Research Paper Sample: Experiences of Managing the Study, Work, and Life in Undergraduate Students

Published: 2019-05-14
Research Paper Sample: Experiences of Managing the Study, Work, and Life in Undergraduate Students
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Time management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1233 words
11 min read

What are the experiences of undergraduate students in health-related programs of managing the study, work, and life?

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Interview Number

Eg, 1 of 4 1 of 4




Participant Profile

Eg, gender, age 21 years, female

Place of interview

Cafeteria on Campus

Relevant info

Clara is always fatigued. She has no time for anything else; in fact, she was in a rush to get the interview done. Clara says she gets cranky at times from having done too much already and still having too much to do and less time to do it. Difficult to cope considering pressure of academic work, parents expectations and need to support herself. Academic work is of a broad scope, difficult to manage comprehensively given tight schedule. Family support counts, talking to parents and siblings a lot of the time counts and eases stress. Parents expect a lot, they dont say it but it is quite obvious what they want. They want achievement, high achievement. Friends do little things that aid in easing frustration. Company, providing meals when Im too busy to go for take-out and suchhelpful things.

Studies are too tasking, too much workload to handle. Little time to rest from work.Special comments

Issues emerging from this interview:

The respondents opinion on challenges they face such as expectations.

Problems associated with working and studying at the same time. The need for time off to rest or pursue personal interests not related tostudying or work.

Friends assist in easing the pressures of study and work.

Issues to be followed up in the next interview

The interview questions could be more target specific. There could be separate questionnaires for working and unemployed students.

Face Sheet for interviews 2

Research Question

What are the experiences of undergraduate students in health-related programs of managing the study, work, and life?

Interview Number

Eg, 1 of 4 2 of 4




Participant Profile

Eg, gender, age 22 years, male, employed part time

Place of interview


Relevant info

Long hours working and studying are a recurrent challenge. Life management while studying is difficult. Finding the correct balance and rhythm is a tricky affair. Demands are many from various aspects of life. Job provides enough to get by. It does affect study time, sometimes too exhausted to study or even study at work and reduce output. Taking some time off to relax which is usually had considering the nagging feeling of having to be elsewhere is constant.Curriculum linked to work but practical aspect makes work difficult. Problems at time arise that are completely new to me. Makes study more appreciated, always striving to learn new theories for application. At work challenges arise on a case basis and need to be treated so sometimes need quick decisions and makes it quite demanding. The knowledge gap is bridged by linking practice and theory. Confidence is gained and at times crushed by failure to rescue a situation at work. Family is supportive. They offer incentives to take mind off work and study. Parents off course make it clear they want to see me through school successfully. Friends share good and bad times to ease the experience. Counseling services are available at the universityand sports and recreational centers too. Rarely use them.

Special comments

Issues emerging from this interview:

Parental expectations. Role of friends and family. Fatigue from pressure of work and study. Use of counseling services. Difficulty in balancing responsibilities. Link between study and work.Issues to be followed up in the next interview

These might be ideas for how you might make changes or adapt the interview questions or approach for your other interviews.

Face Sheet for interviews 3

Research Question

What are the experiences of undergraduate students in health-related programs of managing study, work, and life?

Interview Number

Eg, 1 of 4 3 of 4




Participant Profile

Eg, gender, age 24 years, male

Place of interview

Park Bench

Relevant info

Too little time, too much to do. Difficult to manage life, quite demanding. Job provides a little but not enough, compared to the input.Decreases study time and lead to stress since resting time is study time. Take a break once in a while to party. Curriculum and work differ in practical aspect and urgency of action at work. Better at study since it is easier to recall aspects done practically at work. Knowledge gap is bridged by study and following experienced doctors. Confidence is key and built by gaining experience. Family and friends are supportive. Provide accommodating environment at home. Expectationsare a constant reminder to work harder. Friends offer a useful distraction from the difficulties of work and study. University has leisure services. For students who cant cope, counseling is available. Balancing is a challenge. Work, study and leisure. At any one time, one usually dominates the others.

Special comments

Everyone seems to expect too much.

Constant fatigue. Persistent frustration in academic work.Issues emerging from this interview:

Need for participation in leisure activities.

Family friends are important in offering a supportive environment.

Balancing work and study is a challenge.

Counseling available but never used.University recreational facilities used.Work is tasking but the reward is low compared to the effort input.

Experience is key in building confidence.

Study and work are related, but work is practical and calls for faster decision making.

Issues to be followed up in the next interview

These might be ideas for how you might make changes or adapt the interview questions or approach for your other interviews.

Face Sheet for interviews 4

Research Question

What are the experiences of undergraduate students in health-related programs of managing study, work, and life?

Interview Number

Eg, 1 of 4 4 of 4




Participant Profile

Eg, gender, age 24 years, female

Place of interview


Relevant info

Academic workload is quite bulky. Pressure at work is intense. Demands are high from academic and work responsibilities. Managing life is difficult, too many things to do and too little time and energy to do them. Everything seems to happen at once. Job does not provide enough, but give valuable experience. Work does affect study time. It reduces the time available to concentrate intensively on studying and hurts academics.Curriculum knowledge really linked to work. Scope of curriculum is very broad. Better curriculum knowledge makes it easier to cope at work. However, work is more practical and entails a lot of quick decision making. The knowledge gap is filled by studying more and liaising with professionals at work. Confidence is built by experience.Family is vital. Offer comfort and support, financial and emotional. Parents really want the best achievements. No room for failure. High expectations from parents. Friends offer to release the pressure, freedom from the pressures of work and studying.University offers services such as counseling and mentoring to assist those who cant cope. Recreational facilities are present too. Difficult to balance leisure, work and study. Work and study are really demanding. Quite tiresome and no time to relax.Special comments

A lot of fatigue, sometimes persistent migraines.

Issues emerging from this interview:

These might be methods issues/challenges, or initial ideas that you think might be worth pursuing in your analysis

Scope of academic work is broad

Family is supportive, helps to cope

Parental expectations are constant

Balancing leisure, study and work is tricky

Issues to be followed up in the next interview

These might be ideas for how you might make changes or adapt the interview questions or approach for your other interviews.

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Research Paper Sample: Experiences of Managing the Study, Work, and Life in Undergraduate Students. (2019, May 14). Retrieved from

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