Essay Sample: Racism, Slavery, Bourgeois and Proletarians in Frederick Douglass's Life

Published: 2022-11-03
Essay Sample: Racism, Slavery, Bourgeois and Proletarians in Frederick Douglass's Life
Type of paper:  Term paper
Categories:  Racism Slavery American literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 909 words
8 min read

Racial discrimination, slavery, bourgeois, and proletarians are some the things that Frederick Douglass fought against during his time. As a result, he is being considered for many effects: a deserter slave who achieved his liberty, an abolitionist, and a supporter of women's privileges, a talented author and speaker. Although we must as well keep in mind about him as a big shot whose insights concerning methodical conjectures of race in every speck as crucial in our age as they were while he wrote them (Rodgers, 2007). However, he unspoken that the ends to which the science could be second-hand was forever hurdled up with the ethical options of its practitioners. Besides, the "Scientific writers, not fewer than others, engraved to satisfy, as well as to teach," He wrote in 1854, "and even automatically told them to surrender what is factual to what is well-liked."

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That declaration was component of a talk in which he molested one of the majority well-known logical fields of the antebellum period: ethnology or what was occasionally called "the discipline of race." Although regularly it is discharged nowadays as pseudoscience, by the moment Douglass was lettering; it was measured as lawful. Therefore, the most skilful scientists betrothed in it, and the civic excitedly frenzied it. Moreover, ethnology was not hugged immediately by Southerners who sustained slavery, but as an alternative, they challenged that black and white inhabitants were formed singly and that black folks were poorer, which is an assumption that is called polygenism (Rodgers, 2007). Since Northerners, Agassiz and Morton went exposed of their line of attack to articulate that polygenism is a rejection technique and not acceptable as slavery. Nevertheless, they did not have to. Southern scientists on the same note keenly used it to overlook slavery, and yet the white northerners who were opposed to slavery initiated it as supportive in encouraging the northern segregation that was united with colonization and elimination of the black Americans once they were liberated.

In training for the 1854 address, Douglass converts dozens of manuscripts on ethnology and then assembled polygenists' arguments single by lone. Among the most significant to Douglass was Morton's assert that early Egyptians were white. To sustain he alleges that black natives were substandard, Morton wanted to clear away the information that ancient Egyptians were Africans, given that if they were; it meant that persons of African tumble had the prospective for parallel magnitude (Smith, 2015). At the same time as evidence, Morton renowned that the Bible prepared no talk about of Egyptians' colour. For that reason, he quoted content after content, and every part of it was printed by treasured European scientists, who distinguished that earliest Egyptians turned off, an outstanding similarity to a modern-day Africans. Other than an extra significant, he disagreed that ethnic descriptors were not referred to in the Bible since, at that chronological age, race did not subsist. Even though, it was, as we at the moment pronounce, an average build, somewhat improved to be explicit as merchandise of an account relatively than of knowledge.

Furthermore, as soon as Morton unspoken that the prehistoric Israelites, who he thought were white, except would have by no means married ancient Egyptians in a condition that they were black. Conversely, he unsuccessfully comprehended that cultural chauvinism was a "real American emotion," Douglass jotted. "It so supposes that a black fur in the east stimulates an equal intolerance which we observe at this juncture in the west." Douglass consequently stated that learning racism is not inborn. Of course, appealing with ethnology on its provisions was an unsafe diversion (Smith, 2015). It now and again destined that Douglass continued with systematic customs of belief about race which is fair than basically taking apart in its ordinary sense and claiming on track as a product of the past.

So far it would be incorrect to discharge these thoughts as just based on the outcome of Douglass's individual assort on natural birthrights like his father, who perhaps was his proprietor, who was a white who made an indirect offence to the black history and the black traditions. For instance, they were forever printed in the overhaul of a clear biased outline, one that was fundamental for his era: that is entirely black incorporation and relatively than separation. Even though the trouble was not with black individuals, he affirmed that it was with the white natives (Thompson, 2012). Nevertheless, if they appreciate their democratic system as much as they believed to do, then they would impede referring to science while making excuses for their disappointment to pleasure black Americans as the equivalent general public. Hence, the actual problem is a nationwide predicament, and there is no Negro crisis.

Conclusively, other than an extra significant, he disagreed that ethnic descriptors were not referred to in the Bible since, at that chronological age, race did not subsist. Even though, it was, as we at the moment pronounce, an average build, somewhat improved to be explicit as merchandise of an account relatively than of knowledge. Ultimately, the dilemma is whether the American citizens have integrity as much as necessary, trustworthiness, respect, and nationalism to positively exist to their personal Constitution.


Rodgers, N. (2007). Frederick Douglass and the 'Antieverythingarians'. In Ireland, Slavery and Anti-Slavery: 1612-1865 (pp. 278-289). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Smith, C. (2015). Intersectionality and Socialism: Black Women Navigating Racism and Sexism in American Social Movements.

Thompson, K. D. (2012). Representing African Americans in Transatlantic Abolitionism and Blackface Minstrelsy. The Journal of the Civil War Era, 2(2), 265-266.

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Essay Sample: Racism, Slavery, Bourgeois and Proletarians in Frederick Douglass's Life. (2022, Nov 03). Retrieved from

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