Research Paper on the Importance of Nursing Practice

Published: 2023-01-15
Research Paper on the Importance of Nursing Practice
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Nursing management Nursing care
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1501 words
13 min read

Introduction/Statement Problem

All patients expect to be given care that satisfies their unique needs and rather not what conveniences the healthcare providers. Attaining this objective requires a transformed and integrated healthcare system. The transformation of the healthcare system requires proper thinking of all healthcare providers while at the same time advancing opportunities for new roles. Nurses play a critical in the process of transforming the healthcare system to offer a more valuable and high-quality environment for all patients. The Affordable Care Act has strived to put pressure on healthcare professionals to ensure that they advance a wholly patient-centered system. The need for such a shift is important due to the increasing cases of chronic conditions, the need for prevention of adverse conditions, ad prevention, and wellness. Due to the fact, there is an increasingly aging population; there will be a need for palliative care in the coming years. Also, the rising number of the insured population alongside a rise in racial and ethnic minority groupings that have customarily experienced obstacles in getting healthcare will equally demand the kind of care provided to focus on socioeconomic and cultural based population.

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Literature Review

Nursing is a standout among the most flexible occupations in the healthcare sector. In the long time since Florence Nightingale created and advanced the idea of an informed workforce of offering care for the sick, present-day nursing has rehashed itself various occasions as human services have progressed and changed (In Ray et al., 2016). Because of the nursing calling's adaptability and versatile limit, new vocation pathways for medical practitioners have advanced, pulling in a bigger and all the more comprehensively capable candidate pool and prompting extended extents of training and obligations regarding nurses. Medical attendants have been empowering agents of change in human services along numerous dimensions (In Ray et al., 2016). Given the current worries about a lack of experienced experts, the advisory group gave specific consideration to the role of medical attendants, particularly APRNs. Today, nurse practitioners, together with doctors, give the greater part of the essential consideration in the United States. Doctors represent 287,000 essential consideration suppliers, Nurse Practitioners for 83,000, and physician agents for 23,000. While the quantities of Nurse Practitioners are consistently expanding, the quantities of restorative students and inhabitants entering essential consideration have declined as of late. The interest to construct the essential consideration workforce, including APRNs, will develop as access to inclusion, administration settings, and administrations increments under the ACA (Schwartz, 2013). While Nurse Practitioners make up marginally not exactly a fourth of the nation's essential consideration experts, it is a group that has developed as of late and can become further at a generally quick pace.

As the human services framework has become in recent years, the instruction and jobs of APRNs have advanced continuously with the goal that medical caretakers presently enter the work environment willing and qualified to give a bigger number of administrations than they recently did (In Ray et al., 2016). As the administrations bolstered by developing training projects extended, so did the cover of training limits of APRNs and doctors. APRNs are more than doctor extenders or substitutes. They spread the consideration continuum from well-being advancement and ailment avoidance to early analysis to anticipate or restrain disability. These administrations are grounded in and formed by their nursing training, with its specific philosophy and expert character (Schwartz, 2013). Nurse Practitioners likewise figure out how to function with groups of suppliers, which may be a standout among the most significant factors in the effective consideration of incessantly sick patients. Even though they use abilities generally living in the domain of prescription, APRNs coordinate a scope of aptitudes from a few controls, including social work, nourishment, and active recuperation.

Current laws are hampering the capacity of APRNs to add to inventive medicinal services conveyance arrangements. A few NPs, for instance, have left essential consideration to fill in as experts in emergency clinic settings, although request in those settings has additionally assumed a role in their development. Others have left NP practice by and large to fill in as staff RNs (In Joel, 2018). For instance, prohibitive state extent of-practice guidelines concerning NPs have constrained extension of retail centers, where NPs give a restricted arrangement of essential consideration benefits straightforwardly to patients. Thus, the roles of NPs in nurse-managed well-being centers and therapeutic homes can be frustrated by dated practice acts. Credentialing and installment strategies regularly are connected to state practice laws (Gray, 2016). A 2007 overview of the credentialing and repayment arrangements of 222 managed care associations uncovered that 53 percent credentialed NPs as essential consideration suppliers; of these, 56 percent repaid essential consideration NPs at a similar rate as essential consideration suppliers, and 38 percent repaid NPs at a lower rate.

Discussion and Analysis

Methods of reasoning expressed by managed care staff for not credentialing NPs as essential consideration suppliers incorporated the way that NPs need to charge under a doctor's supplier number, NPs do not rehearse in doctor deficiency regions, NPs do not meet organizational criteria for essential consideration suppliers, state law does not expect them to recognize NPs, and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) accreditation procedure keeps them from perceiving NPs as an essential consideration supplier in therapeutic homes. As indicated earlier, a few states expect NPs to be regulated by doctors to endorse medicine, while others do not. In this review, 71 percent of reacting back up plans credentialed NPs as essential consideration suppliers in states where doctors did not have to regulate NPs in recommending prescriptions (Gray, 2016). In states that required more doctor inclusion in NP recommending, safety net providers were more averse to believable.

Because a significant number of the issues portrayed in this report are the consequence of an interwoven of state administrative routines, the central government is particularly all around arranged to advance viable changes by gathering and spreading best practices from the nation on top and boosting their appropriation. The government has a convincing enthusiasm for the administrative condition for medicinal services callings given its duty to patients secured by bureaucratic projects, for example, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (Gray, 2016). Similarly significant, in any case, is the government's obligation to every single American who funds the services offered under these and different projects to guarantee that their funds are spent productively and adequately. Government actors, as of now assume a focal role in various territories that would be basic to compelling change of nursing practice, particularly that of APRNs. They pay for most human services administrations conveyed today, they pay for research on the well-being and viability of existing and innovative practice frameworks.

Generalist medical practitioners are extending their practices over all settings to address the needs of patients. Extensions incorporate strategy based aptitudes (including, for instance, IVs and cardiovascular yields), just as clinical judgment abilities (e.g., taking well-being narratives and performing physical examinations to build up a plan of nursing care). There has been "no formal examination of the effect of RN role extension on consideration cost or doctor and RN outstanding task at hand." Researchers portray the development as a moving of aptitudes and exercises, which over the long haul, given the doctor lack, could free up doctor assets, particularly in long haul care, network wellbeing, and school-based well-being (Diallo & Nardi, 2014). Then again, given the anticipated nurse shortage, task moving to exhausted attendants could make dangerous patient consideration situations, particularly in intense consideration medical clinics. To turn away this circumstance, medical attendants need to delegate to other people, for example, nursing associates, and network well-being laborers, among others.

A changed nursing instruction framework that can react to changes in science and logical elements, for example, populace socio-economics, will most likely join required new aptitudes and bolster full extents of training for non-APRNs to address the issues of patients. Expanding access to mind by extending state extent of-practice guidelines, so they accord with the training and competency of APRNs is a vital topic (Diallo & Nardi, 2014). Practice limits are continually changing with the rise of new advancements, developing patient desires, and workforce issues. However, the development to grow extents of training is not upheld by some expert restorative associations. Proficient pressures encompassing practice limits are not constrained to medical caretakers and doctors, yet demonstrate a specific progression crosswise over numerous controls (Diallo & Nardi, 2014). Therapists and clinicians have been differing about prescriptive benefits for over two decades.


Diallo, R., & Nardi D. (2014). Global Trends and Issues in APN Practice: Engage in the Change. Retrieved from

Gray A., (2016). Advanced or advancing nursing practice: what is the future direction for nursing? 25 (1), 14-27.

In Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

In Ray, S. L., In Staples, E., & In Hannon, R. A. (2016). Canadian perspectives on advanced practice nursing. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.

Schwartz, A. (2013). Science of Caring: Gazing into the Future of Advanced Practice Nursing. Retrieved from

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