Essay Sample on Secure Application Development Procedure

Published: 2023-08-03
Essay Sample on Secure Application Development Procedure
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Engineering Information technologies Software
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1051 words
9 min read

Coming up with a secure web application is always a hectic task. Therefore, web developers require proper guidelines to assist them, especially in developing a well-secure web application. Moreover, a formal procedure can be put in place as a checklist for a developer to attain minimal standards of a secure web application. Thus, in the current era of the World Wide Web, together with the use of the Internet, system security has since become a significant issue, particularly in the worldwide web-based information system (Masood & Java, 2015). Moreover, this can be noted from the strong commitments of system security expertise, application software designers, and the research communities. Of late, web technology has changed rapidly and affected several people in many aspects of their lives, for instance, in their working environment (Masood & Java, 2015). A number of daily activities that may require face to face interactions are currently being conducted over the internet and the world wide web; thus proving how critical is web applications to our lives since they cover significant activities such as e-business, e-education, economic transactions, e-government, e-commerce, and e-procurement (Rafique et al., 2015).

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Notably, the procedure of building a well-secured web application requires several guidelines to make it a secure system. Moreover, at the point of making necessary arrangements specifically for the new application development process and control, it's vital for the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to be well informed in regards to application security areas for him/her to pump a lot of resources for the business or organization to be in line with its mission and vision (Rafique et al., 2015).

Software Development Processes

For the organization to build and grow a well-secured application program, the Chief Information Security Office must:

  • Properly and adequately map organization needs to security needs
  • Carry out a proper survey on the current state maximizing a security program development model
  • Be able to set up a goal state with the aim of maximizing a security program development model

Notably, the OWASP) is a global not-for-benefit philanthropic association concerned with improving the security of programming. The main goal of the Open Web Application Security Project is to ensure that programming security is well protected for the people, as well as several associations around the globe that can choose educated choices concerning genuine programming security risks (Wichers, 2013).

Moreover, anyone has a chance to take an interest in Open Web Application Security Project since a number of our resources are easily accessible under open as well as free programming permission. However, the Open Web Application Security Project does not prescribe business items as well as its administrations (Rafique et al., 2015). Nonetheless, we do allow our esteem group to be biased during the selling processes with a collection view of the key personalities, especially in the programming globally. We recommend that the group listen to the Open Web Application Security Project brand's unsuitable employments, which include the utilization of our logos, name, trademark issues, and venture names (Masood & Java, 2015).

Secure Coding Techniques

This is an innovation bootstrap arrangement, especially for the overall programming security coding hones. It's a well-designed plan with the key aim of reaching a vast area that can be well managed into the digital lifecycle. Security-unbiased code does a similar function as to security framework. Moreover, notwithstanding the fact that specific applications that omit to take care of security key cases connected with the secured operations can lead to unhandled exemptions (Masood & Java, 2015). Notably, in any case, in spite of the fact that the secure code has the permission, any kind of the application code that beckons must have a similar acquiescence with a particular end goal to work.

Application Configuration Techniques

There is a different range of perspectives on which can be used effectively to secure an application. Moreover, that's one phase that an application has such a vast number of a variety of segments that are connected with it. Hence, the vital thing to carry out is to differentiate those diverse segments in order to see how the application is used by and every segment.

  • Phase 1. Decomposing of the Application. This is the primary stage in danger, which demonstrates the procedure tasked with the selection of comprehension of the application as well as how it connects with the external substances (Rafique et al., 2015).
  • Phase 2. Determining and Ranking of Dangers. This is a basic step tasked with the recognizable evidence of dangers on maximizing risk order approaches.
  • Phase 3. Determining Countermeasures as well as Relief. Notably, the lack of proper security against risk may present weaknesses whose danger presentations could be controlled with the execution of a countermeasure (Wichers, 2013).

Web Server Configuration Techniques

At a stage when choosing a server to design in order to utilize in your business, there exist a number of factors to be considered. These elements include versatility, unwavering, simplicity of administration, execution, cost, quality, and accessibility. The following are steps of typically used server setups.

Disintegrated Database Server- the DBMS can be separated from whatever is left on the earth in order to give dispensation with the asset disagreement specifically between the database and the application (Masood & Java, 2015).

Load Balancer- reverse proxy can be added to the server in order to enhance the distribution as well as the execution so as to staunch the quality of the workload over a number of servers.

Everything on the Server- the surroundings at large lives on a solitary server. In order for the mill web application to run, it would include the database server, web server, and application server (Rafique et al., 2015). Notably, a typical difference of this layout comprises of a LAMP stack which may await PHP, Apache, Linux, MySQL, on a solitary server.


Masood, A., & Java, J. (2015, April). Static analysis for web service security-Tools & techniques for a secure development life cycle. In 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Rafique, S., Humayun, M., Hamid, B., Abbas, A., Akhtar, M., & Iqbal, K. (2015, June). Web application security vulnerabilities detection approaches A systematic mapping study. In 2015 IEEE/ACIS 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD) (pp. 1-6). IEEE., D. (2013). Owasp top-10, 2013. OWASP Foundation, February.

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