Spartacus - Free Essay Example

Published: 2024-01-01
Spartacus - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1151 words
10 min read


Spartacus is an American classic adventure movie that was released on October 6, 1960. The movie reflects on the historical tale of the slave’s rebellion (73-71 BCE) against the Roman Empire. The film was directed by Stanley Kubrick and the main actor is Kirk Douglas. The film has claimed extensive essential applause.

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Spartacus character is played by Douglas as a slave, who gets an acknowledgment of his braveness as a gladiator while holding Lentulus Batiatus. As a brave accountable slave, he desires freedom and also wants to free his associates. He sets out a plan and manages to free himself and his associates and forms a formidable troop of rebels. The inhabitants of Rome become terrified by the uprising, General Marcus Licinius Crassus is given the duty of crushing the rebels, but Spartacus’s army beat the Romans in many battles. The rebels are later trapped and are left with no options. They are killed and Spartacus is crucified. When Spartacus is nearing his last breath, he is satisfied that his wife Varinia and his son are given freedom as Roman citizens.

Historical Background & Historical Accuracy

Spartacus is a classical historical drama movie that is based on a 1951 novel named similarly to the film by Howard Fast. It has been inspired by Spartacus’s story who is the leader of the slave rebellion in ancient times and the Third Servile War happenings. Generally, the wars in the film are accurate. The Romans consider Spartacus to be a wise leader and tactician (Dailyhistory, 2019). This is illustrated in the movie evidenced in the movie whereby the main actor used guerrilla plans very effectively. The movie brings out the ultimate accuracy of the last stage of the rebellion that was commanded by Spartacus. Conversely, the picture does not indicate other vital factors of the rebellion. Spartacus and the revolting soldiers located the means to the Alps subsequently having conquered a huge Roman troops and they would have simply absconded the Italians and Romans. It appears that the rebelling slaves looked the rear and went to the Southern area of Italy. The movie does not show the reason for their en route to the Italian South.

Culture & Socio Economic Conditions

The Spartacus movie can be related to the American culture in the 1950s when there was slavery. The slaves become rebellious of Roman democracy. Spartacus is introduced as a quarry worker in North Africa. The fact is Spartacus was naturally a Thracian and was a soldier in the Roman troops and is sold to being a slave. Slavery kills social interactions and the slave perceives the oppressor as the bad person and therefore, in the film Spartacus leads a rebellion against the oppressors. Moreover, Spartacus has thoughts of mental lawlessness since he lacks education due to the years of service to the army. He does not let that become an obstacle and thus he shows to be a good leader and makes his soldiers tough and accountable in the community.


The Spartacus movie contraries the Jesus myth. This is shown in the scenes where Spartacus is protected by his crew instead of being sold out like Jesus’s story and had a worse death on the cross. The troops that are behind Spartacus are ready to be crucified instead of revealing who is their leader. The voice that begins at the start of the film shows that Rome has a failure in destiny through Christianity development. The narrator states: “In the last century before the birth of the new faith called Christianity, which was destined to overthrow the pagan tyranny of Rome and bring about a new society, the Roman Republic stood at the very center of the civilized world. "Of all things fairest," sang the poet, "first among cities and home of the gods is golden Rome." Yet, even at the zenith of her pride and power, the Republic lay fatally stricken with a disease called human slavery. The age of the dictator was at hand, waiting in the shadows for the event to bring it forth. In that same century, in the conquered Greek province of Thrace, an illiterate slave woman added to her master's wealth by giving birth to a son whom she named Spartacus. A proud, rebellious son who was sold to living death in the mines of Libya before his thirteenth birthday. There, under whip and chain and sun, he lived out his youth and his young manhood dreaming the death of slavery two thousand years before it finally would die.” (

Political Structure

The film can be related to the 1950s American past, for example, the HUAC hearings and the civil rights association. The trials, the eyewitnesses had been commanded to give titles of the collectivist supporters, show the environmental situation whereby the slaves, inquired by Crassus to expose their trailblazer through being exposed from the group. The slavery topic has been at the core of American history and it is projected at the starting scenes where there are Draba and Spartacus. Draba proceeds to sacrifice himself by confronting Crassus instead of murdering Spartacus. The engagements that are oriented towards ending slavery and promoting equality in African-Americans is present in race mix-up in the gladiator learning institution and in Spartacus’s army who are in pursuit of their freedom. Another scene where the movie can be linked to the radical environment in the United States is highlighted at the starting when Rome is illustrated on nation basis “that lay fatally stricken with a disease called human slavery,” and Spartacus is stated “proud rebellious son dreaming of the death of slavery, 2000 years before it finally would die” (Ebert, 1991); therefore, the moral and radical idea of the movie is originally depicted as an image of a subsequent deed.


The first lesson learned from this movie is that one person can change everything. In the movie, Spartacus is a historic character and is of Thracian culture and is a gladiator. He proceeds to lead the rebellion against the Roman Empire. Secondly, the love theme is covered where Spartacus shows love towards Virinia. Thirdly, the individual power can influence many people at any given time, For example, in the film when the slaves are asked to identify their leader they all state: “I am Spartacus!” Hence, Spartacus is a figure that represents bigger things- getting freedom for all.

Additionally, the Spartacus Movie impacts the viewers in diverse ways. First, it shows how a person who is under pressure from external authorities can be brave and overthrow the rulers. Secondly, it highlights the viewer how a social group would fight for their freedom despite being perceived to be weak while being in captive. This movie is a classic.


Dailyhistory. (2019). How accurate is Stanley Kubrick's 'Spartacus'? -,escaped%20Italy%20and%20the%20Romans.

Ebert, R. (1991). Spartacus movie review & film summary (1991) | Roger Ebert. Spartacus 1960.

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