Essay Sample on the Romance in the Digital Age

Published: 2017-10-06
Essay Sample on the Romance in the Digital Age
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Globalization Communication Social networks
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 883 words
8 min read

It is clear that online networking is an important outlet for communication. As the utilization expands, individuals see online networking as a way to assemble a closer and more passionate association with their accomplices. Most teenagers rely upon it. It helps them feel sincerely nearer to their life partner. Certifiable associations might originate from more than just words and pictures on social media. They can arise from shared bits and pieces of giggling, distress, pleasure and even torment, however, in particular, these connections must be close to home. It does not inevitably imply that online networking outlets frustrate one's capacity to security. It just suggests that unless fundamental qualities of association are met, one must not rely upon the advanced world to ensure that a relationship thrives (Marson 608). This paper focuses on how romance is nowadays built and how technological innovations have enabled people far away from each other to relate to each other.

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Nowadays, people communicate mainly through text messages, emails and social media. Hence, it has improved the way of finding romance. For example, one can share what he or she fears to say in person to one’s partner through a text message. A message could be, “I like you, can we date?” Currently, marriage proposals are also done through text messages and they easily work. In spite of the fact that it is not the primary driver of our sentimental dissatisfaction, our correspondence advances are at any rate halfway guilty, for they empower the disintegration of the limits that are fundamental for the development of fruitful connections (Marson 238). Our innovations empower and regularly advance inconvenient strengths in cutting-edge connections: the interest for aggregate straightforwardness and a predisposition toward the over-sharing of individual data.

Technology has brought about many changes in the way romance is built by different people. As innovation advances, the nature of one's sentimental life tends to change also. On one hand, association feels much simpler. For instance, maintaining a long distance relationship through Facebook, cellphones, and Skype. We tend to stay in contact with another for the duration of the day with instant messages, and we can communicate to the world about our relationship through social media. The use of Skype, for example has enabled people to communicate face to face. Though it does not beat human interaction, it feels more real than a phone call. Technological advances have changed limits, as well as social collaboration. Despite the fact that these progressions have additionally achieved new standards and implicit guidelines, they cannot be utilized to construct solid or real associations concerning love (Elliott, 330).

Online dating is also another platform that has led to change in the world of romance. Aziz and Klinenberg in their book ‘Modern Romance’ explain that the advantages of internet dating can locate ‘your particular, extremely odd dream man’. It is in itself an issue since the unending supply of potential mates that apparently helps the probability of finding that perfect partner, leaving the ‘sufficient marriage’ a thought to laugh at (Ansari and Klinenberg 21). Therefore, joy may escape singles succeeding the fact that the Internet has made a package of maximizers searching for the best thing as opposed to satisfiers, as decision scholar Barry Schwartz puts it (Ansari and Klinenberg 35). An example is shown by Ansari encouraging singles to be somewhat more patient by putting resources into five dates with one individual instead of proceeding onward to the following profile.

Social media is another medium which has significantly led to the change in romance. Although most romantic connections do not begin on the web, advanced stages serve as an important device for demonstrating sentimental interest. Half of the adolescents say they have friended somebody on Facebook or another online networking website as an approach to show romantic interest, while 47% have communicated fascination by preferring, remarking on or collaborating with that individual on social networking. Furthermore, more than 50% of high schoolers say they demonstrate enthusiasm for somebody by playing with them in person. The strategies they use incorporate making their crush a music playlist, sending hot pictures or recordings of themselves or making a video (Truglio 125). Undoubtedly, closeness as we probably are aware is extending its limits and empowering us to experience adoration and fondness past the corporal and into the computer-generated world.

In conclusion, technologically advanced connections with other individuals may spring something valuable. However, this only happens when we have the tolerance to give it a chance to prosper. Innovation and science frequently plot against such tolerance. There is a prominent helpfulness to some our innovations. Email and mobile phones permit us to traverse incredible separations to speak with family and companions, and the Internet interfaces us to universes obscure. Because of this, individuals should stop depending entirely on technological innovations to meet their partners. Instead, they should try going the traditional way so as to avoid the many problems that have arisen because of digital dating.

Works Cited

Ansari, Aziz and Eric Klinenberg. Modern Romance. Print.

Elliott, Jack. "Vocabulary Decay in Category Romance". Digital Scholarship Humanities 31.2 (2014): 321-332. Web.

Marson, S. M. "Love Stories Of Later Life: A Narrative Approach to Understanding Romance". Age and Ageing 37.5 (2008): 608-608. Web.

Truglio, Maria. Beyond The Family Romance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Print.

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