home countries.


Refugee is a person who deserves protection owing to a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.


Transnationalism is "the process by which immigrants build social fields that link together their country of origin and their country of settlement."


Nativism is the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.


Assimilation is the process by which incoming immigrant groups come to adopt the culture and language of the dominant group of a host nation.


Diaspora is a term used to describe the movement, migration, or scattering of people away from an established or ancestral homeland.


List any three of the dominant metaphors for immigration that Santa-Ana found in news coverage surrounding Proposition 187.

Immigrants as a wash under a brown tide, waves on a beach, and a sea of brown faces.QUESTIONS 15 20 (MULTIPLE CHOICE AND MATCHING)

Question 15

The Beast is a nick-name for ___________ that Central American immigrants face on their dangerous journey to the United States.

An Arizona sheriff famed for placing immigrants in detainment camps.

A train that travels through Mexico that immigrants attempt to board.

A Mexican gang that preys upon Central American immigrants.

Mexicos southern border that is heavily policed by corrupt immigration officers and soldiers.

Answer: B. A train that travels through Mexico that immigrants attempt to board.

Question 16

Which of the following is listed by Ibarra as a reason for Mexicana border crossings?

Escape from abusive relationships.

Desire to reestablish class position and financial independence after the economic crisis.

The opportunity to support family members.

All of the above.

A and C only.

Answer: E. A and C only.

Question 17

Which of the following is NOT part of Karen Brodkins argument in How did Jews Become White Folks?

The admittance of some Jewish students into colleges provided new social mobility and access to elite spaces once exclusive to the wealthy descendants of white, European Protestants.

The integration of Jews into white American society can be mostly attributed to a strong, culturally-instilled Jewish work ethic that drove them to succeed.

In the post-World War 2 period, Jews and other Euro-ethnic groups benefited from the GI bill and other federal government initiatives that made homeownership and college more accessible.

Segregation, redlining and racial discrimination blocked black citizens social mobility and prevented their ability to seize on the same opportunities offered to white ethnics in the postwar period.

Answer: B. The integration of Jews into white American society can be mostly attributed to a strong, culturally-instilled Jewish work ethic that drove them to succeed


Which of the following BEST summarizes Meade's findings about the Lost Boys of Sudan?

A. The Lost Boys of Sudan were forced to flee their country due to a violent war, and they are advocating returning, as well as being reunited with their families.

B. Many of the Lost Boys have secured jobs and become valuable members of their local communities, and, as a group, they are exemplary of successful assimilation and resettlement of refugees in the United States.

C. After over a decade of living in refugee camps, the Lost Boys were provided little training and English-language preparation for their resettlement into the United States.

D. While the Lost Boys are grateful to be out of the refugee camps, living in America is far from what they expected and access to education has been a particularly illusory promise.

Answer: D. While the Lost Boys are grateful to be out of the refugee camps, living in America is far from what they expected and access to education has been a particularly illusory promise


Which of the following is NOT a part of Reynolds and Orellana's article about immigrant youth interpreting for family members?

A. Young people are often put in a position to do more than translate; they mediate and choose how to interpret or shield their parents from racialized and discriminatory encounters.

B. Children reported feeling both empowered and uncomfortable in their roles as interpreters.

C. Youth interpreters are often recognized by non-family, adult authority figures for their skilled bilingual competencies.

Answer: B. Children reported feeling both empowered and uncomfortable in their roles as interpreters

Question 20

Match the author with their famous lines about America and American Dream.

The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.

Answer: James TruslowGive me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Answer: Emma Lazarus

The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced.

Frederick Douglas

Emma Lazarus

James Truslow Adams

Answer: Fredrick Douglas



Short Answer: Responses should be between 4-5 Complete Sentences

In Gomberg-Munoz' ethnography, she describes how undocumented immigrants are often characterized as "hard workers" by restaurant management. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the "hard worker" stereotype that Gomberg-Munoz outlines in the book?

Answer: An advantage of being a hard worker is that the undocumented immigrant is entitled to more jobs posts as the employers believe they will work harder than the documented people will. The disadvantage of being a hard worker is that the natives and documented people see the undocumented worker as a threat to their work posts, which prompts discrimination against them. Another disadvantage is that the undocumented immigrants are exploited for their hard work through low wages and salaries, poor working conditions and unfair treatment compared to documented workers hence not compensated for their hard work as they cannot confront their employees because they fear being reported to be undocumented.


Short Answer: Responses should be between 4-5 Complete Sentences

Drawing from our first week's readings, what is the American Dream? How do the DREAMers use the narrative of the American Dream to advocate for a path to citizenship?

Answer: The American Dream is a dream where everyone in America is free to exploit their capabilities without any restrictions or discrimination. James Truslow writes The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. DREAMERS use this narrative to advocate for citizenship, as it is through citizenship that they can access all resources, especially government services to exploit their capabilities to achieve what they dream. Through citizenship the dreamers can then live the American Dream as they are not discriminated because of not being citizens and presented a fair chance to do what they can with their abilities and resources.


Short Answer: Responses should be between 4-5 Complete Sentences

What is the Liberal Paradox? Draw from the readings to briefly describe this concept in your own words.

Answer: Liberal Paradox is a situation dilemma that results from the need to engage in a free global economy which involves the free flow of goods, services and people which creates a threat to the political system and sovereignty of a state. States are trapped in a "liberal" paradox - in order to maintain a competitive advantage, they must keep their economies and societies open to trade, investment, and migration. But unlike goods, capital, and services, the movement of people involves greater political risks (Hollifield, 2008). The free flow of goods and people over out and into countries poses a threat to the meaning of borders and citizenship is also affected as people are not bound to one country. International organizations that enable access to global economy policies dictate the government on its decisions such as the control over flow of people in their countries, which threatens sovereignty, the independent control of the country by the government. The country is thus, torn between the benefits of globalized economy and the political risks involved in allowing free flow of goods people.


Short Answer: Responses should be between 3-5 Complete Sentences

Readings and media in this course have revealed certain tensions and differing perspectives between 1st generation immigrants and their 2nd generation children. Draw from either The Joy Luck Club or Klein's "Turban Narratives" to discuss how cultural belonging differs between 1st and 2nd generation immigrants.


The 1st generation immigrants have different perspectives with the 2nd generation immigrants on the concerns and understanding of the culture of their communities. In the Turban narratives for example, the 1st generation have a deeper meaning of their culture on the wearing of turbans that they believe represents their heritage of the Sikhs fight for their religion that even spread to the death of their leaders. The 2nd generation immigrants, on the other hand, view the wearing of turbans as part of their religion, without the consideration of the deeper meaning of the turbans. This shows how some aspects of culture and history are different between the 1st and 2nd generation immigrants as the latter have a lower perspective and knowledge of their cultures.


Which of our course readings or assignments was the most interesting to you and why? (Write as much as you want for this question)...

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