Paper Example. Social Science As Moral Theology

Published: 2023-12-11
Paper Example. Social Science As Moral Theology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Science Society
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 538 words
5 min read

As indicated by Edelmann et al. (2020), there is a full declaration of it being science from the history of sociology. Some of them have also been associated with relationships between humanities and social science disciplines. The criticism here is that Postman holds significance. There is an attempt to set on the impossibility of science in social relations. The main objections against calling sociology a science are as follows.

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Edelmann et al. (2020) indicated a lack of experimentation in sociology. The science includes the physical sciences as well as the twin processes of experimentation as well as prediction. He argued that the scientific methods which are universally accepted in scientific methods such as observing and experimenting do not apply to studying society. As illustrated, sociology does not apply processes where there is the use of instruments such as microscopes and thermometers in measuring human behaviors. The physical sciences usually have laboratory tests that are carried out in some specified conditions. Sociology lacks the complex facility completely. The human beings under sociology cannot be put in under laboratory tests.

Society is a complex variable that cannot be separated and analyzed differently as done in the physical sciences. However, the argument cannot be used to prevent sociology from being called a science. It cannot also hinder it from being dealt with in scientific methods. This is because some other sciences such as astronomy are never put into laboratory tests, but no one can deny the fact that it is a science.

Postman's argument is the lack of objectivity where an unbiased study and an objective one can be made. Observing a phenomenon in its proper form and not getting affected by the researcher's views may be illustrated as accurate observations. It is fundamental in the sciences, a critical purpose of science that leads to the truth. In sociology, Edelmann et al. (2020) indicate that it is complicated to obtain objectivity in sociology. There cannot be complete objectivity in sociology as it could be in other social sciences.

Point of telling stories in sociology

Postman indicated that stories had become tools used as a reflection on people who are the makers of culture. There is the use of different ways of storytelling from the diverse experiences and expectations in daily life. Edelmann et al. (2020) indicated that human beings are narrative makers who construct themselves and that there is no dualism between society and self. There is an observed interaction between the society and the selves that are complex and narrative. The story is an evaluation that involves narrations of some series of events in a sequence that gets unfolds over time.

In conclusion, looking at the current social life, it becomes insufficient to understand some of the complexities in social processes such as postmodernization. Postman is trying to illustrate the difference in the application of storytelling in sociology and other social sciences. Sociology is a discipline that focuses on the patterns that shape people's lives, in the event of studying the process of transformation from different phases of socio-historical lives.


Edelmann, A., Wolff, T., Montagne, D., & Bail, C. A. (2020). Computational Social Science and Sociology. Annual Review of Sociology, 46.

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