Report on Navigating Healthcare Decisions: A Comprehensive Exploration of Family Involvement and Personal Experiences

Published: 2023-12-22
Report on Navigating Healthcare Decisions: A Comprehensive Exploration of Family Involvement and Personal Experiences
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Family Personal experience
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1044 words
9 min read

Assignment 1

First, I feel that seeking treatment after three years is somehow late. Treatment for an acute disease like lymphoma should be diagnosed at an early stage as conditions can worsen at any moment (COVID-19 & Lymphoma, 2020). It is the daughter's responsibility to take care of her children; therefore, lessening the grandmother's workload since more work may negatively impact one's health status (COVID-19 & Lymphoma, 2020). However, friends and family members should be involved in decision-making since they all care for the grandmother.

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Yes, I have thought about what kind of care I would want if I could no longer speak for myself. First, in doing so, I have to issue an advanced directive. The document will outline the wishes I would want when that time comes. First, I would prefer to be taken to a nursing home since I don't want to burden my family. Nursing homes have all the resources to conduct good nursing care. Secondly, I would want to be put on a breathing machine and artificially fed if my health deteriorates. Lastly, I would like my family members to be ever-present in case their opinions are needed.

Family members should be involved in decision-making. In my view, I would group them in a group of at least four. That way, each group will have a representative who will avail of the individual group's decisions and opinions. That will enable each family member to be involved in the care of the grandmother's health. Consequently, nurses and health providers will give way forward after considering all the ideas (Brinkman-Stoppelenburg et al., 2014). Considering all the members' opinions is regarded as a good thing since they would compare all views, which will ensure that the grandmother receives the health procedures she deserves.

Assignment 2

I have experienced head pains. It came one particular morning as I was chilling at my house. The pain was not severe at first. I decided to use an ice pack to reduce the temperature. The pain became intense and agreed to buy pain relievers in a nearby store. The pain relievers worked for a short time so I decided to seek medical intervention. There, they prescribed pain relievers like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and also specified that more exercise would be helpful as it reduces stress levels and enhances overall health (Medical News Today, 2020).

Yes, those around me understood what I was experiencing. It was my friend that suggested the use of ice packs. Although the ice pack did not have a lasting effect, it reduced the pain (Medical News Today, 2020). His suggestion showed that he had experienced such pain before, which made me comfortable as I was sure that nothing outrageous would have happened if he had been around. Through his assistance, I managed to arrive at the hospital safely and sound as he was the one who accompanied me and also offered that he would take care of the medical expenses. It showed that he cared for me.

If I come across a person experiencing pain, I would first recommend the patient remain calm. Calmness is considered an important aspect when providing medical attention (Medical News Today, 2020). I would also ensure that the patient receives the medical intervention required by transporting the patient to the hospital or providing pain relievers before heading to the hospital. Any pain should be addressed with great caution as it involves people's lives (Medical News Today, 2020). One should be responsible for providing any medical assistance even if the patient in question is a stranger. One should also not expect rewards for performing such acts as we are dealing with patients' lives.

Response 1

Would you want to be placed in a nursing home if your condition warranted? Why or why not?

Yes, I would like to be placed in a nursing home if my condition is warranted. I believe that in nursing homes, there are vast resources that can perform any medical procedures. Furthermore, nurses with experience are always available. The nursing home will provide the right medical procedures. By staying home, I will be a burden to my family; therefore, I don't want to bother my family with my condition.

Would you want to have financial matters taken into account when treatment decisions you would make? Why or why not?

Yes, I would want to have financial matters taken into account when I make treatment decisions because in attaining the right medical procedures, one should know certain expenses. That will prevent the usage of resources that I cannot afford. I would also like to be involved in establishing the costs as it would provide proper insight into what I have signed to do.

Response 2

How do you feel about the use of life-sustaining measures in the face of terminal illness?

I feel that life-sustaining measures are useful but also not excellent since I think that life support action leaves the nurses at some point in a dilemma (Ursin, 2019). A survey indicated that when situations involving withholding and withdrawing of the life sustainable procedures come, nurses have difficulty deciding due to psychological bias (Ursin, 2019). However, in performing life-sustaining measures, the patient's and relatives' consent should be taken into account.

How do you feel about particular medical procedures?

The use of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Equipment (ECMO) has helped the healthcare system. The usage of ECMO has increased in the last decade as hospitals find it useful in sustaining life (Fitzgerald et al., 2017). However, in using the equipment, intense emergency management is essential as the equipment may experience an issue, and it is of utmost importance that nurses and medical providers.


(COVID-19), C., & Lymphoma, L. (2020). Diagnosis & Treatment for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Retrieved 21 September 2020, from

Brinkman-Stoppelenburg, A., Rietjens, J., & van der Heide, A. (2014). The effects of advance care planning on end-of-life care: A systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 28(8), 1000-1025.

Fitzgerald, D., Darling, E., & Cardona, M. (2017). Staffing, Equipment, Monitoring Considerations for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Critical Care Clinics, 33(4), 863-881.

Medical News Today. (2020). Headaches: Causes, types, and treatment. Retrieved 21 September 2020, from

Ursin, L. (2019). Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment: Ethically Equivalent?. The American Journal Of Bioethics, 19(3), 10-20.

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Report on Navigating Healthcare Decisions: A Comprehensive Exploration of Family Involvement and Personal Experiences. (2023, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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