Sociology of Childhood, Essay Example for Students

Published: 2019-08-28
Sociology of Childhood, Essay Example for Students
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Childhood
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1820 words
16 min read

Childhood is a crucial stage of development across the human race. Without any fear of contradiction, all humans have gone through childhood. No person is born today and the following day they are celebrating in their adulthood. Therefore, as a child, one becomes part and parcel of the society. One becomes an integral component of the community, and the society expects them to behave in the set of code of conduct. Hence, sociology of childhood is informing people the value of childhood in sociology which to some great extent was absolutely given a wide birth.

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Interpretive reproduction

Interpretive reproduction is the socialization not a matter of adaptation and internalization, but a process of appropriation, reinvention, and reproduction. Further, it means that children significantly contribute to societal reproduction or preservation. Thus, all the changes that happen in the society not only occur because of adults but also because of the input of children. The changes the nation is experiencing today could be as a result of childrens roles.

In essence, children not only stay in the society and watch things happen in the community but also do the creation of unique peer cultures when they actively appropriate information they receive from the adults. Children are observant, and that is why they can observe what adults do and create their cultures regarding what they saw from the adults. Also, after the creation of peer cultures, children participate in their peer cultures specifically to address their peer concerns. However, all these activities of appropriation of information to make and participate in peer cultures are the interpretive reproduction.

Relationship between socialization and interpretive reproduction

Interpretive reproduction and socialization have a relationship. The relationship is the aspect of interactionism between the two. Looking at socialization, it does not happen within an individual, but it happens to people. Interpretive reproduction is as a result of interaction. The peer culture is created through interaction. Children interact with the members of society and observe what they are doing and interpret it to set up their peer cultures.

In consideration of the interpretive view, children are said not to imitate only or internalize the world around them, but they strive to interpret or make sense of their culture and to participate in it. When someone interprets something it means that there is interaction, because interpretations are made when a child is in touch with something or people. Ordinarily, socialization can only occur when there is interaction with something or folks.

Another important aspect of the relationship between socialization and interpretive reproduction is participation. In interpretive reproduction, children create peer cultures. After the interpretation and creation of peer cultures they do not just leave at that point but they participate in them. Common sense dictates that when a culture is created, it means people who create it must always participate in it. In the same vein, socialization cannot occur if people do not participate. For example, in schools, social activities are offered. Therefore, socialization occurs when children engage in the co-curriculum activities. When they engage in activities like playing football, then it means there is participation.

The availability of participation in both socialization and interpretive reproduction is what creates the relationship between the two concepts in the sociology of children.

Most importantly to note, social magnetism is another idea that creates the relationship between socialization and interpretive reproduction. The fact that children can reproduce their peer cultures from adults and participate in them means that there is a force of cohesion among these kids. Socialization brings children together, and interpretive reproduction does the same. This then means that the relationship between interpretive reproduction and socialization is social magnetism.

How does interpretive reproduction help us understand childrens culture?

This theoretical concept is at the center of helping readers and interested parties to understand the culture of children. It does so through the following:

It informs us the ability of children to appropriate information. This theoretical concept is reminding adults that whatever they do it does not go unnoticed by children. From my observation, I have seen in most cases children copy what adults do. For example, when children watch wrestling, they develop a propensity of demonstrating the same to their age mates. In essence, this theory will definitely inform us that whatever peer cultures we see children participating in they might have seen someone doing it but through their ability to appropriate the information they modified it to create their culture.

It helps us understanding their social nature. Interpretive reproduction, clearly states that when children create peer cultures they participate in it. Therefore, the theory helps one to appreciate the socialization of children and the impact it has on the development of children.

It helps us recognize how peer cultures shape cultures in the society. The theory states that Peer cultures are not stages that individual children pass through. Children produce and participate in their peer cultures, and these productions are embedded in the web of experiences children weave with others throughout their lives. From this statement from the book, sociology of children, what one can deduce is that the peer cultures children create do not remain at their childhood, but they move with them to adulthood. Their peer cultures give a lifetime experience. That is why adults today can inform other people their childhood experience. Therefore, the peer cultures can significantly affect the culture and society of children in future when they grow.

By reminding us the roles of children in culture creation. The fact that children can create peer culture is a reminder to people that children are not just in the society to see what is happening but to build cultures that they think to make their childhood a memorable stage in life.

Through the creation of interest in studying children. This theory ignites the interest of research practitioners to explore more about children. For a long time, children were unrepresented in sociology, and no one gave them any attention in sociology. Thus, through this theory, further studies about children are being carried out. For example, a child represents no longer an incomplete but an alternative epistemology.a subjective structure characterized by transformation. This statement means that when it comes to the study of knowledge children also play a crucial role.

By informing us about the socialization of children. It is true that a child is necessarily social not just with adults but with other kids. This theoretical concept thus makes it crystal clear that socialization among people does not just start at adulthood but in childhood. Perhaps, maybe it is socialization at childhood that shapes one's personality when they grow into adulthood.

How does interpretive reproduction help us in understanding development of self?

Recognition of interpretation. The theory claims that children have the capacity to interpret things from the environment or the adults. This is important to us since it helps people to be creative. Therefore, it informs us that the interpretation of the situation is relevant to the cognitive development of a person. From epistemology, knowledge can be acquired through analysis of the environment and interpretive reproduction reminds us that we should be independent thinkers through developing our interpretations rather than depending on other peoples interpretations.

By informing us about adaptation. Today the world is changing rapidly, and this demands children to adapt the changes. Today, there is technological boom and to some significant level, it affects childrens development. However, if children adapt the changes, they directly influence the development of self.

Through guiding us to appreciate human activity. Human activity is described as mediational, and it creates zones of proximal development. Therefore, the theory enables us to recognize the importance of siblings and peer groups. The peer groups always carry out human activities that are relevant to the development of self. Also, through the zones of proximal development parents are informed about their roles in the development of their childs self. In summary, development of self is a collective responsibility.

How does this break down the border between childhood and adulthood?

Through a collective responsibility, the border between childhood and adulthood can be broken down. This is because the development of self-requires the input of a parent. It is true that the child can grow independently but with the help of adults.

Question 4

What are the defining features of play in initial peer culture?

Children engage in play today in most parts of their day or childhood. However, there are defining characteristics of play in the original peer culture. The features are as following:

Archetype- today in the modern world it appears like all children engage in child activity. This has made play among children archetypal child activity. If you walk to school, it is necessary you will encounter children playing different types of events, for example, race. Their teachers view play as an original model to help children enjoy their peer culture. Also, children who are one or two years do participate in play a lot. For instance, a child can be at a very relaxed place as its eyes wander and finally the baby laughs. The laughter is maybe presumed as a result of the visual things the child is watching to derive pleasure.

Protection model of childhood- A child who does not participate in play does not enjoy peer culture and can have so many worries and fears. A child is supposed to be playful, and lack of such a playful nature leads to insecurity. If a parent sees their children not participating in the play, they get worried. They start doubting if their children are healthy. However, if they are involved in a game which is a common activity amongst them, a parent becomes confident of their security as well as health. Therefore, protection model of childhood is a feature that is conspicuous in a play and short of it means that the child is insecure.

It is an imitative act- if a parent sees their children play they apparently conclude that they are imitating what adults are doing.

It is not an activity- play in the initial peer culture is not viewed as an activity in its right but putting the time to good use. Parents and teachers sometimes do not consider the play of children as an activity they just soothe children to play so that they can utilize their time properly rather than sit idle and throw tantrums. In most households parents do buy toys and other equipment their children can use to play to put their time to good use.

It is invisible pedagogy- play is a pedagogical activity that teachers use but in most cases it is not seen as such. In all schools especially in elementary schools, teachers commit their energies to encouraging children to play. They ensure that all devices required for children to play are available. Physical exercise activities are the primary teaching tools in this kind of game. Children are encouraged to race...

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