Free Essay. Reflection on an Action Research

Published: 2023-03-29
Free Essay. Reflection on an Action Research
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Teaching Research Reflection Motivation
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1048 words
9 min read

The main goal of action research is to affect particular change as it has been discussed in the research work. In the entire research experience, we've learned that it is essential to conduct research and to develop various implementation mechanisms so that the audiences could be motivated to make a change based on the research findings and conclusions.

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It is imperative to note that even some of the best research efforts may not result in academic and professional improvements if there is a lack of an implementation mechanism for such research findings (Parsell, Ambler & Jacenyik-Trawoger, 2014). In our research work, we found out that various research initiatives do not affect change merely because they are least persuasive to the audience, there spare time and resources to make such changes as well as poor planning of the implementation phase (Afonja & Ojeomogha, 2014). We also realized that leading change in a persuasive research presentation requires strong leadership, which is thoughtful and committed.

It is our hope and desire that when we conduct action research, the various conclusions, and recommendations drawn from data need to be persuasive and realistic for easy implementation by the audience. Therefore, there is a need for the development of an action plan (Parsell, Ambler & Jacenyik-Trawoger, 2014). The diversity and complexity determine the ease of the development and implementation of an action plan. No matter the case, we have realized that it is essential to have a research team that is proactive, thoughtful, and systematic when it comes to the implementation of change based on the research findings (Afonja & Ojeomogha, 2014).

We have also noted that the development of the implementation action plan involves the identification of the issue, the restatement of the problem, the development of a focus on the desired outcome, a listing of all the findings as well as the development of the changes or actions desired (Parsell, Ambler & Jacenyik-Trawoger, 2014). The main issue of the research ought to form the basis for the development of the action plan. In our study, the issue studied was of great concern such that an adequate amount of time was invested in data collection to discuss its facets. We also discovered that the purpose of the research should be the centerpiece for the development of the action plan.

We began by identifying the issue we wanted to address and how conducting research would help us in addressing the concerns. The question or the problem should be restated in the action plan. The data concerning the issue/ problem is just enough to form the basis for the development of an action plan to address the concern (Parsell, Ambler & Jacenyik-Trawoger, 2014). The findings of our research were also adequate to bridge the gap between the study and the subsequent action plan.

It is worth noting that action research could be adopted in the school organization as a superior attempt for teachers' evaluation. From our research experience, we learned that action research for the organization's development, such as school, encourages various professionals e.g., teachers, to study and to reflect on their practices with the sole purpose of improving the teaching experience (Finelli, Daly, & Richardson, 2014).

In schools, the teachers could engage in action research as a way of improving their pedagogical practice and skills within the school ecosystem (Parsell, Ambler & Jacenyik-Trawoger, 2014). Teachers are ideally researchers, and the teaching profession is research. We also realized that collaborative action research could be adopted in schools as a transformational experience of working in an environment steeped in professional discourse that moves the teachers in a continuous upward spiral both in their practices and understanding (Afonja & Ojeomogha, 2014).

The action research helps in improving the teaching and learning processes through the provision of data for reflections and immediate actions. It helps in the determination of a focus and engagement in teaching based on observable research findings (Parsell, Ambler & Jacenyik-Trawoger, 2014). In the implementation of action research in the educational system, it is vital to determine the necessity for the implementation of such actions, especially the people to be involved, the resources required as well as other factors. Teachers need to engage in action research to improve learning and teaching experiences. The involvement of the principal, teachers, and possibly the students is essential for conducting action research (Afonja & Ojeomogha, 2014).

In the development of action plans within the school, it is also essential to present elaborate intent to address the factors identified as necessary for the implementation of the action or change (Parsell, Ambler & Jacenyik-Trawoger, 2014). The more people we'll need to involve in our action plan, the more necessary it will be for us to provide a concrete structure for implementing that plan.

For example, if our research supports a change in the class schedule or period format in our school, that's not something that can be implemented overnight. It's also something that will involve a large number of people, including the superintendent and school board (Jameson, 2013). If we present as part of our plan a timeline explaining how we will transition into a new schedule based on our research, our audience will be much more likely to accept what we are proposing

Finally, when developing an action plan, we must include a method for collecting data on the success with which the action or change is implemented. The only way to find out if our plan is successful will be to study just as critically as we did our initial problem (Finelli, Daly, & Richardson, 2014). We need to be just as diligent and critical when evaluating our plans as we would the initial problem, or else we'll never know if what we're doing actually works.


Parsell, M., Ambler, T., & Jacenyik-Trawoger, C. (2014). Ethics in higher education research. Studies in Higher Education, 39(1), 166-179. Retrieved from

Jameson, J. (2013). leadership in higher education: The fifth "age" of educational technology research. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(6), 889-915. Retrieved from

Finelli, C. J., Daly, S. R., & Richardson, K. M. (2014). Bridging the research to practice gap: Designing an institutional change plan using local evidence. Journal of Engineering Education, 103(2), 331-361. Retrieved from

Afonja, D., & Ojeomogha, O. (2014, July). Research Productivity and Academic Leadership among Faculty Members in Nigerian Universities. In Journal of the World Universities Forum (Vol. 7, No. 2).

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