Essay Sample on Sociological Aspects of Language

Published: 2023-09-27
Essay Sample on Sociological Aspects of Language
Essay type:  Analytical essays
Categories:  Sociology Languages Literature review
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 468 words
4 min read

Holguín Mendoza, C. (2018). Critical language awareness (CLA) for Spanish heritage language programs: Implementing a complete curriculum. International Multilingual Research Journal, 12(2), 65-79.

This article offers an oriented six-course Spanish program that is known as HL. The purpose of the program is to summon the inferiority of HL learners’ linguistic operations and inspect the practical application of CLA (Critical Language Awareness) schooling. This article is relevant to my essay because it analyzes the learners’ sociolinguistic awareness by observing the HL students’ attitudes.

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Babel, A. M. (2014). Stereotypes versus experience: Indexing regional identity in Bolivian Valley Spanish. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 18(5), 604-633.

The article talks about language and sexuality in Spanish. In the article they placed the Spanish as well as the English into groups then they observed their conversation analytic methods. During chatting the participants engaged in humorous and playful conversations. As a result of the playfulness, the peoples’ pleasure increased. This article is related to my essay because it helps us understand the social aspect of sexuality.

Luján-García, C. (2013). The English language and Anglo-American culture: Its impact on Spanish language and society.

The article analyses how the Anglo-American culture and English Language has impacted the Spanish culture and language. It entails four various studies that give appropriate evidence of the presence of Spanish and English in the day to day lives. The relation between the article and the essay is that it shows how social relationship between the English language and culture to that of the Spanish.

Finardi, K. R. (2017). < b> What can Brazil learn from multilingual Switzerland and its use of English as a multilingual Franca. Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture, 39(2), 219-228. https://www.

The article elaborates on the results from a study whose primary aim was to investigate the English role in an internationalization operation. Also, it reviews the language roles and also the teaching approach. The article is related to my essay because it identifies the role of Spanish in Brazil and various suggestions to improve multilingualism.

Fernández-Quijada, D. (2011). Appraising internationality in Spanish communication journals. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 43(1), 90-109.

This article investigates how certain journals that have not been published in English attain a level of internationality and how it can improve people’s knowledge of scientific patterns of publication. The article further offers a Spanish case study on communication samples that were published between 2007 and 2009. The article relates to my essay because it examines the masses the Spanish scholars attract and how the policies have limited the language.

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