Research Paper on Major Corporation's involvement in US politics

Published: 2023-11-12
Research Paper on Major Corporation's involvement in US politics
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics United States Political science
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 756 words
7 min read

The research aims to explore the involvement of major corporations in United States politics to understand the role they play in influencing various political decisions in the country. The study will be both descriptive and review to fully comprehend the extent of the involvement currently and in the past. Descriptive research provides researchers with accurate data regarding politics, while the literature review provides insights on studies that have been undertaken in the past on the same topic. With the deterioration of political democracy in the US and the loss of trust in government by the citizens, the proposed research will analyze the extent to which significant corporations influence campaigns and the outcome of an election and consequently advocate for their selfish gains once their preferred candidate is in power. The research question under investigation is whether the involvement of the corporations in US politics can be ascribed to the public's vast problems.

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The study will comprise of non-experimental research on variables that cannot be controlled. Case studies will be utilized to comprehend how politics is affected by corporations. From the recent news headline in the United States of America, President Donald Trump's impeachment plan case study will be utilized to show how forces outside the USA congress were working to overthrow his leadership. In addition to the Trump Impeachment, the case studies of how the Congress has failed to implement various policies opposed by major corporations and its impact on the trust the public has on their capabilities will also be analyzed. The research will also focus on the regulations imposed by Congress to control campaign funding, which is identified as the main problem leading to house control by cartels.

Public opinion data will be collected using surveys and questionnaires. The government's poor performance due to external influence has a negative impact on the majority of the citizens. The questionnaires will comprise questions on how the government has failed to deliver on their mandate and how tycoons and cartels associated with prominent political leaders contribute to the overall suffering in the society, yet no action is taken against them.

Interviews will be an essential design employed in data collection. The research will focus on the politicians, the public, and other key stakeholders in US politics. The interviews will be conducted based on prior arrangements with the interviewee, and the questions will focus on the views on campaign funding as a weapon against the politicians. The interviews with politicians will aim to understand whether there are any strings attached to the money they receive as donations from wealthy individuals and businesses and whether they impact their policy-making role negatively.

This study will also utilize a literature review from scholars who have researched the corporation involvement in politics and its impact on the nation. The research conducted by Mendilow (2014), indicated that corruption witnessed in the political offices today could be directly linked to the campaign funds received from prominent business leaders to the electorates. Articles by researchers on the campaign funding and how it has been a problem in the past will also be utilized. Some of the researchers whose work will play a vital role in the conclusion of the study are Persily et al. (2018), Nwokora (2014), Neron (2016), and Lyon et al. (2018). The articles provide insights on the campaign funding and the reforms that have been enacted to limit corporations from utilizing the financial aids to control the government.

In conclusion, the research design will enable the researcher to obtain data from other scholars, politicians, and the public by utilizing questionnaires, surveys, interviews, and a literature review. The conclusion that the study aim at arriving at is that the involvement of major corporations in the US politics affects the countries progress negatively. The politicians should discern the intentions of their financial supporters during their campaigns to avoid conflict of interest.


Lyon, T. P., Delmas, M. A., Maxwell, J. W., Bansal, P., Chiroleu-Assouline, M., Crifo, P. & Toffel, M. (2018). CSR needs CPR: Corporate sustainability and politics. California Management Review, 60(4), 5-24.

Mendilow, J. (2014). Corruption and Campaign Funding: A Burkean Perspective. Studies of Changing Societies, 2013(2), 43-63

Néron, P. Y. (2016). Rethinking the ethics of corporate political activities in a post-citizens united era: Political equality, corporate citizenship, and market failures. Journal of Business Ethics, 136(4), 715-728.

Nwokora, Z. (2014). The distinctive politics of campaign finance reform. Party Politics, 20(6), 918-929.

Persily, N., Bauer, R. F., & Ginsberg, B. L. (2018). Campaign Finance in the United States: Assessing an Era of Fundamental Change. Bipartisan Policy Center.

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Research Paper on Major Corporation's involvement in US politics. (2023, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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