Speak Up About Children and Infants Health

Published: 2024-01-20
Speak Up About Children and Infants Health
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Childhood
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1059 words
9 min read

The Speak-up program was launched in 2002 by the joint commission, and it was able to reach more than 70 countries. During the following year, the program was refreshed again to increase its effectiveness. It comprised three components: an infographic in three sizes, an animated video, and a guide on how a specific organization can distribute materials. Speak Up program is beneficial for both the patients and the health care providers. For health care workers, they have enough information about the services they provide to their patients. Since the infographics are easy to read, they can communicate without the age barrier to all their patients. The animated videos are also a good display of what they do. Even though speak-up material is copyrighted, it doesn’t require reprinting permissions.

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In this paper, we will look at the Speak Up brochure concerning infants and children’s health. We will look at the advantages of the c section and the conditions under which it is necessary. How the healthcare facility prepares the mother mentally to feel in control of the procedure, she is about to undergo. Kid power is another area that will be expounded in this study. It explains how children should feel comfortable asking questions in hospitals about anything they don’t understand. Speak up helps show the parents that their children’s health and safety are essential to all healthcare facility attendants. It also explains to the mother the basics of breastfeeding as it’s a skill that needs to be learned and understood.

It is an important decision for any mother to decide on how she will deliver. In this section, doctors consider natural delivery to be the best and safest. It is possible to schedule a cesarean delivery, for example, when the baby doesn’t change its position as the mother’s due date approaches, resulting in a breech. The brochure does not recommend scheduling a cesarean section for non-medical reasons because this is a major surgery. There is a significant risk for complications such as organ damage, blood loss, allergic reactions to anesthesia, infections, and blood clots (Nierenberg, 2018). Despite these risks, the healthcare facility can convince its patients that it is ready to take care of them through this surgery right from the start and ensure that it’s safe.

There are the main reasons why a cesarean section can be opted for by the health care facility. Such include prolonged labor, also known as stalled labor. It is the reason for almost one-third of the cesarean sections all over the world. It is usually when an expectant mother stays in delivery for longer than she is supposed to. Fetal distress is another crucial reason for cesarean section. It happens when the doctor realizes that the baby is not getting enough oxygen and opts for an emergency cesarean section. The procedure can also be due to congenital disabilities, and the doctors choose to do this to reduce complications. Kids’ power is another issue that healthcare facilities stress (Casimir,2019). It empowers children who will visit their institution to be more open to the idea of asking questions with no fear of being discriminated against by anyone. The attending doctors can converse with ease with these kids and help to understand them better (Casimir,2019). Children also feel safe in these hospitals, and it allows them to speak up to the doctors.

Children’s health and safety are essential to doctors, nurses, and all the other attending members in the hospital (Linam et al., 2017). There are speak-up videos and instruments that there are no errors in child’s care. It helps to build trust with parents to keep coming back for more (Linam et al., 2017). It promises them that they have the right and can make a difference in their children’s health by always asking questions when they don’t understand and being actively involved.

The campaign also helps to teach expectant mothers all they need to know about breastfeeding. It is a natural process for a mother and her baby as it allows them to have a maternal bond (Furman, 2020). Mothers are encouraged to speak up and ask questions about breastfeeding before the baby is born and still in the hospital. It helps the mother to continue breastfeeding even after they go home. It is the healthcare facility’s responsibility to answer all these questions with good intentions of helping this mother. They should be able to provide adequate breastfeeding information explaining the things mothers should and should not do when breastfeeding. They should educate them on the type of diet that is healthy and beneficial to their health and the baby.

Videos and infographic materials distributed in hospitals help mothers and kids gain specific skills that they may use in the future. The Stay Well and Keep Others is a coloring book video that helped many children learn how to color (Linam et al., 2017). It won an award from the joint commission as a unique speak-up brochure for kids to learn how to color. Such material helps kids and their parents have an easy time teaching them how to color or do other things they have learned.

The Speak Up program has helped so many families for years in terms of their children. It starts from the moment a woman gets pregnant until when the baby grows up. There is a continued connection between the mother and the healthcare facility throughout the journey, mainly when it provides excellent and quality information. The bond created between the doctor and the mother during the prenatal helps build confidence levels and prepare them mentally for the days to come.


Nierenberg, C. (2018, March 27). Vaginal Birth vs. C-Section: Pros & Cons. Live Science. https://www.livescience.com/45681-vaginal-birth-vs-c-section.html.

Furman, L. (2020). Breastfeeding is a Powerful Medicine. American Academy of Pediatrics, 9(1), 161–169. https://www.aappublications.org/news/2020/04/22/breastfeeding-powerful-medicine-pediatrics-4-22-20.

Casimir, G. (2019, July 23). Why Children’s Hospitals Are Unique and So Essential. Frontiers in Pediatrics. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6664869/.

Linam, W. M., Honeycutt, M. D., Gilliam, C. H., Wisdom, C. M., & Deshpande, J. K. (2017, July 25). Impact of a Successful Speaking Up Program on Health-Care Worker Hand Hygiene Behavior. Pediatric quality & safety. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6132482/.

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Speak Up About Children and Infants Health. (2024, Jan 20). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/speak-up-about-children-and-infants-health?pname=speedypaper.com

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