Security in Network Design: A Comprehensive Approach using SAFE Methodology - Free Paper

Published: 2023-12-27
Security in Network Design: A Comprehensive Approach using SAFE Methodology - Free Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Social networks Security
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1655 words
14 min read

Safe Methodology

The network designing project needs critical approach evaluation and determination of the kind of network intended for the implementation, in the context of this project, description for designing a median network system, particularly with a capacity of supporting an approximate number of users ranging between three hundred and one thousand users. The achievement of a successful network design, the SAFE methodology will ensure that the final network caters security to both the users and the entire organization concerning data confidentiality (Rabbani et al., 2020). The significant parts will include protection, vital parameters for configuration, the management plan for protecting users against threats, monitoring bugs and risks, and finally, analysis and correlation plan, and plan for threat control.

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Network designing in this context is to outsource an HP company project in another country. It will enable project management for precise and consistent communication among executives. The anticipated functionalities for this new network comprise communication, and customer-to-management communication that provides information about transactions for the products handled. Promotion of service delivery through the network system, customer information publication concerning the entire processes entailed access to our products, and the common objectives of a network system like networking security, database management, and system recovery tasks. The project managers will have continuous communication with the team members without restrictions that could hinder vital information in project progress monitoring and evaluation.

The managers in charge of the virtual projects will utilize this network to create in-built quality, team members, and administration transparency, and execute strategies depending on the programs initiated during the implementation to represent profound beliefs. It will define the distinct boundaries that dictate both behavior and actions that the organization's employees should presume once the project starts. The network will ensure profound policies among the executives' different portfolios concerning communication and access to confidential database management by defining strict guidelines hindering data loss.

Types of Protection

Since networks are a fundamental part of the information technology system, the entire communication for the computer systems and other vital terminals occurring either locally or over wide area networks needs protection. This approach will protect several resources and information sharing and allocation from being channeled to other destinations that result in threat possibilities (Kraitsman et al., 2016). Maintaining robust protection throughout the devices used by the management and the connected ones protects access to resources and other services without the organization's consent for free, destruction since most of the organizations surrounding rivals in products and services delivery to the clients. The policies implemented within the network authentication will secure the communicating nodes available for this network to ensure that everybody connected to the network system is recognizable by the authorities to avoid unauthorized access that could result in cybercrime.

Kinds of protection defined will pay for hardware and software technologies. Hardware protection entails the security that occurs in handling the network devices physically. Thus, it comprises models/approaches taken by the organization to ensure these hardware devices within the network layout are safe and in the right working conditions. The other type is software protection which involves implementing diverse technologies that result in an invisible shield that is difficult to notice through the organization's dogs. However, it will employ instructions rendering commands to the system for an effective and efficient rectification or protection required by the organization.

Configuration Parameters for Risk Mitigation

The physical measures that the organization will provide for this network will be through fencing the network access areas where strangers can access and monitor the kind of network devices implemented. This access could promote possible threats like gaining information attributing to potential and successful hacking of our network extension devices to weaken the company's executives' control. Locking the control rooms with the main router for the entire organization should hinder unauthorized access to the control rooms to avoid information interference, giving unique details about the network devices (Hossain et al., 2019). For instance, if an individual from a competing company enters the control room, he/she can alter the router configuration by erasing the configured details and later reconfigure the router with his/her unique information. This scenario creates a loophole for access to vital information that could alter the anticipated organizational strategies in counteracting the stiff competition in product and service delivery.

The network devices' storage itself portrays significant protection plans that the virtual outsourced project will consider after the network implementation. There will be careful consideration of the appropriate temperature conditions ranging between 89.6-59 degrees F that avoid overheating the network devices. Vital electronic devices, fans, and ventilation installation to regulate the temperature to keep the components cool. Also, the data center database records regarding the organization, project teams, and managing executives will have an ideal temperature recommended, 18-27 degrees Celsius (Unuchek et al., 2020). Humidity consideration will again be a factor to control in the control room, anticipated to be between 20 and 80 percent.

The last thing important to continuously evade within the control room will be dust evaded to avoid network devices' difficulties in shedding heat. This protection from dust will prolong the life of the tools used to avoid unnecessary premature failures that could unpredictably result in the system breakdown and other organizational processes. Dust is another disturbing element if it gets into the control room. There will be compressed air having a reduced switch life and promote user roles that the keeping of plugs should be on the ports, and the device must not switch on before cleaning the computers and the executives' offices.

When it comes to our clients and management protection, the network design will cater to various protection policies that prevent communication nodes under multiple scenarios. The management and central IT delivering services and other information relating to our products will use Web Security. These services comprise aftersales services, inquiry information, transaction updates, customer records, and additional confidential information that will have browser/Web Security to avoid hacking of the website by strangers and alter with crucial information that could land in the hands of evil people.

It will comprise efficient firewalls or web application firewalls that utilize powerful algorithms that correctly respond to any possible attack at the communication nodes to avoid feeding the system with incorrect commands that could alter the organization's intended processes. Thus the network designing team will entail a couple of network security expertise to make a successful WAF implementation anticipated to secure the network from future potential threats. Provided these identifiable threats get enough consideration during our network structuring, then the network system can render zero risks.

These threats are associated with security vulnerabilities, Injections related to SQL in database management, and cross-sites that alert the administration and other stakeholders about unanticipated scripting attacks, among other general threats. They will complete applications about hardware, software, and web applications since the organization deals with this three-structured digital application layout. The network devices' configuration will help easy the detection of unethical approaches or other unauthorized attempts triggering data breaches. The software applications that provoke unique transactions and communication through several digital apps will prevent "man-in-the-middle" in the communication channels that could be difficult to detect since he can access confidential data without interfering with it.

The next protection anticipated from this network will be through behavioral analysis. Network behavioral analysis caters to ways to improve the security of a proprietory through traffic monitoring and unusual actions noting that it may alter the organizational activities. This strategy will provide a continuous record of the daily activities taking place within the digital application platforms. It opens chances for improvement for various organization departments since some details are intricate instances of failure or poor service delivery (Qiet., 2020). The communication behavior is related to response urgency that corresponds to our clients depending on the inquiry category.

Computers used for communication purposes will utilize VPN to avoid detecting the links associated with vital data from different departments. It will reinforce the security needed in database management departments protecting against reckless loss of data. VPM will result in successful access to geo-blocked websites with actual content emanating from different sources worldwide, mostly concerning news business skills. Furthermore, it can cater to the multi-streaming of favorite services without consistent use of one IP address and can promote hacking activities from outsiders by enabling the possibility of changing the used IP to a different one.

Through this model, concealing clients' identities through privacy in the internet connection will keep the customers secure from possible hackers and other external parties actively trying to track their online activity. When comparing its importance to our organization, it is of more significance compared to the possible disadvantages.

The computers used for transaction purposes, like holding paycheck updates, will have software antivirus to protect them from intentional attacks that prevent updates related to recent customer exchange records. This activity does not need an external party to happen; even the managing team can encourage hackers to try this unethical behavior, provided they get some shares out of the benefit (Valentino-DeVries et al., 2018). Therefore, using antivirus software will assist the management and devices like BOYD utilized by the employees, working from anywhere rather than the working environment/offices from threats when connected to our network in the line of duty.

Email security within the network layout provides the organization executives' protection to hold virtual meetings rather than traveling to have physical conferences strengthening their management. This protection will collaborate with application security to deter other personnel not authorized in the virtual arrangements for preventing exposure of the tactics utilized by the managing executives from getting into the hands of competitors.

Access control for the devices connected to the organizational network will undergo a strict authentication process to control the devices accessing services from the website. This activity will also ensure that only employee devices access some resources that lead to sufficient working conditions. Besides, ease of access for employees virtually will encourage getting rid of traditional keys, especially in database security.

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Security in Network Design: A Comprehensive Approach using SAFE Methodology - Free Paper. (2023, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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