Respect Nature: Paradigm for Human Survival & Positive Impact on Environment - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-14
Respect Nature: Paradigm for Human Survival & Positive Impact on Environment - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Food Community
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 871 words
8 min read


The respect nature is a paradigm that emphasizes the significance of the environment for human survival on earth. The paradigm provides a holistic ideology concerning nature, together with both its use and resources. The paradigm has a positive impact on the environment. It advocates for respect for the environment by humans as both have an interrelationship and are independent of each other (Borden, 2014). On the other hand, the ownership and control of the environment paradigm involve a process of production, distribution, and consumption in a manner that environmental resources are made available to various members of the community. The other paradigm, which is the landscape in the service of remote consumers, involves the rise in the life of city dwellers, and the paradigm depends on which are owned and controlled by remote consumers. In the paradigm, the urban communities rose on the landscapes where there was sufficient agricultural productivity, which could sustain their farming-community and supported additional demands of the complex physical and social structures and increased population.

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The belief must establish a new paradigm in the possibility of unlimited growth because the unlimited growth caused by adequate land paves a way to innovative designs resulting in a new paradigm. More so, the paradigm is always seen as a fresh pattern and model, and in the human economy, unrestricted development is the essential active trust of Anthropocene (Boff, 2014). Demands surges due to population increase, which then makes individuals look for other ways of satisfying their needs. Also, the programs that are designed to bring the poor to the same level with the rich is impossible because both the rich and poor are not related to ecological issues, rather they are relative in terms of wealth; hence, the poor cannot be brought to the same profligacy level which the rich enjoys. The rich consume more, and the poor consume less, leading to intergenerational inequality, which impossible to narrow until all come on the same level.

The problems of industrial commodification of food systems pose several problems. The first problem is that it causes degradation of quality. There is an increase in uncertain agricultural activities as a result of the exploitation of human needs, which then ruins food quality that undergoes industrial processing. The system has failed to feed people adequately, produce sustainable food, and it has also failed to avoid hunger as it results in food inaccessibility. The solution to the problems is through treating food as a common good that establishes a food system that is more sustainable is fairer to both producers and consumers of food. Ecological citizens engage in the creation of the common food system through collective civic action through socio-ecological actions of community engagement, civic, and celebration of the local food (Mount, 2012). The ecological citizens should always be ready to demand a local sustainable food system that meets the demand of society. Also, they should make appropriate ethical standards and principles. Therefore, the citizens should ensure that the standards and ethical principles are extended to the far lands and local land managers since of the demand of the food in the society and increased quantity of industries attempting to increase the quantity of food so as to meet the demand.

Modern Communities

For the modern communities to move to a paradigm of sufficiency, those communities who consume more should be encouraged to reduce their consumption rate. Still, as a result of a rapidly growing population, it might look impossible to undertake the changes. (Gorge et al., 2015) Also, to achieve the shifts in society, food companies should monitor the dissemination of foodstuff in the society, but it will be more effective when conducted globally. The shift to the paradigm of sufficiency the future of modern society because huge advancements have occurred in the paradigm due to human abilities and technologies utilized currently. In modern society, humans have a sense of prerogative to take all resources on earth. The paradigm will ensure human equity and social justice through less and more materialistic lifestyles together with shared services and jobs. From the ecological perspective, the shifts to paradigm are attained by ensuring that all people in the society are in the process of fixing the same issue and also be cautious in our consumption rate. The paradigm is achieved by limiting overconsumption and unsustainable trends with a focus on distributional justice. The best way is through making sure every human access enough resources needed. In light of human equity, the consumption of rich should be cut to free up the full environmental space required to increase justifiable consumption among the poor. Finally, from the social perspective, the rich people in the society should understand that the available resources must be shared with the poor people as well so that the paradigm of sufficiency is achieved in society.


Borden, R. J. (2014). Ecology and experience: Reflections from a human ecological perspective. North Atlantic Books.

Boff, L. (2014). Ecology & liberation: a new paradigm. Orbis Books.

Mount, P. (2012). Growing local food: scale and local food systems governance. Agriculture and Human Values, 29(1), 107-121.

Gorge, H., Herbert, M., Özçaglar-Toulouse, N., & Robert, I. (2015). What do we really need? Questioning consumption through sufficiency. Journal of Macromarketing, 35(1), 11-22.

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Respect Nature: Paradigm for Human Survival & Positive Impact on Environment - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 14). Retrieved from

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