Free Essay: Service Description

Published: 2023-10-16
Free Essay: Service Description
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business plan Business strategy Customer service Essays by wordcount
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 868 words
8 min read

The service will consist of four components. The first component will be the main vehicle which will house and transport all the groceries around different parts. The second component will be smaller vehicles which will serve as delivery vehicles for customers who want speedy deliveries around different parts of the neighbourhoods. The third component of the mobile grocery store will be the side-boards which will be temporarily established on the sides of the grocery truck. On these boards, there will be fresh produce on display for customers to choose from. The fourth component of the service is a phone app that alerts customers when the grocery truck is within their location and to place orders. The service delivered to customers is excellent and focused on the customers’ satisfaction.

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The main grocery truck will contain freezers within which there will be large amounts of fresh produce available to customers at any one time. These freezers will be used to keep vegetables and fruit fresh at all times. The freezers will also be used to store eggs and keep milk fresh for the customers. The grocery truck will also have cabinets that will be used to store grains such as rice and flour. This truck will be moving in a specific route every day in the surrounding neighborhoods. It will ply through that route twice every day, delivering fresh produce to all types of neighborhoods, including neighborhoods with low populations. The smaller vehicle will be used for deliveries based on customers’ orders. The main truck will act as the central station from which orders will be placed and packaged. Their mobility will enable them to pass through routes that the main truck does not pass through. This will help expand services to a larger area. The smaller vehicles will also contain freezers to keep customers’ orders fresh until they are delivered. The advantage of the mobility of this service is that it will enable members of the society who are disadvantaged, such as those who are disabled or very old and unable to walk long distances to get access to the best quality of fresh produce.

The retractable boards on the side of the main grocery truck will be used to place fresh fruits, grains, and vegetables for customers to choose from. Neighborhoods will be alerted through a phone app when the grocery truck is in their locations. They will then come out to choose from the various products being sold on display. Customers will also use the app to place orders as they please throughout the day. The app will also help customers track their orders to see the progress of their delivery.

The phone app is compatible with all mobile devices, and it very easy to download and install. It has a tracking service that serves two reasons. The primary purpose of the tracking service is for customers to track their orders. This helps them confirm that indeed their order has started the shipping process. The other purpose of the tracking service is to alert customers when their orders are within the vicinity of their address. This helps customers to time when to receive their orders if they are caught up in other activities.

The workforce of the mobile grocery store will consist of three workers in the main grocery truck and two workers in each of the delivery vehicles. One of the three workers in the grocery truck will focus on the orders. Their job will be to receive orders and to pass them to the other two workers who will package these orders. These packaged orders will then be handed over to the other workers in the delivery vehicles who will place them in refrigerators to keep them fresh, and the drivers will deliver these orders to the customers' chosen addresses.

Features and Benefits

  • Phone app Enables customers to place orders throughout the day.
  • Enables customers to track their orders to see the progress of their delivery.
  • Alerts customers when the main grocery truck is within the vicinity of customers’ locations.
  • Main grocery truck Stores all the produce in freezers to keep them fresh.
  • Central station for placing and packaging orders.
  • Smaller delivery vehicles Will be used to deliver personalized orders from customers.
  • Will help branch out into different neighborhoods.
  • Retractable side-boards Used for displaying fresh produce on sale.
  • Helps foster a positive customer community.
  • Order Tracking Helps customers track the progress of their orders.
  • Helps customers decide when to place their orders.
  • SMART Objectives
  • The mobile grocery store has the following objectives for the future:
  • To expand into 20 more neighborhoods by 2021.
  • To buy a second grocery truck by the end of the year. The additional truck will help expand services into more neighborhoods.
  • To acquire two more delivery vehicles by the end of next year. The additional delivery vehicles will help expand services into more neighborhoods and help deliver more orders to customers.
  • To expand services into more impoverished neighborhoods and deliver the same quality of services to them by the end of the year.
  • To establish an initiative to feed the homeless in the surrounding neighborhoods by donating foodstuff to them from customer donations by the end of the year.

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