Essay Sample on Second Language Class Evaluation

Published: 2022-11-10
Essay Sample on Second Language Class Evaluation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1188 words
10 min read

The current education system is aimed at diversifying languages. The urge for foreign language education in recent years has shown a tremendous increase. Teaching has not only incorporated the basics, but also a foreign language. This implies that meaningful tasks rely on language instruction, which can be understood by all people. This is because the traditional methods used as the use of textbooks cannot meet the real-world needs of many learners across the globe. A second language class is a foreign language that an individual can communicate well, pass out information as well as apprehending the whole concept of the language. In order for a language to be universally accepted, it must be analyzed via criteria for tasks in Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). In this way, the language will be assessed as a communication tool. Students can confidently use the language fluently, in ensuring the outcomes are achieved. The communication process is a goal-oriented activity that makes sure that every word has a meaning to the recipient, with an existing gap between the two communicants. This write up evaluates how second language class meets the set criteria of tasks in TBLT.

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This is an evaluation of TBLT usage in a foreign language class. It highlights why the teachers decided to use such a module, merits and demerits of the approach and the critic behind TBLT in a second language class. A traditional based teaching model use procedure where students first present the first language, practice it and then produce subsequently. This approach of the second language is communicative where students and teachers are rich in contextual language. However, unauthentic and unmeaningful conversations are evident. Therefore, it is effective in developing communication skills in the target language. The potentiality of TBLT in developing language and motivation skills, many practitioners are implementing this teaching module across the country, (Willis & Willis, 2014) hence very popular (Lowe, 2012)

This paper evaluates the TBLT method in a class used by teachers to deliver their content. It seeks to investigate issues that they face during the actual process, beliefs of the module as well as drawbacks of using TBLT in a foreign language class. In the approach of the evaluation, three simple questions are employed. First, what is the motivation behind teacher's implementation of TBLT in their classes? Second, how has TBLT introduction benefitted their class? Lastly, what are some of the issues related to this teaching approach in a foreign language class? This last question targets the obstacles in this method and also goes to a point to discover whether the teachers are for this method or rather disagree with it.

Teaching Motivation

Teachers always implement what they have learned in their higher degrees. While studying formal teacher training, TBLT is a beneficial concept in teaching techniques. Many teachers tend to adopt this methodology after being introduced in their courses. Benchmarking from other practitioners is also another source of motivation. The interesting part of it is that once introduced, there is a noticeable difference in students' response. The information gap created open students thinking capability, making teaching a practical and fun activity, not a structured activity. Willis says that foreign language teaching is the best way to hold, engage and attract students' attention (Willis & Willis, 2016).


The use of TBLT in the classroom stems from a lot of benefits. It leads to the development of general speaking and language skills (Kozawa, 2011). Students when training and learning a second language, they gather and acquire new vocabularies which makes them go a step ahead in creating an information gap (Newton, 2001). There is improved language automaticity from the fact that students can speak and deliver information in another way in which they best understand. It is important in improving the pragmatic ability of students from where they can solve issues in a realistic and intellectual manner. They no longer follow theoretical considerations (Takimoto, 2007). Student autonomy in making an un-coerced decision is improved. It is a technique whereby brainstorming is induced resulting in huge and worth taking decisions. Possessing more than one thought is a source of pride. Students feel motivated while speaking a second language and this boosts their confidence. They can speak freely without fear of grammatical errors and pronunciation and this improves their creativity.


However good a situation is, it must be two-sided. Bruton has shown doubt in the effectiveness of second language learning (Bruton, 2005). TBLT approach lacks passable focus which results in grammar and vocabulary deficiency (Bruton, 2005). Being a second language, it is an introduction of a new mindset. Learners have difficulty in mastering the language context and therefore communication at times gains an incorrect form. Misuse of vocabularies, grammar, word choice and a solid back up efficacy. A foreign language although it follows a task of the criterion used in administering it gathers a lot of criticism. Context-precise wiles, compound the issue. By the fact the TBLT does not use the 'traditional' book learning model and use a different model, it faces a lot of opposition.

A teacher-centered and grammar-based teaching styles which have dominated in many areas before the establishment of TBLT established strong roots and therefore teaching using a second language becomes difficult. Conflicts arise from previous experiences since students adopt a new communication method which they are not accustomed to it. A sense of perplex in communication is introduced to students with a passive background and this second language may appear as noise to them. From what the students are used to, they do not feel as if they are learning since they are used to grammar and vocabulary classes. Another serious problem in teaching a second language is fear. Students fear to make mistakes and once you get involved in a second language class, mistakes are inevitable.


It is important to remember that every teaching method is worth implementing. Second language class requires an extra force in teaching under the TBLT approach. Teachers, on the other hand, need to be clear to wipe out doubts in foreign language classes. When one has an overview of what he or she is to go through and the future outcome, focus and attitude are likely to change than when going blindly. Teachers have discovered that TBLT in a second language, engages students, enhances their creativity and autonomy. In the same way, they have also struggled much in delivering the course due to lack of materials. If the students could be assigned after-class group discussions, they could move forward and reduce the training time during program administration.


Bruton, A. (2005). Task-based language learning: For the state secondary FL classroom? Language Learning Journal, 31, 55-68.

Kozawa, Y. (2011). "Facilitating collaborative dialogues through TBLT". In A. Stewart (Ed.), JALT2010 Conference Proceedings, (pp. 217-229). Tokyo: JALT.

Lowe, R. (2012). Promoting L2 use as a means of facilitating TBLT. The Language Teacher 36(6), 15-79.

Newton, J. (2001). Options for vocabulary learning through communication tasks. ELT Journal, 55(1), 30-37.

Takimoto, M. (2007). The effects of Input-Based Tasks on the Development of Learners' Pragmatic Proficiency. Applied Linguistics, 30(1), 1-25.

Willis, D. & Willis, J. (2014). Task-based learning and learner motivation. On task, 1(1), 4-10.

Willis, D. & Willis, J. (2016). Doing Task-based teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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