Samantha Power's Actions towards the Fight of Ebola in West Africa - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-30
Samantha Power's Actions towards the Fight of Ebola in West Africa - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Political science Healthcare Barack Obama
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 616 words
6 min read

Ambassador Samantha Powers was a U.S permanent Representative to the U.N and a member of President Obama’s cabinet. At her role, she became famous because of several factors that she had the upper hand in handling them, such as opposing Russian aggression to Ukraine and Syria and helping Obama to take actions that helped beat the Ebola crisis (Camp, 2019). She took three measures during the Ebola crisis time to help the country help end the crisis. These actions were; coming up with an emergency response session, visited the countries affected by the disease to see what was happening, and finally advised the President not to impose travel bans.

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In coming up with an emergency response session, she gathered a team, but some staff thought that other countries could not support the idea. Her idea was to declare the disease a threat to international peace and security to call on other countries to respond, providing money and health workers to help fight the outbreak. Her ability to convince countries to join was massive, and many agreed to join, thus gaining much money and health workers. They also gathered health equipment from some of the states. The emergency response was significant because it helped fight the disease, and the three affected countries now could get enough medical personnel, equipment, and money to fight the disease.

The second action she took was to fly to the affected countries and get to know the real issues happening right on the ground. Though some people, especially her son, discouraged her from doing so, she had a good team that was determined to fly and try to help and also to understand what they could do. Through the visit to the countries, medical responses to the states increased. In Bong County, where testing could take up to at least five days due to poor infrastructure and also huge queues. The Ebola testing lab now could give results within five hours after their visit; Ebola patients freed the beds they were occupying for others and also quarantined patients were not in the same place with Ebola patients. Her visit to Sierra Leone made the burial processes to increase with the burials before being 30%, but after the burials increased to 98% of the total reported bodies buried per day. Therefore the visits were effective in fighting the disease and brought the infections a little bit lower.

Her third action was encouraging countries not to impose the travel ban restrictions and also to tell them the importance of not doing so. Though the reactions to close the borders was to protect the citizens of the countries, her thoughts were that no medical personnel would volunteer to work in Ebola-affected countries if they could not travel back to their countries. That would reduce the likelihood of reducing the disease but increasing the ability to spread the disease all over because no country would fight it alone. She also encouraged President Obama to lead by example so that the other countries would also follow what they did. Her final action was significant because for all countries to come together and fight the disease, they needed open boundaries.

Samantha Powers three actions coming up with an emergency response session, visiting the three countries affected by the diseases, and finally advising President Obama and other countries of not imposing travel bans. The chapter convinces that the diplomats of a country are important, and they can make a difference. For example, from this essay, evidence shows that Samantha was at the forefront in helping countries fight the outbreak of Ebola disease.

Works Cited

Camp, D. (2019). The Education of an Idealist by Samantha Power. American Diplomacy, 1-3.

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Samantha Power's Actions towards the Fight of Ebola in West Africa - Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 30). Retrieved from

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