Samsung Brand Identity - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2022-02-17
Samsung Brand Identity - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Branding Samsung
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1133 words
10 min read

A brand is the identity of a firm. Since the inception of Samsung as a conglomerate industry, the parent Samsung Company divided into affiliated and subsidiary businesses which operate both locally and internationally (Srivastava, 2017). Samsung is a multinational firm located in Seoul, South Korea, with its headquarters in Samsung town. Samsung Company was established in 1938 by Lee Byung-Chul as a primary trading firm. In 1965, Samsung revolutionized hence sub-dividing itself into different industries to tap the broad market (Spacil, 2016). The major divisions were insurance, food processing, textiles, and later on, ventured into electronics. The immense efforts being put in the adoption of advanced technology by Samsung Electronic Company has made it be a global leading electronic consumer. It has toppled key rivals in the communication industry such as Nokia, HTC, Panasonic, and Sony Company, among others (Tezeren, 2017). In marketing itself, Samsung has employed numerous branding techniques that communicate critical information to its consumers and other potential clients. The essential strategies of branding being used include the logo, character, slogan, product design, and the country of origin (Avram, 2019).

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Samsung Logo

The first expansion of the Samsung electronics company began in 1993. The firm has revolutionized itself into cooperate world by modifying its logo to communicate to its clients. The first symbol of the Samsung logo was black and bold typed letters of the name Samsung with a red star at the sides of the letters (Avram, 2019). It was then changed to a white Samsung word written on a blue background to signify modernization and technology advancement for its electronic products. The blue background implies reliability, trust, dedication to service, and honesty of the firm towards meeting the clients' needs (Spacil, 2016). The tilting of the blue background at around ten degrees from I the axis signifies a great sense of dynamic apprehension. On its logo, the company's brand name "Samsung" flashes out from the tilted background figure. The flashing of the logo name indicates the success and advancements that are being developed for the Samsung products (Tezeren, 2017).

Image 1.1. Samsung's logo (Avram, 2019).Character

Samsung Electronics Company has trained its staff and other workers to hold high morals when interacting with customers (Srivastava, 2017). The high moral values of the team have also been translated into the organization's product. The important character that is being exhibited by all Samsung products is honesty. The products always meet the advertised characteristics and other displays. The sleek, world-class technology and adoption of cutting edge technology have established Samsung products uniquely from its rivals (Tezeren, 2017). Original Samsung products have a long life which has been translated as a sign of superiority. Samsung communication devices have been identified with sleekness and glamour. Samsung is also improving its brand recognition and character by engaging in community services and other sponsorship practices. Samsung was the official shirt sponsor of English-based soccer club, Chelsea football club (Tezeren, 2017). The sponsorship was an effective way of Samsung branding itself and maintaining its character to the world. The unique style shown by the players was translated to be the character promoted by Samsung Company (Srivastava, 2017).

Image 1.2: Samsung's sleek, designed products (Avram, 2019).

Samsung Company's Slogan

In differentiating itself from the competitors, Samsung also launched an unmatched slogan - Turn on Tomorrow. The brand slogan implies the dedication Samsung Company is commuting itself to provide its clients with the most updated devices (Srivastava, 2017). Improvement in performance of the devices to give clients comfort when using the electronics has been the passion of the firm. Samsung is doing all possibilities to ensure it is a technology setter and this has been evidenced by its latest model of LCD and Ultra High Definition (UHD) televisions which support the 4K technology (Srivastava, 2017). The technology is meant to enhance picture quality hence ensuring clarity of the images. The latest Android phones with 4G and 5G technologies such as Galaxy M30 and M40 which comes with a full screen of 6.30" and a high resolution of 1080 by 2340 pixels is a fulfillment of Samsung's slogan - "Turning on Tomorrow" (Spacil, 2016).

Image 1.3: M30 and M40 smartphones (Avram, 2019).

Country of Origin

Samsung has hinged its branding strategy to align with the state of origin (Avram, 2019). Apart from Samsung marketing South Korea as a critical technology city, the purchasing behavior of the majority is influenced by the notion that electronic products from Seoul are always authentic and long-lasting. Seoul city has for a long time maintained top class and good character in manufacture and technology advancement, which is translated by customers when buying products that are manufactured from there (Avram, 2019).


The branding of Samsung products has led to a unique recognition among the clients. Its branding strategy has lured many customers into buying and consuming the products. The primary goal of Samsung since its establishment has been to create a worldwide acceptance, and it has achieved the target. The critical branding strategies that have been adopted by the company are the use of the company logo which is favored among customers, use of a unique logo that promises a better a tomorrow for the clients in terms of technology advancement, country of origin, and character. The strategies have enabled the firm to increase sales hence boosting its revenue.


Avram, E. M., (2019). Brand Logo Perception In A Globalized Society. SEA-Practical Application of Science, (19), 39-46. Retrieved from

Spacil, V., (2016). Brand Awareness of Mobile Phones Perceived by Generation Y in the European Context. On European Integration 2016, 883. Retrieved from

Srivastava, R. K., (2017). Impact of Psychic Distance on Global Brand Acceptance. Asian Journal of Marketing, 11(1), 21-33. Retrieved from

Tezeren, E., (2017). The relationship between branding and symbolic consumption in digital media (a research study on the example of Apple-Samsung(Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

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