Race, Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination - Free Essay

Published: 2022-12-30
Race, Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Racism Discrimination Community Ethical dilemma
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 884 words
8 min read

The community classifies individuals according to their ethnicity and race. This categorization finally generates a structure that leads to inequality among the people of society. Race can be described as the universal population of humans or a local Geographic distinguished as a group that is more or less which inherently transmitted physical physiognomies or a group of individuals who are categorized together or united based on having a mutual history ethnic group or topographical distribution. From a scientific view, race can be described as a societal class that is based on actual perceive biological variances. For example, a white person will have genetic material other different races and the same as a black individual. This is dissimilar from ethnicity which is a word that is applied to a group which has a shared religion language, history, nationality, and other cultural factors. To understand wholly what prejudice, discrimination, and racism are we have to gain full knowledge about the meaning of a minority group. Associates of a minority group are methodically denied the same access to possessions and power that are available to the dominant groups of the society, but they are not inevitably fewer in number than the leading group. For example, in South Africa, the black people are more than the whites and yet before the culmination of apartheid whites governed the country while the black people occupied the lowest class in the community. This means that racism was there during the apartheid era.

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Racism is a belief of a specific community where the understanding that all members of every race have their qualities, abilities, and characteristics belonging to a precise race. People practice racism so that they can distinguish which race is superior or inferior to the other race or races. Racism can also be defined as a conventional of beliefs concerning the dominance of one ethnic or cultural community, and it is used to validate dissimilarity, and it is habitually deep-seated in the assumption that the variances among groups are genetic.

Prejudice is a preconceived opinion, and it is not based on any real experience or actual reason. It can also be stated as independent judgment, and it is a notion that is usually negative about a specific group or community based on simplifications and stereotypes. Prejudice is most unlikely to change nevertheless of the evidence in contradiction to it. Bias primarily encourages discrimination.

Discrimination is the poor treatment of a person who has based their relationship of a social community, for example, a cultural minority and yet an individual can be prejudiced, and still, he or she will not discriminate. Also, an individual may not be biased but innocently distinguishes another ethnic group. For example, a child who is using words that are racist in an outdoor play area merely because they overheard their folks use racists terms without, they had any racist concerns or views. There are other forms of discrimination such as individual discrimination. This is whereby an individual treats other people dishonestly because of their race and ethnicity. For example, a senior supervisor may categorize against another person in turn by offering them an inferior score than they deserve on their assignments and assessments just because of their race and ethnicity. In institutional discrimination, is where discernment is carried out analytically by institutions such as schools, business firms, and governments. This is because these institutions practice strategies that affect and discriminate the entire groups of individuals. For example, the separation of black and white persons on public cars and transport in specific regions of the United States all through the 20th era. Another example of institutional discrimination is the shameful and disreputable North Carolina decontamination program with millions where they were forced to be sterilized in specific women and members of the smaller communities.

It is true that discrimination, racism, and prejudice have been predominant through the history of humans. According to psychologists and sociologists say that some of the emotionality in the bias stems from mental attitudes can make an individual to feel meagerness by bulging them onto a community. Scientists have said that discrimination and prejudice can be caused by "socialization, economic benefits, conforming behaviors, group closure, ethnocentrism, authoritarian personality and conflict theories," (Whitley & Kite, 2016).

Some of the techniques to reduce prejudice and discrimination between the two groups include four theories. These are the contact hypothesis, self-esteem hypothesis, legal hypothesis, and cooperation hypothesis.

I think discrimination and prejudice are decreasing because in today's world, the education system has changed, and the black people and white people are allowed to study together. In another case, people of different races and ethnic groups are intermarrying, and this is helping to reduce discrimination among different groups or communities. There is also equal sharing of jobs among people and the one who qualifies for it is hired by the institution that he or she had applied. Using the theory of legal hypothesis, the government has imposed strict laws against those who discriminate other groups and anyone caught doing so is charged in a court of law.


Fiske, S. T. (1998). Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. The handbook of social psychology, 2, 357-411.

Lauren, P. G. (2018). Power and prejudice: The politics and diplomacy of racial discrimination. Routledge.

Whitley Jr, B. E., & Kite, M. E. (2016). Psychology of prejudice and discrimination. Routledge.

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