Resources for Populations with Physical Limitations - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-15
Resources for Populations with Physical Limitations - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Public health
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 926 words
8 min read

Several people are living with disability across the globe and as much as the fundamental principle states that disability is not inability, playing ground needs to be levelled between people living with disability and the rest of the populace. The nature of disability varies from one person to the other since there are those that are born with disabilities and there are others who get disabilities through ailments and/or accidents. That said, it is only fair to have these people furnished with resources that will enable them go out there and fight for their piece of the national cake just like everybody else without having to feel disadvantaged. Over 85,000 people in Canada have been diagnosed with spinal cord-related injuries and they need assistance with regard to their mobility (“Useful Resources”, 2015). A good example of the resources that such a person living with disability can be furnished with include the manual wheelchair. Additionally, the average cost of acquiring a manual wheelchair ranges from $4,000 to $5,000 whereas that of the power wheelchair ranges from $10,000 to $15,000.

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There is another population of people who undergo challenges with regard to speaking. Such people have challenges in that they cannot speak at all or they are extremely incoherent and inaudible. In some cases, the speeches begin to falter and quite often than not they are forced to sip lots of water and take numerous breaks in their speech to withstand the struggle they go through when talking. In the U.S, over two million people need measures such as the “adaptive alternative communication” AAC (Kisner, 2018). This digital measures were introduced to help bridge the speech deficit encountered by people having challenges to speak. Additionally, these devices can be used by people suffering from autism spectrum, down syndrome and aphasia just but to mention a few. For those in need of these devices need to part with around $370 for communication builders in level seven and $300 for communication builders in level four. These gadgets can be acquired in in hospitals or online platforms such as alibaba.

Professionals who deal with eye care have a serious task of being the voice of doom or hope especially for people who are in desperate need of eye care. Vision rehabilitation has a long history that call for a deeper integration of persons suffering from visual challenges and such a narrative should be escalated to the global level. Visual challenges emanate from various situations. One can be born blind or become blind in the course of his or her lifetime. For those that become blind during their existence on earth, they tend to develop medical conditions (some that occur under natural occurrences) whereas others come in the form of accidents and as a result of age. Elderly people tend to have serious issues with regard to coping with their visual challenges (McIntosh, 2018). Over the years, technology has played a critical role in trying to aid people facing visual challenges. Various devices have been developed to aid visually impaired people to cope with the challenges they undergo. Such devices include the braille printer that is computer driven. This particular device ranges from $3,000 to $15,000. This device comes in handy when visually impaired people have no knowledge on braille.

The next population is that of people with hearing complications. In any conversation, all the participating people need to put some effort. It does not matter whether one person or more in the conversation is using hearing aids or not, communication strategies should always be considered and adhered to. They include facing any person with hearing challenges directly. Light should shine on the face of the speaker and not in the listener’s eyes (Friedman & McNamara, 2018). The other thing is to completely avoid talking from another room since when the people having a conversation do not see each other, this develops some difficulty in understanding what is being said. People with hearing complications can be helped by getting hearing aids which are placed on the ear to amplify whatever they are listening to. Such a device does not come cheaply since it ranges from slightly below $1,000 up to over $6,000. Lastly, there is the population of persons having learning disabilities. These disabilities are as a result of neurobiological and/or genetic factors (Perry, Hammond, & Marston, 2010). These factors end up altering how the brain function and as a result other cognitive processes linked to learning are affected. Such a population can first be assisted by not referring to them as disabled. Instead, the trainers can refer to them as persons living with disability. Additionally, it is advisable for instructors to have different forms of material. For instance, there can be electronic transcripts, on-screen descriptions, videos just but to mention a few. With such diversity, students with learning disability can engage with these learning materials in as many times as they would need.


Friedman, C., & McNamara, E. (2018). Home- and Community-Based Speech, Language, and Hearing Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 43(2), 111-125. doi:10.1177/1540796918775595

Kisner, J. (2020). How a new technology is changing the lives of people who cannot speak | Technology | The Guardian. Retrieved from

McIntosh, M. (2018). Coping with visual impairment: Helping our patients face the truth.

Perry, D., Hammond, L., & Marston, G. (2010). Caring for the Physical and Mental Health of People with Learning Disabilities. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Useful Resources for People with Disabilities Related to Employment. (2015). Retrieved from

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Resources for Populations with Physical Limitations - Essay Sample. (2024, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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