Free Essay Example. Reflection on Metacognition

Published: 2023-04-23
Free Essay Example. Reflection on Metacognition
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Reflection Sport Cognitive development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 943 words
8 min read

Understanding what one has learned is typically brought by the benefits of an individual being able to convey that knowledge to a new level by investing more learning possibilities. In my previous experience with dancing, I was not able to display appropriate and alignment with ease. I could feel pain in my joints after every dance lesson. With the help of the cognitive process, I was able to achieve my goals and display posture and control complex movement vocabularies.

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Metacognition is a learning process comprising many strategies aid in achieving a better learning experience. Various researchers have defined metacognition as "knowing about knowing" or "thinking about thinking" or awareness of one's consciousness (Lovyagina et al., 56). Generally, metacognition refers to one's knowledge concerning one's cognitive processes. Therefore with a metacognition regulatory system, one can easily understand and control their cognitive performance. Metacognition thus helps students in their growth of mindset, setting active goals, monitoring, and evaluating the goals. Performing and understanding dance outlines embodied cognitive processes based on training, somatosensation, memory, visual, motor perception, and multimodal imagery. This paper, therefore, explains the importance of metacognition to the students in various dancing lessons.

Growth Mindset

Metacognition has been my crucial strategy to master the dancing techniques and helped my growth of mindset. It helps me plan, monitor, and evaluate my tasks by asking myself some essential questions like 'what should I do better' and what I should do differently in the future time. Dancing usually expresses ideas through the movement of the body and can be a challenging and expensive form of art. Therefore we (students) should learn how to develop a wide range of movement vocabularies, various kinds of skills, abilities, and use our body safely and healthily. Metacognition can, therefore, help in the appropriate selection of techniques, aim in an efficient performance, create awareness of overall task performance, appraisal of students' work, and efficiency of their dancing strategies. Various studies have shown that students using metacognition strategies in their dancing lessons tend to develop a greater tendency in their learning progress. In my opinion, metacognition has helped me to recall my previous dancing lessons with excellent efficiency; it has helped me behave in more flexibility, strategically, and productivity in my dancing lessons. With the cognition process, I can use mental imagery exercise and memorize complex movements, thus gaining in terms of artistic expression.

Goal Settings

I have gained various metacognition experiences by making annotative notes and mapping techniques. I often prefer the use of a rehearsal type method since it has to help me become proficient in posture, alignment, and body balancing, thus assisting in accomplishing my goals. The setting of fundamental goals is an encouragement to improve performance by focusing on attention, increasing persistence, and enhancing effort. The goals should be specific; one should keep track of their learning progress to be able to achieve their goals. The goals should be pragmatic, achievable, and timed. Timing plays a vital role in my success; it assists me to efficiently and progressively achieve goals such as mastering complex movement vocabularies, posture, and equilibrium control.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Generally, self-regulation and metacognition control one's capability of thinking and behaviors. As with any other physical studies, aspects of safety should be given priority and should be underpinned in various dancing lessons. The body should be free of watches and jewellery with appropriate clothing that allows freedom of movement. Warm-up also helps in preparing the body for physical exertion, thus helping in attaining body safeties.

Posture, alignment, and balance are fundamental to dancing; metacognition has thus help me improve on the way I articulate and project my movements. Through planning, monitoring, and evaluating my task as a student, I have gain experience in both classical ballet and modern dance. I can notice the improvement in my movement vocabularies that include Arabesque, attitude positions, pirouette turns, and choreographer's skills as a whole. Usually, graceful posture is fundamental to beautiful dance movements, while appropriate body alignment lessens the chance of bodily injury and enables the dancer to move loosely.

Dance training has enhanced my sensorimotor control functions holding static as well as effective equilibrium. Balance usually refers to one's ability to maintain the center of gravity of the body while lessening postural sway. A classically-trained dancer, thus, exhibits better postural control, can keep given postures for longer durations, and display more vertical alignment when stepping than non-dancers. Through repeated exercises such as yoga or pilates, I have gradually improved on somatosensory functions, helping my progress in posture and equilibrium control. Cognition progress has therefore strengthened my core, mid- and lower-back muscles.

Sincerely, effortless performance of extremely demanding or complex moves is a characteristic of skilled dance experts. I have, therefore, optimized motor synergies and consequently reduced energy costs in terms of force and muscle tension to achieve my goal in control of complex movements effectively. Various dancing styles may require aesthetic improvements to the neutral base; for instance, styles such as the jazz vocabulary and graham technique that may necessitate sitting on the floor, sometimes present specific objections for alignment. However, dancers usually prefer to balance precariously with small supports, for instance, the ball of a single foot; the body will thus be less stable in this posture; this is one of the examples as to why body awareness is essential. Thus I recommend the use of the cognitive process by students in various dancing lessons.

Work Cited

Lovyagina, Aleksandra, et al. "Metacognitive Awareness in the Structure of Mental Self-Regulation in Students Involved and not Involved in Sports." 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2019). Atlantis Press, 2019. Retrieve from

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