Free Essay: Racial Injustices Against African Americans

Published: 2023-04-12
Free Essay: Racial Injustices Against African Americans
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Race Discrimination United States Social justice
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1431 words
12 min read

Injustices facing the African American populations in the United States are not a new phenomenon. These had existed since the old times when the slave trade was still a legal practice in the American continent. Slaves were shipped mainly from the coast of the West African continent to the US, where they were subjected to forced labor as farmhands in the white settler farms. Even after the American revolution of the late 1700s, African Americans were still subjected to these ways of life by their slave masters. It was not until the coming of the 13th Amendment of the American constitution in the mid-1960s that the practice was effectively halted in most parts of the US. However, the abolition of slavery and the slave trade did little in changing the ways of life of the people of color, especially the blacks living in the American continent. Mistreatment and civil rights violations targeted at the African American populations abound even today, with multiple instances being cited by the US media on a periodical basis.

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To say that black people in America have suffered a lot would be an understatement. Indeed, the African American populations have endured tremendous abuse, neglect, and injustices under the white man's system to an unimaginable proportion. From being enslaved to getting racially segregated in public transport and schools, African Americans have over the years risen from the persecution to fight for their rights to be treated as regular citizens among the other communities ("The Growing Diet Divide Between Rich And Poor In America," 2019).

The paper examines the connection between races and class in the US by gathering information from both primary and secondary sources relating to the subject of interest. Throughout history, there have existed different periods characterized by their unique events with widespread economic and social impacts. One of the most remembered in the 20th century is the decade of the 1920s, which could be seen as one of the most prosperous. The impact of the economic boom was felt across most of the globe but was more pronounced in Europe, the United States, and the rest of the American continent.

The roaring twenties period between 1920 and 1930 were characterized by economic booms in both Europe and the Americas, which, to an extent, spread to benefit other neighbouring countries. This was a time preceding the start of the Great Depression, and which entailed a period of increased employment levels, flourishing mass production and consumption that allowed for industrial growth. The favourable conditions were made possible by friendly tax regimes that allowed for economic prosperity among the masses. However, these benefits rarely reached the hands of the African American populations (Rankine, 2014).

Consequently, there was a general increase in the employment levels, per capita income, as well as an improved standard of life among the people it touched. Additionally, there was widespread peace among the people having just passed a period of war, with profits being reaped heavily from the rebuilding exercise that followed ("The Growing Diet Divide Between Rich And Poor In America," 2019). Racial profiling ensured that the benefits of such prosperous times went to the white population while the blacks were forced to work in the lowest cadres for survival.

The period following the roaring twenties was marked by several changes in the economy and the social lifestyles of the subjects, as discussed in this paper. As a result of these factors, this period is mostly remembered as the time where there was real prosperity among the people of Europe and the Americas. Unfortunately, this was rarely the case for people of African American descent. They, for instance, weren't allowed to school in the same schools as their white counterparts despite the constitution spells out equal rights.

Police brutality, even in most recent times, has always seemed more intense when dealing with people of African American descent. Even with the developments that have taken place over the ages, it is uncommon to find black people being subject to suspicion from the public and police when going through their normal daily activities. The courts do not seem to help as well, with more than half of the inmates in American jails being members of the African American race. Most of these inmates are young and productive members of society, who unfortunately have become victims of the system, which seems to persecute the from all angles (Rankine, 2014).

Even among celebrities and high ranking community members of the African American descent, it is difficult to escape the racial injustices that the system has imposed on blacks and other minority populations. Sports stars like Serena Williams have occasionally come under attack from her white competitors with demeaning actions and comments against them being made across racial lines. Despite her success in the sporting arena, she has not been able to escape the curse of minorities in America.

Despite the hopeless situation of black people among the white populations in America, some have stood their ground over time to emerge as key members of society viewed with high regard. This group of members wield tremendous power over the community and with their influence comes immense responsibility. Even so, these members would rarely have gone through life without coming face to face with the racial injustices meted out on people of colour (Fleetwood, 2018).

A prominent example of the highly successful member of the African American community id the former president Barack Obama. In 'Dreams from my father,' Obama reveals the tribulations he had to endure through his youthful years both in college and after that, being a person of mixed heritage. From bullying to general racial insults being hurled at him, the former president had to stay healthy all along the way to become the president of the most powerful country in the world. As a result of his origins, many people expected Obama to fight the age-old question of racial injustices and bring about change in the status quo (Fleetwood, 2018). However, he chose to play the role of an 'informed observer', and the situation of the black communities remained hopeless. In his regime, black unemployment continued to skyrocket while instances of police brutality against African Americans remained high as well.

Another widely celebrated icon of African American descent is Oprah Winfrey of The Oprah Winfrey show. Among other things, she is recognized as being one of the wealthiest women in America today. Her journey, however, did not start anywhere close to that. Winfrey began out life as a poor farm girl that found herself having to deal with several tribulations frequent in a black household. At a tender age, she was subject to both sexual and domestic abuse from those close to her and her family. However, her determination to make it through the hole in the community pushed her out to grow to what she is today (Fleetwood, 2018). Her success over the years is an inspiration to most people of black descent, seeing as she began in the same trenches as they are and being a member of the least prominent gender. As a result, most young people look up to her for inspiration and thus, her tremendous influence in the African American community.

The history of African Americans in today's modern American community is one worth being talked about. It is no secret that people of African American descent have been subject to racial discrimination and persecution for ages. From segregation in schools, public transport and work injustices, African Americans have endured a lot in their fight for recognition in the community. However, this has not been easy as the system has made it difficult to change the status quo, which has been rooted in the minds of many in the majority races and who view people of colour as being inferior. Over the recent years, though, violence and racial injustices against black people have been on the decrease given the changes in the constitution offering some degree of relief. Even community icons as seen above have not been able to escape the curse of the black man in a white nation, as evidenced in the numerous barriers they have to fight against to get to where they are. Changes in attitudes towards people of colour and other minorities have to be made to protect future generations from this same curse of racial injustices and discrimination in their community.


Fleetwood, N.R.. (2015). On Racial Icons: Blackness and the public imagination.

"The Growing Diet Divide Between Rich And Poor In America". STAT, 2019, Accessed 16 Nov 2019.

Rankine, C. (2014). Citizen: An American lyric. Minneapolis, Minn: Graywolf Press.

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