Sociological Analysis Assignment, Free Example

Published: 2022-07-12
Sociological Analysis Assignment, Free Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Social psychology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1113 words
10 min read

Sociology is the study of the social aspects of human experience. The study of sociology explores the dynamics and complexities of the social life. In sociology, human social institutions and relationships are studied. It is a very diverse subject that involves a range of issues including religion, crime, family issues, racial divisions, social classes, and shared beliefs of common cultures, social stability as well as changes in the society. In my opinion, the crucial factor that is used to determine legitimate issues or concerns is the influence on the human behavior, and consequently, the society.

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Biography society and history

My social autobiography mainly covers instances that I have encountered while pursuing higher education. The aspect of sociology that interests me the most is religion. In the sociological study of religion, the organizational forms of religion, beliefs, and practices are studied using the methods and tools of the discipline of sociology. Every aspect of religion is examined including how people act while in worship and how their stated convictions are lived out. Also included is the changing role of religion in the public arena which involves media, politics and economic arena. Religion in sociology also covers the interpersonal relationships between people (Smith). Main topics of interest in the recent sociology of religion research include global religious conflicts and pluralism, the influence that religion has on sexuality, racism, and gender issues, religious cults, and sects and their nature, and lastly the impact that modern culture and the media have on the various religious practices. The sociology of religion is interesting because religion is a crucial part of people's lives and understanding it makes it easier also to understand people of different religions.

Public issues

In sociology, deviance illustrates an action or manners that go against the social values, which are officially passed regulations, for example, crime and unofficial infringement of social norms. They are set of laws and expectations through which people in the society are traditionally directed. Deviance is the lack of compliance with these standards however they change from culture to culture. For instance, different action can be done in a particular society.


The concept of social alienation covers situations where an individual isolates themselves from others due to differences in their social life. Alienation occurs between individuals or between an individual and a group of people in workplace or school or community. I had an encounter with the social problem at several stages of life. However, the main one came during early school days. Usually, teachers encourage competition among pupils at lower levels of education. Pupils who scored little marks faced a lot of criticism from parents, teachers and fellow pupils. The discomfort created could make the pupil fear to play with others for appearing inferior.


Apathy is something that is evident in the contemporary community. Many individuals in the community lack interest of certain aspects in the community such that they end up having totally different personalities from who they really are or even performing duties that they are not comfortable with. The result is that such people end up feeling separated from the rest of the community and even inclined to do some things. Apathy can take different forms ranging from religious alienation to social and cultural alienation (Horton) . Moreover, apathy can result from hostilities towards a person whereby the person will end up feeling separated from the rest of the community or group of people.

Information overload

Currently, the social aspect that affects my community is the family aspect of sociology. According to the sociology of the family, most of us virtually belong to a family, and we hope to recreate a family either through marriage or partnerships. In my community is an example of a community that shows the tremendous variation of the types and experiences of families. The institution of family is not just a singular experience. For instance, while some families have both parents, others have one parent or none. Some families have children, others have adopted children or stepchildren, and others don't have any children.

Lack of common values

Like values and morals, virtues guide our behaviors based on our faith and self-control hence leading us towards freedom and enjoy living a morally upright life. These virtues are developed and learned from the people that surround us (including family and friends) and also the general environment. The quality of individual characters and the motivations people get to become what they want in life is embodied in their virtues.

Blaming psychology

People all over the world display different virtues that define them. Possessing a moral virtue is a character that is admired by many because it has habitual benefits not only to oneself but also to others. As an individual, I feel that all actions that are undertaken are based on the question whether my family will be happy or not. I have learned to be patient and not to correct them when I am angry. I have also learned that expression of affection and tenderness is essential when correcting my colleagues.

Moral breakdown

Discrimination as a concept in sociology covers all instances of unfair treatment of people or groups based on elements such race, age, sexual orientation, and gender. Discrimination happens mainly because of fear and misunderstanding. Discrimination has dangerous effects on the society because research shows that it contributes to chronic stress and several other body disorders. I have encountered discrimination several times especially after starting my higher education. In my search for a job to do when not engaged in school work, some organizations have denied me the chance due to my age. Several managers believe that college students can never commit themselves fully to any work. However, the leaders fail to know that not all college students manage time poorly.

Relativity of perspectives

My values have a lot and close correlation with the principles of servant leadership. For instance, among my values include acceptance and adaptability. Through this value, I do listen and accept or adapt to what people I lead do inform me. Productivity is also among my values. I usually like and prefer to empower people I guide to becoming more successful. Through achieving successfulness in their work, then definitely they will become more productive. I also do value respect and attentiveness much in my life.

Work cited

Abrams, D., & Levine, J. M. (2012). The formation of social norms: Revisiting Sherif's autokinetic illusion study. Social psychology: Revisiting the classic studies, 57-75.

Horton, John. "The dehumanization of anomie and alienation: a problem in the ideology of sociology." The British Journal of Sociology 15.4 (2005): 283-300.

Smith, J. R., & Haslam, S. A. (Eds.). (2017). Social psychology: Revisiting the classic studies. Sage.

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