Servant Leadership and Nursing Leadership, Free Essay for Everyone

Published: 2022-02-16
Servant Leadership and Nursing Leadership, Free Essay for Everyone
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing leadership Servant leadership
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 656 words
6 min read

According to Bertocci (2009), leadership is the compilation of several characteristics in someone that makes him or her inspire others to attain the desired goals that would be difficult or not attainable at all without the leader's guidance. Therefore, sound leadership is essential for the effective performance of any institution. There are many types of leadership styles like transactional leadership, democratic leadership, charismatic leadership, servant leadership to name a few (Sadler, 2003). These types of leadership vary in their execution, but all aim to provide purpose and direction to the institution. The effectiveness of these styles varies from one on the environment and structure set up of the institution. The GCU Academics (2016) seeks to expound on servant leadership basic principles and its relation to the nursing type of leadership.

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Technically, authority can be divided into two forms namely formal and informal (GCU Academics, 2016). Formal authority comes with a given position in an institution whereas informal authority is where the people look up to someone and willingly chose to accept what the person offers. The most effective leadership combines these two types of leadership styles where the leader in a position of power has the workers looking up to him to provide guidance and related services willingly without the sense of seniority hovering over them. Also, on this aspect, servant leadership tends to build on informal authority. This form of power employs the aspect that people do not like being used, and, therefore, the two principles marry each other perfectly while the sense of self-divinity in leaders is synonymous with formal leadership which is undesirable. This aspect makes servant leadership align with nursing leadership. The hospital environment is sensitive; therefore, it is more appropriate for workers to willingly accept the services being rendered by the leader and not enforced on them.

According to the GCU Academics (2016), servant leadership can be explained with the definition of responsibility of headship defined as the provision of an environment that will make the workers feel protection and honor. This definition can be expounded to mean that the leader should strive to provide a situation with the least sense of insecurity from the workers. Workers should feel free to approach the leader with all pressing issues without being afraid of a vindictive reaction from the leader. The leader should seem to align his efforts to streamline the ability of the workers to carry out their tasks with ease. Also, it is paramount that the workers feel appreciated and loved in their place of work. The leader can best ooze out this feeling by taking time to recognize the efforts of the workers even though they are entitled to a salary at the end of the month. Fulfillment of these factors offers motivation to the workers to work harder to attain the desired goals. Nursing leadership needs to employ these principles as it will ensure the workers not only work harder to achieve the institution's goals but they are also happy doing it.

It is evident that servant leadership fits seamlessly with nursing leadership. Given the complex, sensitive and vital aspects of the health sector, the leadership style needs to ensure the workers are not only doing their part, but they are happy and in supportive doing it. Informal leadership meshed with formal leadership plus headship that provides an environment filled with honor and protection for the workers is perfect for the nursing fraternity as it will ensure achievement of the institution's goals and a happy, supportive workforce. This fact makes servant leadership perfect for application in nursing leadership.


Bertocci, D. I. (2009). Leadership in organizations: There is a difference between leaders and managers. Lanham, Md: University Press of America.

GCU Academics Nursing. (2016). Servant Leadership - The Issue of Headship [cc]. Retrieved from:

Sadler, P. (2003). Leadership. MBA Masterclass. London: Kogan Page.

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