Speech Paper Sample: Why We Should Go to College

Published: 2022-06-22
Speech Paper Sample: Why We Should Go to College
Type of paper:  Speech
Categories:  College
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1105 words
10 min read

In modern society, there are numerous advantages and reasons as to why we should go to college.

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We should go to college since people who graduate from college usually make more money as compared to individuals with just a high school diploma, these people make connections, and they get more opportunities and even start a tradition that should be upheld among others.

Arouse Interest of the Audience

Data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicate that in the year 2016, a person with a college degree made almost 1,156 USD a week while those with just a high school diploma only earned around 692 USD a week.

Persons who go to college have more opportunity as these people are able to open up their desired choices for jobs, and in college students find new friends and establish connections that help them when they start their career.


The audience of this persuasive speech on the importance of going to college is young people and teenagers from all walks of life.

However, children from the lower class in the society especially those in ghetto needs to be persuaded to join college since the drop out levels are high among the less privileged.

Establish Credibility

Being a graduate of two IV league colleges, I have experienced first-hand benefits of going to college as I have secured myself a great job and has a successful family.

Have also done extensive research on the benefits of going to college.

Have attended numerous conferences and seminars from where I have gained insights on the benefits of going to college.

Proposition Statement

Today I will explain to you the dangers and disadvantages of not going to college as well as expound on the many benefits of going to college.

Although there are also disadvantages and dangers of going to college such as drug abuse and peer pressure, the benefits of going to college are more than the risks.


State the problems

The major problem that necessitates going to college is the rise in the unemployment levels.

The other is that lack of college education has led to increased crime levels.

Reduced quality of life.

Illustrate the Problem

Most of the unemployed individuals today are those that do not have a college degree since in the modern world job opportunities have become competitive hence a high school diploma cannot secure any meaningful job.

These high levels of unemployment have therefore resulted into increased crime rates since the unemployed people who cannot secure a job since they do not have a college degree engage in criminal activities such as robbery and fraud.

Integrate Research

Information given by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicate that people with a college degree earn more money than those with just a high school diploma.

A 2015 report by the Pew Research Center shows that those with a college degree live a happier and healthier life since the divorce rate among the college graduates is around 26 percent while that of high school graduates is above 43 percent.

The journal Review of Economics of the Household 3 states the importance of college education among the youths.

The post campus life is well elaborated in the journal, thriving in college and beyond: Research-based strategies for academic success and personal development


This problem is mostly seen in young African-Americans who do not have a college degree.

Transitions between Points (2-4 used)

Research shows that unemployment and the increased crime rate is highest among young African-Americans who do not have a college degree hence embark on crime as a means of livelihood.


State the solutions 2-3 points (How can this problem be fixed?

The problem of not going to college which leads to unemployment and increased crime rates can be solved by mass education on the importance of going to college and the disadvantages of not having a college degree.

To encourage more young people to go to college, the government and other non-governmental organizations should create employment opportunities for college graduates.

Give a brief universal plan for fixing the problem who did this and it worked

Governments and non-governmental institutions have championed and advocated for the college education through rewarding of college graduates with a good and stable job. The government of the United Kingdom formulated a policy in which all college graduate were to be given jobs and if there were no job vacancies in their field of study the graduates were given a temporary response to do so as to earn their livelihood. This greatly encouraged young people to go to college since they were assured of a job after graduation.


Restate Thesis

Today I have explained the advantages of going to college, the disadvantages of not going to college, recommended the measures to be taken to encourage the young people to go to college and also have given an example of a successful application of my solution.

Summarize/Wrap-Up Main Points

As stated earlier, the benefits of going to college are that one can secure employment, create connections, and live a happy and healthy life.

The dangers of not going to college that are discussed above include unemployment, the rise in crime levels and reduced quality of life.

The recommendation to reduce problems created by not going to college is the formulation of policies and regulations to offer college graduate jobs.

Give the Audience TIME/PLACE/DATE to do an ACTION

I would like to invite each and every one of you to come and join me in the education summit next month that will take place in the City of New York whereby, the main theme will be how to promote college education.

End on a Memorable Note

As I conclude, I want to emphasize that college education is one of the most important pillars of building a career and living a better life. Thank you and God bless you.


Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina, and Jean Kimmel. "Graduates versus non Graduate gap in the United States: The importance of college education." Review of Economics of the Household 3.1 (2012): 17-48.

Bui, Van T. "First-generation college students at a four-year university: Background characteristics, reasons for pursuing higher education, and first-year experiences." College Student Journal 36.1 (2002).

Clague, Ewan. The Bureau of Labor Statistics. No. 13. Praeger Publishers, 2015.

Cuseo, Joseph B., Viki Sox Fecas, and Aaron Thompson. Thriving in college and beyond: Research-based strategies for academic success and personal development. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2010.

Mincer, Jacob. Pew Research Center. "College education On-the-job training: Costs, returns, and some implications." Journal of political Economy 70.5, Part 4 2008): 50-79.

Pascarella, Ernest T., and Patrick T. Terenzini. How college affects students. Vol. 2000. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2011.

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Speech Paper Sample: Why We Should Go to College. (2022, Jun 22). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/speech-paper-sample-why-we-should-go-to-college?pname=speedypaper.com

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