Paper Example. Speech over the Importance of Mandatory Vaccinations

Published: 2023-10-23
Paper Example. Speech over the Importance of Mandatory Vaccinations
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Medicine Population Community health Social responsibility
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 639 words
6 min read

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am humbled to get this opportunity to speak to you, and I hope that you are all fine. I am a pediatric health officer, and I have been in the health industry for fifteen years now. As it is often said, knowledge is power, and so today, I look forward to sharing with you important facts about mandatory vaccinations for our children. This has been a topic raising alarms, and having facts about it would change people’s perspective on the issue. I, therefore, hope that my speech will be informative and of help to everyone.

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First and foremost, we should be aware that vaccinations are substances used to fuel the production of antibodies to provide immunity against diseases. Vaccinations are an effective, safe, and simple way of protecting people against harmful diseases before they contact them. Mandatory vaccinations in our state require that every child get the vaccine as a requirement to attend public schools though this is an issue that has raised criticism from parents. You should, therefore, be all aware that mandatory vaccination helps reduce the number of mortality and morbidity caused by diseases that can be prevented by vaccines. Vaccination is important, and I will explain the reasons why we should all give it a positive affirmation.

Vaccinations are a way to save a child’s life. This is because vaccinations safeguard your child from diseases even before contact. The fact that a vaccine can help protect your child from a disease makes it very significant. I will use polio as an example since it is a disease that caused fear among the people because of its grievous effect; it no longer sparks fear because it was controlled by the use of vaccination. As parents, I believe there is nothing we treasure, most like the health of our children, and this should make us agree that vaccination creates a safe haven free of preventable diseases for our children. Another significance of vaccinations is that they are safe and effective. Before a vaccine is given to people, it is usually tested fully to eliminate any chances of harm to a person. Vaccines are, therefore, very safe. Although people may feel the discomfort of a vaccine, which includes pain during administration, redness, and tenderness of the injection site, these effects are much bearable than the pain and discomfort one would get from a disease.

Moreover, vaccinations not only protect the person who received them, but it also help protect others in society. Some children are too young for immunization, whereas others cannot be immunized due to the underlying conditions of their bodies. To help keep these people safe, it is very significant that those who can get immunized do so to prevent the outbreak of diseases in society. By doing so, they will be protecting everyone in community. Also, vaccinations can help reduce money and time waste. Time is of the essence to everyone, and it would be a waste if a parent and a child got send away from a school or a childcare facility for lack of immunization. Furthermore, disabilities caused by a lack of immunization against some diseases could cause a big financial toll on a family as well as time to take care of the person. I, therefore, urge you all to embrace vaccination for a disease-free society.

As I conclude, let me make you aware that I have not exhausted the importance of vaccination. I plead with all of you to help pass this important message to everyone in society to prevent a possible outbreak of diseases as well as to protect our children. Let us all embrace the phrase prevention is better than cure. Once again, thank you for lending me your ears. I hope that we have all acquired helpful information. Thank you, and have a good day.”

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Paper Example. Speech over the Importance of Mandatory Vaccinations. (2023, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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