Free Essay: Sears Hometown Goods Training

Published: 2023-01-30
Free Essay: Sears Hometown Goods Training
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Learning Human resources Leadership development Customer service
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1384 words
12 min read

Sears Hometown and Outlet store is a national retailer situated at Hoffman Estates, Illinois, US. As an American chain department retail store, the company is involved in retail sales. The products sold by the company are namely; garden equipment, home appliances, hardware, tools, and lawns. The company hardware is designed to give customers online access and in-store selection of national brands covering various sporting goods, garden equipment, households' goods, customer electronics, lawns, and home appliances. In 1886, Richard W Sears started the organization as a retailer (Blaszczyk, n.d). A year later after its establishment, the company was shifted to Illinois from the original location at Minneapolis where it sold jewelry and watches through a mail-order business.

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The training need of the company is to train an employee to increase their knowledge on installed programs, meets customer level of satisfaction, and boost the level of innovation. Notably, the employee needs to be taught on ways to handle customers with a lot of care and ensure that quality products are realized into the market (DR.K.Vanitha, 2012). By training the employees Sears Company shall increase its level of competition with companies such as Amazon and Walmart, increase productivity, and profitability.

Learning Styles

Social learning theory focuses on learning by observing other people. Visual type of learning entails learning by seeing. By training the employees on the basic sales initiatives, learners can get the concept through a sales presentation. On the matter of delivering quality services to customers, another employee can learn the concepts of delivery, through seeing others get promoted to a new height of position. As they learn through observation, they get to know the importance of being committed to realizing the company standards. Also, visual learners can also be brief ion the company loss of profit through a video clip in the company's websites. By using graphs and chart to explain how low quality of services affect the level of satisfaction of the customer, the employee can be convinced to up their games.

Another type of learning styles is the auditory type. Here, employees can be trained to listen through listening. In this case, if sales education is given to employees concerning the matter of low-quality services that affect the level of satisfaction to customers. The essence of this learning style is to grasp the information directly from the instructor. The learning style that can also be applicable in this case, is the kinesthetic learners, where every action speaks for itself. Once the employees are given an opportunity to think, they would become more innovative to apply their new skills in meeting customers need (DR.K.Vanitha, 2012). Multiple intelligence as a learning style, help Streams employees to learn pictures, words, numbers, and logic. This kind of learning covers various categories of intelligence such as nature, social, self, and body intelligence.



The objective is to meet a high level of performance to offer quality services. The performance learning management system is namely; to make sure employee are well-trained on the programs to meet the level of satisfaction. The employees shall be taught on the company disadvantages to improving the organization's goals. The employee efforts should be driven towards delivering a quality product and meeting the organizational goals. The employee level of competence shall measure by the profit it generates from various department. Once the employees are well trained to handle the company products, the employees more likely to render quality services by generating more profits.


The objective is to increase self-behavior at work. Every employee during the training period shall be given the opportunity to ask questions and their opinion shall be valued. Employees shall give their opinion on how the company spends its money. This shall cover opinions on what rate the company intends to deliver its services to clients. The training shall be offered to the customer service provider in their department. Customer service providers shall be given notes on how to handle patients with care. Besides, the service providers must be able to check the quality of the goods before releasing them to the market. Every transaction must be receipted and the specific deadline and delivery of home appliances are met.


The objective of this company is "to ensure that the sales of the stream double before the next financial year". The learning objective of this study shall be measured by how a person has a deeper understanding of the company's interest. If the company realize that Stream company still lack a deeper understanding of meeting customer satisfaction level, training shall still continue. Contrarily, if the company realize that the employee has fully understood and implemented the procedure, the goal shall have been achieved("Performance Analysis Tools for Smart Grid Design," 2012). The managers should ensure that every shareholder contribution toward this project is paid according to their order of contribution.


Sears Company objective of realizing a high level of performance to meet customer satisfaction needs a commitment from both employer and employee. The goal of a high level of performance in employee's perspective is by an increase in wage. Wages increment works in tandem with the level of performance. Such that a low level of performance does merit an increase in wage. An employer perspective, high performance is determined by profits. Progress is indicated when the company starts to yield many profits. The following are the goals namely;


Sears Company wishes to train members from the service provider department and work out for 3 months to realize a high level of sales. In the first four days, the female employee should wear skirts and blouses since the supervisor wants them to appear decent during the training session. Likewise, Men should come in suits and tie during the whole training week to ensure uniformity.

Sears Company wishes to train newly employed individuals within four weeks of recruitment to foster a new culture. Every recruited person should carry a pen and a clipboard to jot down some keynotes.


Following the first specific goal, Sears Company aims at producing 1000 well-trained employees with a good understanding of organizational structure.

Based on the second specific goal, the company intends to gain a 50% increase in capital every year.


Sears Company intends to use 20% of its resource to train its workers to meet a high level of satisfaction for its customer. Sears Company intends to merge with Kmart to ensure it has the appropriate electronic devices required in the production process.


Since the company has a larger market share across the globe, the company intends to accomplish training for a new employee within four weeks through a thorough follow-up.


Sears Company intends to accomplish training of service providers within 30 months upon which penalties shall be subjected for violation.

The company plans to end new recruited employees training within four weeks of failure to which a penalty shall be subjected.

Analysis of SMART Goals

The reason for the use of the term "to train members from service provider department and work out for 3 months to realize a high level of sales. In the first four days" is to explain the person involved in the goal which is the company. In the statement, the place where the goal is going to take place "service provider" department is also displayed. The reason why the goal is reached is also revealed "training". The time intended to achieve the goal is also specified "3 months". The goal that the company would like to achieve is also stated. Therefore, the specific goal is fully captured.

Based on the measurable goal, "1000" employees should be trained. Thus, it reveals the goal has increased by what extent. Further, it gives the goal setter ample time to indicate the amount of progress. In the context of achievable, the goals have cover the potential asserted to make sure the goal is realized ("Performance Analysis Tools for Smart Grid Design," 2012). Adequately, the goals set in this case are within reach based on the efforts asserted, Since the goals can be realized, the deadline can be met.


Blaszczyk, R. L. (n.d.). Sears, Roebuck and Company. Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture. doi:10.4135/9781412994248.n464

DR.K.VANITHA, D. (2012). Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Scientific Research, 3(4), 1-3. doi:10.15373/22778179/apr2014/240

Performance Analysis Tools for Smart Grid Design. (2012). Smart Grid, 29-50. doi:10.1002/9781118156117.ch3

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