Research Paper on Internal Public Relations

Published: 2023-05-01
Research Paper on Internal Public Relations
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Public relations
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 945 words
8 min read


The emphasis of public relations has long been laid in the relationships between a firm and its publics. However, internal public relations emphasize the strategic relationship between an organization and one of its crucial internal publics, the employees. Specifically, internal public relations activities are aimed at improving the effectiveness of the employee-organization relationships. Internal public relations have a positive impact on employee engagement, creativity, and communication behaviors. Firms should adopt transparent organizational communication since it is a critical practice that leads to positive employee outcomes. The internal communication efforts of an organization influence the employee's behavioral motivations in the workplace.

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The need to effectively manage employee's issues is exceptionally vital in an organization. Specifically, managing employee's health concerns is a top priority for employers. Disclosing personal information in the workplace enables employees to be comfortable at work, and enhances a sense of belonging as they create rapport with colleagues and supervisors (Smith & Brunner, 2017). In contrast, the lack of disclosure is detrimental as it inhibits employee's workplace accommodation, thereby affecting their performance. In most instances, the disclosure decision is influenced by the employee's perceptions about the possible ramifications of the disclosure. Employees tend to openly disclose their issues to employers to seek appropriate work adjustments or emotional support. However, employees may opt for non-disclosure to avoid discrimination or stigma from their peers and supervisors. A conducive work environment should afford employees the freedom to disclose their personal issues with employers without the fear of discrimination or stigma.

Internal Relationship Management

According to Ferguson, relationship management is a key concept of internal public relations in an organization (2018). Relationship management includes four constructs (trust, commitment, satisfaction, and control mutuality) as the core concepts of organizational public relations (Horn & Grunig, 1999). The scope of internal public relations entails "the degree to which an organization and its employees trust one another, agree on who has the rightful power to influence, experience satisfaction with each other, and commit oneself to the other" (Men & Stacks, 2014, p. 307). Internal public relations efforts bring positive outcomes to an organization as it enhances employee engagement and information sharing in the workplace. Eventually, internal communication practices improve organizational effectiveness and help build corporate reputation.

Transparent Communication

Transparent organizational communication is an internal strategic concept in public relations. Transparent communications stem from the model of organizational transparency which is defined as "an organization's communication to make available all legally releasable information to employees whether positive or negative in nature-in a manner that is accurate, timely, balanced and unequivocal, to enhance the reasoning ability of employees, and holding organizations accountable for their actions, policies, and practices" (Men, 2014, p. 260). The concept of transparency entails that organizations are willing to deliberately inform their employees about their actions and decisions in a truthful, relevant, and substantial manner. In the same notion, organizational transparency encourages employees to fully participate in seeking and sharing credible information amongst their colleagues and supervisors.

Transparent communication indicates an organization's level of accountability for their actions and policies. In building trust and credibility, an organization requires to adopt different dimensions of transparency, such as accountable, participative, and informational perspectives. Accountable transparency calls on organizations to share with their employees, both positive and negative information. Essentially, revealing both positive and negative information about an organization's business practices and policies enables employees to understand a company's intentions and reduces anxiety over uncertain consequences (Men & Yue, 2019). Participative transparency requires organizations to encourage their employees to partake in seeking and sharing information actively. In this way, organizations can institute relevant communication practices to help meet the information needs of their employees. Lastly, informational transparency emphasizes on the necessity of communication clarity to ensure that employees only receive truthful and credible information from their employers.

In the context of internal public relations, transparent communication yields a positive effect on employee outcomes. Transparent communication is positively associated, enhancing employee trust with the firm and their engagement within the company. In addition, informational transparency is significantly related to positive internal reputation and active employee communication in crisis situations. Active communication practices are vital in encouraging employees to participate in the internal decision-making process within the organization (Men, 2014). This eventually contributes to employees' satisfaction and worthiness as they feel that the company values their input.


In summary, there exists a positive correlation between internal transparent communication and employee-organizational relations. Adopting excellent internal communication efforts plays a pivotal role in influencing employee's perceptions and disclosure behaviors in the workplace. Disclosure tendencies in the workplace enable employees to be comfortable at work and enhances a sense of belonging as they create rapport with colleagues and supervisors. In contrast, the lack of disclosure inhibits employee's workplace accommodation, thereby affecting their performance. Organizations must adopt effective communication practices to enhance employee engagement and satisfaction in the workplace.


Ferguson, M.A. (2018). Building theory in public relations: Interorganizational relationships as a public relations paradigm. Journal of Public Relations Research, 30 (4) (2018), pp. 164-178.

Hon, L.C. & Grunig, J.E. (1999). Guidelines for measuring relationships in public relations. Institute for Public Relations, Commission on P.R. Measurement and Evaluation, Gainesville, FL (1999).

Men, L.R. & Stacks, D. (2014). The effects of authentic leadership on strategic internal communication and employee-organization relationships. Journal of Public Relations Research, 26 (4) (2014), pp. 301-324.

Men, L.R. (2014). Internal reputation management: The impact of authentic leadership and transparent communication. Corporate Reputation Review, 17 (4) (2014), pp. 254-272.

Men, L.R. & Yue, C.A. (2019). Creating a positive emotional culture: Effect of internal communication and impact on employee supportive behaviors. Public Relations Review (2019), Article 101764.

Smith, S.A & Brunner, S.R. (2017). To reveal or conceal: Using communication privacy management theory to understand disclosures in the workplace. Management Communication Quarterly, 31 (3) (2017), pp. 429-446.

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