Resilience Is About How You Recharge Not How You Endure

Published: 2023-09-07
Resilience Is About How You Recharge Not How You Endure
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology United States Career
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 631 words
6 min read

The article presents an understanding of the concept of resilience at work. Going away from the previous perception of such suggesting the strive and determination complete identified tasks despite being almost or entirely depleted to do the same. It establishes that despite human belief, such is not directly related to the levels of success that a person realizes in the long run. It is then important to understand that human effectiveness is directly impacted by the amount of time we allocate to resting and indulging in activities not related to work. There is the possibility to determine how resilient a person is from the levels of efficiency at work experienced after taking enough time to recover (Achor and Gielan). It is not more of the physical aspect but the mental aspect. It is with taking away all thinking and activities related to work with the decision to rest and recover.

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Overworking and persistence to continue working despite one being exhausted has established not to increase on the levels of productivity in the long run (Achor and Gielan). It is considering that the levels of attentiveness and accuracy would not be at optimum. Importance is allocated on how individuals should maximize on periods to which they are more productive and seek rest with realization of tiredness. Such may involve the involvement in other co-curriculum activities that take their thoughts away from work. We've long a work-life balance with limitations on time allocated to work and that allocated to personal issues. Senior managers at work and the HR department play a significant role in assuring this. It is by developing schedules that limit working from home with the limited availability of internet access to the firm's resources past working hours.


The article is about a young family with the presumption that getting away from their daily activities suggests that they can get more work done. An example is presented when they are taking a flight that assures the absence of their social life. However, there is a realization that they get to do almost no work during such periods. It is contradicting their assumptions that they would work more during such periods (Achor and Gielan).

The article presents understanding that resilience is not all about the continued grinding at work regardless of one feeling tired (Achor and Gielan). On the contrary, such causes a significant reduction in a person's level of resilience and achievement of their desired levels of productivity. Such also establishing to even lead to the development of several health and safety issues during work. The article identifies that rest doesn't essentially mean that we have recovered from the tiredness of work. There is an example of how a person can take a whole night's sleep but still feel tired the next day at work.

The article identifies that the though that resilience can be bred since childhood is only but a misconception (Achor and Gielan). However, such reduces one's ability to perform effectively. The increased probability to doing mistakes. There are establishments that sleep deprivation doesn't assure that one is more productive while at work. As a person then struggles to initiate any activities allocated to them unlike what they expected.

It is established that there should be a sense of equality on the amount of time allocated to work and that for recovery activities. Such playing a crucial role in creating a mental and physical balance. As such, one is expected to develop a rational schedule that allocates sufficient time to recovery activities away from work. It will help in increasing on individual productivity while at work and easier identification of brilliance.

Work Cited

Achor, Shawn, and Gielan, Michelle. "Resilience is about how you recharge, not how you endure." Harvard Business Review, vol. 24, 2016.

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