Free Essay Example on Skin Rosacea

Published: 2023-02-27
Free Essay Example on Skin Rosacea
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Problem solving Medicine Healthcare Community health
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1560 words
13 min read

Rosacea is a chronic disorder that causes inflammation on the skin, especially on the face. It is characterized by oedema, papules, flushing and erythema mostly on the cheeks and nose. This skin disorder mainly occurs to people with fair skin, and it is estimated that around fourteen million Americans are affected by this condition. Rosacea can at times appear on the neck, chest or back and can also irritate the eyes, making them appear watery. It can be easily managed and controlled medically though the physical changes sometimes have serious psychological effects. It is factual that though rosacea is not a severe condition, it can affect the standard of life and self-esteem of affected individuals.

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Categories of Rosacea

Even though there are four different types of rosacea, you may find an individual with symptoms of more than one kind. The first type is the erythematotelangiectatic whose key features is redness on the parts of the face and allows visibility of tiny blood vessels underneath the skin surface. Symptoms of this type of rosacea disappear at some point, but if not treated the redness continues to cover a significant part of the skin and can even be permanent (Erdogan et al., 2018). The second category is known as papulopustular rosacea which is characterized by pus-filled blemishes and swollen bumps that are mainly red. These frequently appear on the forehead, chin and the cheeks and people misidentify them often as acne.

The scars can take a long period to disappear, especially in severe conditions. The third type of rosacea is referred to as phymatous, which causes the skin to become thicker and scar, making it swollen and bumpy. This type of rosacea is treatable though it is rare and mostly appears more in men than in women and mainly affects the area around the nose. The last type of rosacea is known as ocular rosacea which is associated with watery eyes. It causes irritation or a burning feeling on the eyes. This makes the eyes to become sensitive and continuously dry, which results in the formation of cysts on the eyelids.

Symptoms of Rosacea

There are various symptoms of rosacea, but most of the time, people experience them at different periods. There are times when symptoms are very irritating, and at some other times, they are less troublesome. Symptoms often start with redness of the skin for a short duration, but as the condition advances, other symptoms continue to develop (Williamson et al., 2018). Confusing the symptoms of rosacea with those of acne results in the condition going undiagnosed, which is a significant problem. It is, therefore, necessary to fully identify the signs and understand the daily habits that lead to the occurrence of these symptoms to achieve a complete diagnosis. Individuals living with rosacea redden easily because of factors like medication, warm environment, emotional reactions and spicy food, among others.

They also have eye problems where they experience irritated, swollen and dry eyes. The skin around the nose also thickens over time, causing individuals with rosacea, especially men, to have an enlarged nose. The sensitivity of the blood vessels causes the skin of people living with rosacea to be more sensitive, especially to sunlight. As the condition worsens, these blood vessels become visible, especially on the cheeks and the nose, and at times they resemble spider webs. The face starts swelling because of the excess proteins and fluids being leaked out. This results in the lymphatic system being unable to drain the excess proteins and fluid, resulting in fluid buildup.

Causes of Rosacea

The exact cause of rosacea has not been discovered, but according to research, it might be a combination of both environmental and hereditary factors. According to research done, this skin condition of blood vessels swelling underneath the skin is suggested to be caused by Helicobacter pylori which are the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers. The bacterium is believed to trigger the production of bradykinin which is a protein responsible for the expansion of blood vessels (Picardo, Eichenfield & Tan, 2017). An abnormality of the blood vessels is another factor believed to be the cause of rosacea. The exact cause of the deformity is yet to be discovered, but the sun is considered to cause significant damage to the skin tissues. The defects explain the symptoms of rosacea, such as continuous redness and flushing. One of the researches conducted recently has shown some of the external factors that cause rosacea which include alcohol, stress, spicy food and heat, among others. These factors result in the activation of peptides which are molecules in the skin. High levels of these molecules affect the blood vessels and nerves leading in inflammation and redness.

Individuals living with rosacea have a large number of microscopic mites that live on the human skin. Although these tiny mites are harmless, they play a significant role in worsening the rosacea condition. It is not sure whether these mites are an effect or a cause of rosacea, but researchers argue that the symptoms might be a result of the skin reacting to the bacteria in the excrement of the microscopic mites. Some of the risk factors that make one prone to developing rosacea include genetic and age. Fair-skinned individuals who have blue eyes and blond hair are also likely to develop this skin disorder. Rosacea also develops in individuals who are between the ages of fifty and thirty. Genetic is also linked to rosacea where one is likely to have this condition if there is a family history of rosacea.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Rosacea

The dermatologist in charge of carrying out rosacea diagnosis relies on the history of the individual symptoms and examines the skin since there is no specified test. The test carried out enables the ruling out of other conditions that have similar symptoms and signs of rosacea such as sunburn. Enlarged blood vessels are an early symptom of rosacea that differentiates it from other diseases (Mikkelsen et al., 2016). It is therefore recommended to be diagnosed and treated early to control and prevent the development of rosacea once the early symptoms start to appear. Though there is no cure for rosacea, it is possible to control the inflammation, skin eruptions and redness. Avoiding the factors that trigger rosacea is one of the primary keys to control it. The triggering factors can be identified by keeping a diary of the environment, daily habits and the time when the symptoms appeared. This will help the dermatologist in charge to evaluate the problem. Skin irritation can be prevented by using moisturizers and oil-free cosmetics that are of high quality and taking proper care of the skin. Protective sunglasses are necessary to protect the skin from sunlight to avoid sensitivity.

In cases where the condition worsens, and the natural remedies are not enough, long-term treatment with minocycline and oral antibiotics is applied to prevent more development of rosacea. The individual is required to be diligent and patient since the results appear after a few months. The symptoms of rosacea are controlled for months with the help of prescription medication since there is no cure for it. In cases where the condition has advanced more, laser surgery is used to remove the visible blood vessels (Rosso et al., 2019). Rosacea can be prevented from worsening by changing their lifestyle, which makes it easier for people living with it. Successful control will enable them to understand that though rosacea is an incurable chronic disease, it is possible to live with it without frustration and embarrassment. The successful control can be achieved by perseverance and staying away from the factors that trigger rosacea. The individual starts feeling better, both emotionally and psychologically, with the improvement of the physical symptoms. It is, therefore, necessary to educate individuals and provide them with emotional support to help promote a self-image that is positive for patients whose lives have experienced dramatic changes.

In conclusion, though rosacea has no cure, it can be prevented and controlled. Individuals are encouraged to seek medical care whenever they have new symptoms and signs such as skin inflammation, blurred vision and redness. Proper education is also necessary which enable people to understand measures of avoiding factors that trigger rosacea such as spicy food, alcohol, stress and exposure to sunlight, among others. Individuals living with rosacea are also encouraged to join support groups, and this will enable them to keep in contact with others that have the same problems.


Erdogan, H., Bulur, I., Kocaturk, E., Saracoglu, Z., Alatas, O., & Bilgin, M. (2018). Advanced oxidation protein products and serum total oxidant/antioxidant status levels in rosacea. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology, 35(3), 304-308. Doi: 10.5114/ada.2018.76228

Mikkelsen, C., Holmgren, H., Kjellman, P., Heidenheim, M., Karppinnen, A., Bjerring, P., & Huldt-Nystrom, T. (2016). Rosacea: a clinical review. Dermatology Reports, 8(1). Doi: 10.4081/dr.2016.6387

Picardo, M., Eichenfield, L., & Tan, J. (2017). Acne and Rosacea. Dermatology And Therapy, 7(S1), 43-52. Doi: 10.1007/s13555-016-0168-8

Rosso, J., Tanghetti, E., Webster, G., Gold, L., Thiboutet, D., & Gallo, R. (2019). Update on the Management of Rosacea from the American Acne & Rosacea Society (AARS). Clinical And Aesthetic Dermatology, 12(6). Retrieved from

Williamson, T., Cameron, J., McLeod, K., Turner, B., Quillen, A., & LaRose, A. (2018). Patient Concerns and Treatment Satisfaction in Patients Treated with Azelaic Acid Foam for Rosacea. SKIN the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine, 2(S1). Doi: 10.25251/skin.2.supp.35

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