Report Example - Exploring Presentation Tools: A Comparison of Prezi and PowerPoint

Published: 2024-01-07
Report Example - Exploring Presentation Tools: A Comparison of Prezi and PowerPoint
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Design
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 722 words
7 min read

The two tools that one can use to present information are Prezi and PowerPoint. The tools offer the individual the advantage of creating a better style and effect in their presentations. The difference between the two tools is that PowerPoint uses slides while Prezi uses the concept of Pathway Points to give the visual cinematic appeal. The advantages of presenting information using Prezi include the fact that it has a variety of templates.

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It is entirely free to acquire Prezi, and it is also appropriate for all ages (Moulton et al., 2017). The presenter enjoys the advantage of being up-to-date with technology, one can do their presentations in a unique way, and it allows for the conversion of PowerPoint presentations as well as having the application of links and images with Zoom.

The disadvantages of Prezi include causing motion sickness to the viewers. A lot of them complain that they feel dizzy when moving from one slide to another, and the presenter works to ensure that they are all comfortable (Ustun, 2019). Prezi requires the internet to operate and thus may not be useful when it involves areas without any internet connection. Prezi does not have enough tools, and many people do not understand how to use it.

The advantages of using PowerPoint include the fact that one can prepare their presentation creatively and with ease (Xingeng & Jianxiang, 2012). It is also easy to edit the information on the slides and perform applications like deleting unnecessary slides and rearranging them in the order of how one would like the presentation. It is easy to use because the presenter only needs to click a button to go to another slide.

The disadvantage of using PowerPoint is that it does not have a wide range of templates as is the case of Prezi. There are quite a number of tools that can get one confused, and it can distract people from what the presenter is saying. Most people will be following the content of the PowerPoint and not what the speaker is saying.

A particular situation may call for one type of software because the use is dependent on the content of the presenter. An example is that many will prefer to use PowerPoint to Prezi because their skills only know how to operate it. PowerPoint is easier because it makes the work quick and easy, one can use simple bullet points, the colorful and attractive designs help one to create something visually appealing, and it is generally easy to modify.

Similarly, the accessibility of PowerPoint is relatively high hence the ease of use (Meidiana, 2018). However, for a complex topic, the presenter will prefer using Prezi because PowerPoint has the inability to represent the complexity of a particular topic. In the case of presenting business information, the presenter may prefer Prezi because it is good for collaborating or may not prefer it because it is hard to edit and not easy to repurpose content.

An example of an experience of presentation is the one during class where a classmate has to present their project using the software of their choice, which was PowerPoint. I liked how the presenter simplified the topic using bullet points. The design of the presentation was simple yet creative, and they could edit all the slides even when they had finished the work. The use of PowerPoint software was easy to create and present visual aids. The lesson was quite enjoyable, and the presenter did not have to spend a lot of hours developing a smooth presentation.


Meidiana, A. (2018). Students' perception of PowerPoint presentation used by the teacher in learning English at SMPN 3 Batu (Doctoral dissertation, University of Muhammadiyah Malang).

Moulton, S. T., Türkay, S., & Kosslyn, S. M. (2017). Does a presentation's medium affect its message? PowerPoint, Prezi, and oral presentations. PloS one, 12(7), e0178774.

Ustun, A. B. (2019). Students' Experiences in Learning and Using Prezi in Higher Education. Bartin Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(3), 928-946.

Xingeng, D., & Jianxiang, L. (2012). Advantages and disadvantages of PowerPoint in lectures to science students. IJ Education and Management Engineering, 9(1), 61-65.

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Report Example - Exploring Presentation Tools: A Comparison of Prezi and PowerPoint. (2024, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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