Report on Unveiling Authentic Leadership: Self-Assessment, Improvement Strategies, and Shared Insights

Published: 2023-12-29
Report on Unveiling Authentic Leadership: Self-Assessment, Improvement Strategies, and Shared Insights
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Behavior
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 605 words
6 min read

What is the analysis of your results?

I scored in the high range for Self-Awareness and Internalized Moral Perspective. I was not surprised that I scored in the high range for Self-Awareness. Throughout this course, I've been able to self-reflect on what I do well and what I need to work on. Northouse (2018) states that Self-Awareness is a process in which individuals understand themselves, including their strengths and weaknesses, and their impact on others. However, I was surprised that I scored so low for Balanced Processing. Northouse (2018) states that Balanced Processing is a self-regulatory behavior. Although not completely clear from its title, it refers to an individual's ability to analyze information objectively and explore other people's opinions before deciding. I realize that my opinion isn't always the best option, but I need to continue cultivating this behavior to become a more authentic leader.

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How did this questionnaire better help you understand your skill level?

Understanding the components of an authentic leader and taking this questionnaire has helped me better understand that I need to improve my Balanced Processing and even my Relational Transparency. I can still improve in the other areas evaluated in the questionnaire, but I must focus on Balanced Processing first.

What resources did you find that could help you improve?

Michael Frisina wrote a book called The Influential Leadership: Change Your Behavior, Change Your Organization, Change Health Care. One of the book's core goals is to outline how leaders and staff will change their behavior when they understand how it affects the outcome of their work, the lives of those around them, and the organization's performance. Frisina (2014) also created the C4 model, which is a tool that "helps guide leaders in understanding and assessing their behavior" (pg. 19).

Another resource I found was an article by Maria Shirey called to Enhance Your Self-awareness to Be an Authentic Leader. Shirey (2015) discusses authentic leadership and offers some ideas to improve self-awareness such as, “explore personal strengths and fatal flaws, understand your limitations and seek others to compliment you and the team, observe yourself and engage an observational partner, examine emotional intelligence, create downtime for daily reflection, incorporate time for personal renewal and celebrate milestones, and dig deep to gain insight.” Focusing on each of the areas Shirey suggested will help me to develop my self-awareness, which will improve my authentic leadership skills.

What is your response to another student?

Shoshana, you scored well on this particular exercise. I, too, scored the lowest in the Balanced Processing category. I've spent some time thinking about the score, and I feel like I try to analyze information objectively and explore other people’s opinions before making a decision. Perhaps it would be useful if I had my co-workers evaluate me to see if I'm too critical of myself, or maybe not necessary enough! Also, I think it would be interesting to see how some of the most influential leaders score on this exercise. I would presume that no leader scores a 20 across the board. However, I'm sure that successful global leaders realize their strengths and weaknesses and take the appropriate steps to compensate for their insufficiencies. Good luck to you in your future studies. It seems like you are on your way to becoming a dynamic leader!


Frisina, M (2014). Self-Awareness: The Basic Competency of the Influential Leader. Retrieved from

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and Practice, 8th Edition. SAGE Publications, Inc, 2017049134. VitalSource file.

Shirey, M. (2015). Enhance your self-awareness to be an authentic leader - American Nurse Today. Retrieved from

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Report on Unveiling Authentic Leadership: Self-Assessment, Improvement Strategies, and Shared Insights. (2023, Dec 29). Retrieved from

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