Essay Example: Reflective Analysis of the Student

Published: 2020-02-24
Essay Example: Reflective Analysis of the Student
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Students
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1248 words
11 min read

Student was successful with the accommodations and modifications that were provided for her. By being able to read the poem orally with the class, the student was engaged in the learning process with being included with the rest of the class. Student could listen while peers read their parts of the stanzas and when it was her turn, she read her stanza with confidence and understanding of the text. This worked very well as the student, when she focuses and takes her time, can become involved in the lesson with ease instead of anxiety. A positive that stood out was that her peers were extremely patient and supportive when it was her turn to read. A fellow peer that was seated next to her even offered assistance when she came across difficult words in her assigned stanza. Student was able to answer general questions about the poem in regards to who the main character was, what story or point the character was trying to get across. The accuracy in which the student handled the task not only boosted her self-confidence but also increased her popularity in the class. The rest class was supportive and ready to offer her any help they could. Her reading was quite eloquent and the class was supportive of her as she read her part. This activity did not attract any negative feelings about the student because all students were given an equal opportunity to read a stanza and prove their ability. Treating them equally boosted her self-confidence because she learnt she could perform all the tasks assigned to her as good as any other student.

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This student was provided with the necessary resources to help her in learning. In this case she had access to technology in the form of a computer where she was able to research the poem and locate pictures that told the story of the poem. The computer not only provided her the visual background of the poem but also helped her express herself to the class. She printed pictures and, using resources that were available, such as: construction paper, scissors, glue, markers, and a pen to create a collage of the pictures she had chosen. Her collage was beautiful and related to the poem. This won her great admiration in the class as many students were dazzled by her accuracy and creativity. She was able to answer questions by using the collage to display her kinesthetic strengths. She clearly explained her choices of pictures and their position in the collage and was able to explain their relevance to the poem. The rest of the class was amazed by her ability to create such a good collage and explain it to them. Her work not only surprised them but also inspired them as they all wanted to do a collage for themselves. This also opened up an opportunity for the rest of the class to express themselves in pictures as well. They loved her collage and in turn, expressed interest in creating collages of their own. Because the other students were so adamant about working on their own collages, a second part to the assignment was added for an additional grade.

The lesson was very successful with the students highly motivated. If I were to teach this lesson again, I would conduct it the same way but with little modifications to make it more interesting. I would encourage the reading to be done in pairs so that all the students would have a reading partner. This would ensure that she got someone to help her with the reading activity without necessarily drawing unnecessary attention to her. It would be necessary to treat the whole class equally to avoid any forms of discrimination on her because of her disability. Having everyone get a reading partner would also help her get a friend that could help her with other academic tasks given to her and help her fit in the class like any other person. I would also give the collage assignments to the whole class. I observed that the student was excited about being able to share her point of view using her strengths, which, if had not been given another method of explaining the poetic piece, may have been difficult for her. The rest of the class were eager to form create their own collages and explain the poem using pictures. I would give this assignment to the whole class to increase their participation in the class. This assignment would not only excite the whole class but also make them feel as part of her education. I would also use more integrative techniques to help the whole class be part of her learning experience and boost her relationship with other members of the class. These activities would help the other members of the class feel as part of her education and appreciate their role in her education.

Some of the modifications that could help learning in the IEP program include, involving other students in the special activities. The frequency of such activities should have been increased to boost the integration program in the class. Such activities may include games and songs that might help the learner be at par with the rest of the class in learning. Games formulated to help achieve a certain academic goal would help create cohesiveness in the class and boost motivation of all the learners. Songs would also help increase the motivation and memory of all the learners. Learners would be eager to participate in such activities. These activities would not only help the entire class understand the concepts being taught but also help them discover their strengths in other activities.

The regular education teacher should definitely consider allowing the student to utilize technology as often as possible as an implementation method for various activities and assignments that are related to understanding informational text. The special education teacher can collaborate with the regular education teacher in regards to ensuring that the student has extended time to complete these types of assignments. A special education teacher would offer support that is more detailed to the learner and help her grow better. For instance, a special education teacher would give the student the skill to improve her speech while the regular teacher would only help her build her confidence. As the special education teacher and resource teacher, the student will have access to one on one support outside of the regular education class, which will allow the student to have the opportunity to further use her creative kinesthetic skills. Other members of the IEP team can also be of assistance. There is a group counselor that visits the campus at least once or twice a week. a counselor would help the other learners understand the diability of the learner and be more cooperative with her in her learning. The counselor would help get the feedback from the students about the progress of the IEP program and their insecurities. This move would be helpful in creating class activities that are accommodative of the IEP learner but relevant and workable to the rest of the class. This could be helpful for the student. She can express herself, work on building her confidence, especially where academics comes into play. She can also become more comfortable working in groups for future activities and projects. This would help in a major way as the student is normally to herself and it takes awhile for her to warm up to others.

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Essay Example: Reflective Analysis of the Student. (2020, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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